
jiǔ wén huà
  • Liquor culture;spirits culture
酒文化[jiǔ wén huà]
  1. 这使得酒文化与酒包装形成了紧密联系、不可分割的整体。

    So the wine culture is integrated with the package design .

  2. 整个作品无处不透着酒文化的气息。

    Alcoholic culture exists here and there in the whole works .

  3. 中国酒文化研究50年

    Fifty Years ′ Research on China Culture of Alcoholic Beverages

  4. 以酒文化为底蕴建设品牌经营工程

    As Details of Culture of Alcoholic Drink Constructing Famous Brand Operating Project

  5. 社会恶习历史再现&《失去的周末》与酒文化

    Bad Social Habits History Reappearance The Lost Weekend Alcoholic Culture

  6. 中国是文明古国,酒文化也历史悠久,博大精深。

    China , a civilized country , has a very long history .

  7. 酒文化与少数民族传统体育文化的融合与发展

    Fusion and Development of Wine Culture and Minorities ' Traditional Sports Culture

  8. 酒文化及酒的精神文化价值探微

    On the Spiritual Culture Value of China Wine Culture

  9. 酒文化的发展道路&白酒文化与竞争力之二

    The Development Road of Liquor Culture - Liquor Culture and Its Competitiveness ⅱ

  10. 中华酒文化特点&白酒文化与竞争力之四

    Characteristics of Liquor Culture in China & Liquor Culture and Its Competitiveness ⅳ

  11. 清代台湾少数民族酒文化探析

    A Probe on Alcohol Culture of Ethnics in Taiwan During the Qing Dynasty

  12. 中西酒文化比较

    Comparison Between the Alcoholic Drink Culture in China and in the Western Countries

  13. 美国的酒文化

    Drinking in America Hospital culture is an important position in hospital . Culture

  14. 论《水浒传》中的酒文化

    On the Liquor Culture in Heroes of the Marshes

  15. 中国古代女性文学与酒文化

    Woman literature and Wine Culture of the Ancient China

  16. 汉字也同古代传说一样遗留有酒文化的信息。

    Like old folklores , Chinese characters also contain information about wine culture .

  17. 浅论中国古代诗酒文化

    A Brief Talk on China 's Ancient Culture of the Poem and Wine

  18. 在酒文化起源上,中西方的看法完全不同。

    Origin of the wine culture , the Western view is entirely different .

  19. 赵凤琦:重构双沟酒文化

    Zhao Fengqi : remold liquor culture of Shuang Gou

  20. 乔伊斯和鲁迅小说中的酒文化审美

    The Aesthetics of Alcoholic Culture in Joyce 's and Lu Xun 's Novels

  21. 中国酒文化的艺术特色探微

    Exploration About Artistic Characters of Chinese Alcoholic Drink Culture

  22. 酒文化,是中国五千年文明中的一道独特风景。

    Wine culture is a bright spot in five thousand years of Chinese civilization .

  23. 黄酒的醡酒文化及发展

    Yellow Rice Wine Pressing Culture & Its Development

  24. 步入绍兴酒文化历史的殿堂

    Walking into the Museum of Shaoxing Wine Culture

  25. 愁与醉无醒&杜甫与唐代酒文化

    DU Fu and Wine Culture in Tang Dynasty

  26. 酒文化研讨会及与中日酒文化的交流中、日、俄3国文化近代转型比较

    Cultural Relations Between China , Japan and Russia

  27. 论唐诗的酒文化内涵

    On the Connotation of Wine Culture Embedded in the Poetry of the Tang Dynasty

  28. 小报还那英国的美食、酒文化以及体育开涮。

    It goes on to poke fun at British cuisine , drinking-habits and sport .

  29. 中国酒文化与酒包装容器

    Chinese Wine Culture & Wine Packaging Container

  30. 《诗经》与酒文化

    The Book of Songs and Wine Culture