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  • Drunken Fist;boxing simulating drunkenness
醉拳 [zuì quán]
  • [drunkards boxing;a Chinese boxing showing the state of being drunk] 一种酷似醉汉姿态的拳术,以恰如其分的仰俯歪斜为特征,柔中不失刚劲

  1. 醉拳可以躲避地面单位的攻击或者对其产生致命一击,却不能作用于空军。

    Drunken Brawler can crit and proc a ground unit , but not an air unit .

  2. 接下来就是影片《醉拳》(另一个畅销电影)和成龙第一次执导的影片《笑拳怪招》。

    This was followed by Drunken Master ( another blockbuster ) and Jackie 's first ever directing job , Fearless Hyena .

  3. 1978年他主演的《醉拳》和《警察故事》系列,开启了他在国内的职业生涯,而警察动作喜剧片《红番区》和《尖峰时刻》则助他登上了国际舞台。

    Hits such as 1978 's The Drunken Master and the Police Story series launched his career at home , while police action comedies including Rumble in the Bronx and the Rush Hour trilogy made him an international star .

  4. 在他之前,出演过黄飞鸿的都是功夫巨星,包括李连杰(1991年《黄飞鸿》)和成龙(1978年《醉拳》)。对此,32岁的彭于晏坦言自己在影片拍摄时也感到“压力巨大”。

    His predecessors are great martial arts stars Jet Li ( Once Upon a Time in China , in 1991 ) and Jackie Chan ( Drunken Master , in 1978 ) , and the 32-year-old admits he felt an " immense pressure " while playing the role .