
  1. 第3章对旧县村的保护与复兴工作的过程进行描述与总结,在其中得出关于指导思想、工作思路和工作方法的经验性成果。

    Chapter 3 is the description and summary of conservation and revitalization of Jiuxian village , in which draw on the empirical results of the guiding ideology , thinking and working methods .

  2. 第二部分是对笔者参与的广西阳朔县旧县村历史村落保护与复兴项目的过程经验进行描述与分析,探索适合中国的历史村落保护与复兴工作策略。

    The second part is about the description and analysis of the conservation and revitalization of Jiuxian village in Guangxi province , to explore the Strategies of conservation and revitalization-of historical village suited to China .