
  • 网络traffic generation
  1. 公路交通发生分析方法研究

    Analysis of Highway Traffic Producing

  2. 根据国际经验,这将是兰州市交通发生质变的关键时期。

    According to the international experience , this will be the crucial phase of Lanzhou traffic situation qualitative change .

  3. 随着我国城市社会、经济的快速发展,城市交通发生了前所未有的迅速增长。

    With the fast development of the national economy and urbanisation , the Chinese municipal transportation system has experienced the unprecedented rapid growth .

  4. 城市现代化的发展和人口的持续增长,不仅使城市公共交通发生了数量上的变化,而且也在质量上提出了更高的要求。

    With the development of urbanization and the population increasing in city , the public transport not only requires large quantity but high quality .

  5. 现代生活快节奏的特点和现代商务活动的高效率要求,及建筑物使用功能的多样化,使电梯垂直交通发生着深刻变化。

    The characteristics of the fast rhyme of the modern life , the high efficiency requirements of modern business transactions and the diversities function of the building service make the vertical passenger traffic undergo a potential change .

  6. 近年来致命交通事故发生率已经下降。

    Fatal road accidents have decreased in frequency over recent years .

  7. 近年来交通事故发生的频率已经下降。

    Traffic accidents have decreased in frequency over recent years .

  8. 基于MATLAB的交通事故发生规律的模糊分布拟合

    Fuzzy Distribution Fitting for Law of Traffic Accidents based on MATLAB

  9. 交通事故发生点具有明确的空间位置属性,其在空间和时间上的分布具有不均匀性,利用GIS技术能实现交通事故信息管理及其时空分布规律的研究。

    In general , traffic accidents have spatial attribute and the distribution of the accident scenes is temporal and spatial non homogeneous . Information management of traffic accident and regularity of temporal and spatial distribution of the scenes could be realized by GIS technology .

  10. 2003年由Stanford和JohnsHopkins大学学者进行的研究分析了21年间的数据,发现在夏时制结束的那个周日,交通事故发生率高于平时。

    A2003 study by researchers at Stanford and Johns Hopkins universities analyzed a21-year period and found a significant spike in traffic accidents on the Sunday that ended daylight savings time .

  11. 虽然这起致命道路交通事故发生在今年1月,但特斯拉一直没有发布声明——直到中国官方的中央电视台(CCTV)上周三的一则报道令人关注这起司法案件。

    Though the fatal crash occurred in January , Tesla did not release a statement until a report from China 's official state broadcaster CCTV last Wednesday cast a spotlight on the court case .

  12. 方法根据Haddon模型的原理,结合本地区道路交通事故发生情况专门制作了道路交通伤调查问卷。

    Methods Based on the theory of Haddon 's model and the incidence of local traffic accident , we designed the ' questionnaire for injure from traffic accident ' . The questionnaire was revised according to pre-investigation .

  13. 提出了一种车载图像捕捉和记录仪的设计,其主要功能是可以记录交通事故发生前25s和发生后5s车辆前方大视角范围内的现场图像信息,为事故责任的准确判断提供有力的事实依据。

    Proposed a design of vehicle-borne image recorder of which the main function is to capture and record the wide-scope image of the accident with time length 25s before and 5-s after . The information extracted from the images can give valid evidence for the responsibility analysis in the case .

  14. 摩托车驾驶员人格与其驾驶行为和交通事故发生的关系

    Association of personality with driving behaviors and accident involvement in motorcyclists

  15. 合肥市2005年道路交通事故发生情况分析

    An analysis on road traffic accidents in Hefei in 2005

  16. 深入剖析导致交通事故发生的原因,超速驾驶是引起交通事故的主要原因之一。

    Speeding is one of the main reasons which cause road accidents .

  17. 交通事故发生规律与城市道路系统的规划设计研究

    Study on Occurrence of Traffic Accident and Planning Design of Urban Road Network

  18. 因此,高速公路的改进也是避免交通事故发生的关键因素。

    Therefore , highway improvement is also a key factor in preventing accidents .

  19. 交通阻塞发生在一个高速公路的交叉点处。

    The traffic jam happened at a highway junction .

  20. 另有2.69%的交通事故发生了逃逸。

    There was 2.69 % traffic accident with escaping .

  21. 结论:一侧额眶部交通伤发生率高。

    Conclusions : Lateral frontal orbit traffic injury is characteristic of high incidence .

  22. 交通事故发生在他回家的路上。

    The traffic accident happened on his way home .

  23. 运用捕获再捕获法估算上海某地区道路交通伤害发生人数

    Estimate the Number of Road Traffic Injury by Capture-recapture Method in a Shanghai District

  24. 很多交通事故发生是由超速所致。

    Lots of accidents occur due to over-speeding .

  25. 加强驾驶员管理预防交通事故发生

    Strengthen management of drivers to control traffic accidents

  26. 通过打击醉酒驾,减少醉酒驾驶引发的交通事故发生。

    By cracking down on drunk driving , we reduce traffic accidents by drunk drive .

  27. 然而,与之相伴的是交通事故发生率的逐年递增以及因此导致的事故损害赔偿案件的大幅上升。

    Consequently , the compensation case of accident damages rises by a wide margin , too .

  28. 道路交通状况发生变化,道路停车已影响车辆正常通行;

    The road traffic conditions have changed and curb-side parking has affected normal thoroughfare for vehicles ;

  29. 路面空间不足,以致人车争路,亦可能导致交通意外发生。

    Insufficient road space to accommodate both vehicular traffic and pedestrians may contribute to traffic accidents .

  30. 全球能源的日益枯竭和交通事故发生的频繁对当前的道路照明提出了更严峻的挑战。

    Today , energy sources lacking increasingly and the frequency of traffic accident is challenging road lighting .