
  • 网络Hotel Human Resources Management;Human Resources Management in Hotel
  1. EVA业绩评价方法与薪酬激励制度在酒店人力资源管理中的应用

    Application of EVA Outstanding Achievement Assessment and Salary Excitation in the Process of Hotel Labor Power Resources Management

  2. 服务力视域下的酒店人力资源管理初探

    Study on Human Resource Management of Hotel under the Horizon of Service Ability

  3. 跨入网络时代的酒店人力资源管理

    Managing Human Resources in Hotels in Net Age

  4. 优化酒店人力资源管理的有效途径

    Management on Human Resources of Hotel

  5. 从人力资源到人力资本&论中国酒店人力资源管理理念的创新

    From the Human Resource to the Human Capital & Innovate the concept of human resource management in Chinese hotel

  6. 如何建立有效的激励机制,是酒店人力资源管理的一个重要课题。

    How to set up an effective excitation mechanism is an important task of a hotel in the human resource management .

  7. 如何有效地激励管理人员、提高其工作积极性和主动性是酒店人力资源管理的重要问题。

    How to effectively motivate managers to improve their work enthusiasm and initiative is the important issue of the hotel human resources management .

  8. 在人员流动日益频繁的今天,如何对知识性员工进行有效管理是酒店人力资源管理中的一大难题。

    At the increasingly frequent movement of today , how manage the staff effectively is a major problem of hotel human resources management .

  9. 目前,我国酒店人力资源管理中仍存在着两大矛盾难以解决。一是高峰期的员工紧缺和日常的员工闲置问题,二是人力成本和高服务质量的问题。

    Currently , there are still two conflicts about human resources management of the hotel to resolve : the one problem is the employee shortage on the peak and the employee idle on the daily , the another is the human cost and high quality service .

  10. 这些策略不仅可以为铜川JT酒店的人力资源管理提供帮助,同时对于其他的酒店人力资源管理具有很好的参考价值。

    These strategies can not only help for tongchuan JT hotel human resources management , and at the same time for the other hotel human resources management has the very good reference value .

  11. 酒店业人力资源管理之绩效管理&以潍坊市东方大酒店为例

    Performance Management for HRM in Hotel Industry & Taking Oriental Hotel Weifang for Example

  12. 这对于帮助酒店提升人力资源管理水平,获取更好的经营效益,改善和加强酒店核心竞争力建设等都具有较大的应用价值。

    It is helpful for hotels to improve their hotel human resource management level , acquire the best benefit and strengthen their core competition .

  13. 如何留住优秀的人才,充分利用人力资源,是酒店企业人力资源管理的重要课题。

    It is an important problem to hotel management of human resources that how to remain the excellent staff , how to make full use of human resources .

  14. 专家指出,未来我国旅游业的发展首当其冲的就是危机管理,酒店人力资源危机管理的重要性也日益体现。

    Experts point out that for the development of tourism industry of our country in the future , crisis management will bear the burnt . Human resources crisis reflects the growing importance .

  15. 基于酒店以人为本的人力资源管理构建

    Construction of Human-based Human Resource Management on the Basis of Hotels

  16. 同时采用对比研究的方法,将国际和国内酒店集团的人力资源管理控制进行了剖析。

    Meanwhile , the article analyzed the internal human resource management control of hotel group by adopting the method of comparative analysis .

  17. 分别介绍该酒店的基本概况、该酒店的人力资源管理模式、它的人力资源管理的实际利用状况以及人力资源管理的主要问题。

    This chapter introduces the background of the hotel , the practical use of human resource management in the hotel and summarizes the main problems of human resource management in the hotel .

  18. 但是如何留住酒店的优秀人才,降低员工的流失率,已成为酒店人力资源管理的一大困惑。

    But it has become a confusion that how to keep talent and reduce employee turnover rate for human resource management of hotels .

  19. 酒店员工流动率过高,特别是优秀员工的不断流失已成为困扰我国酒店业人力资源管理者的一大难题。

    The high hotel employee turnover rate , especially the talent drain , has been a main difficulty for Chinese human resource managers .

  20. 酒店人力资源的竞争也日益激烈,人员流动频繁,人才流失率不断提高,给酒店人力资源管理带来很大的困惑。

    Hotel human resources is increasingly competitive , high staff turnover , increasing talent turnover , bring a lot of confusion hotel human resources management .

  21. 作为酒店业中一线专业技术人才和初、中级管理人才的主要来源,中等职业学校酒店专业的毕业生已然成为酒店人力资源管理中重点关注的人群。

    Early as first-line technical personnel and the main source of middle management personnel in the hotel industry , graduates of secondary vocational schools , has become the focus on the crowd in the Hotel Human Resource Management .