
  1. 我国中小型酒店服务质量改进应用研究

    Improvement of Service Quality in Small and Middle Hotels in China

  2. 顾客体验价值与酒店服务质量研究

    A Research on Customer Experience Value and Hotel Service Quality

  3. 是酒店服务质量标准和程序的内在体现。

    It is service quality level of hotels and inherent embodiment of procedure .

  4. 谈宾客对酒店服务质量的评价

    An Exploration about the Hotel Guest Service Quality Evaluation

  5. 青岛海景花园大酒店服务质量控制系统优化研究

    The Study of Service Quality Control System Improvement in Qingdao Sea View Garden Hotel

  6. 句型操练:这家三星级酒店服务质量一直在下降。

    The three-star hotel has been falling below the way things ought to be .

  7. 其次,研究酒店服务质量传递过程可知,顾客体验价值是酒店服务质量传递的重要环节。

    Secondly , customer experience value is an important clasp of hotel service quality chain .

  8. 我正在做我得硕士毕业论文,有关于中国酒店服务质量得研究报告。

    I am doing my Masters Dissertation , which is conducting a study about service quality in Hotel industry in China .

  9. 本文探讨了酒店服务质量与人员素质的关系,规范原则与质量标准的关系。

    This paper probes into the relationship between service quality and staff qualification aswell as that between norm principles and quality standars in hotels .

  10. 第一章从理论和实践两方面介绍了酒店服务质量管理研究的背景和意义。

    At the first place , I introduce the background and significance of the research of hotel service quality management in theory and practice .

  11. 相反,不好的商务礼仪会导致酒店服务质量的下降,并直接影响酒店利益。

    By contrast , bad Business Etiquettes will lead to the decline of quality of hotel service , and directly influence the interest of hotel .

  12. 顾客体验价值是服务质量传递的重要环节,因此,要建立以顾客价值交付体系为基础的酒店服务质量管理方式。

    Customers ' experience value is the very important link in the chain of service quality 's delivery , so the pattern of hotels ' service quality management based on customer value delivery system should be established .

  13. 首先,从分析酒店服务质量的形成过程开始,研究了酒店服务质量、顾客不满意及顾客抱怨等概念框架,建立了酒店顾客抱怨行为模型。

    Starting from analyzing the formation of hotel service quality , this paper studies the conceptual framework of hotel service quality , consumer dissatisfaction , and consumer complaints , and attempts to set up hotel consumer complaints model .

  14. 酒店服务质量管理提升成为酒店提高竞争力最为关键的因素,如果酒店服务质量管理做不到与时俱进,则将失去竞争的根本。

    The service quality upgrade is one of the most influential factors of a hotel management . In contrast , if it does not follow the rule and trends , however , it will lose the essence of competition .

  15. 本文首先论证了顾客感知服务质量是评定酒店服务质量的基本标准,然后分析了影响顾客感知服务质量的重要因素,最后阐述了对其相关因素的控制策略。

    The paper first discusses the basic standards of evaluating hotel service quality by service quality of guest reaction , then analyses some important factors affecting the service quality of guest reaction , and last explains the control strategy of some relevant factors .

  16. 这家酒店的服务质量很不让人满意。

    The service of the hotel is anything but satisfactory .

  17. 酒店前厅服务质量与顾客满意度分析&以北京诺富特和平宾馆为例

    An Analysis of Service Quality of Front Office in Hotels and Customer Satisfaction & A Case Study of Novotel Peace Beijing Hotel

  18. 我国加入WTO后,作为在服务业中占据重要而特殊地位的行业,国内酒店业的服务质量随着全球旅游浪潮的席卷和竞争的加剧而日益受到重视。

    Since China 's WTO entrance , the service quality , as a very important and unique factor in domestic hospitality industry , which is accompanying by the fast growing global tourism development and competition , is attracting more and more attention in a worldwide basis .

  19. 论酒店顾客感知服务质量的控制

    On Control of Service Quality of Hotel Guest Reaction

  20. 所以,酒店要提高服务质量,就必须重视顾客体验价值交付体系,提供更多的顾客体验价值,同时酒店的服务质量管理观也要由规范型转变为顾客型。

    Thus , here comes to a conclusion that hotel must set up a deliver system of customer experience value in order to improve the overall service quality and to provide more value of customer service . The concept of hotel service quality management should shift from standard-oriented to customer-oriented .

  21. 多变的消费市场、全球化的竞争以及急剧上升的经营成本,促使酒店业不断提升服务质量以迎合顾客的需求和欲望。

    Changing consumer market , global competition and a sharp increase in operating costs , promote the hotel industry to improve service quality to meet customers ' needs and desires .

  22. 作者研究了酒店顾客体验价值和酒店服务质量,发现二者具有很强的相关性。

    The author took a close study and revealed the interconnection between service quality and deliver system of customer experience value .

  23. 酒店点评作为一种新型酒店感知服务质量评价方式,由于其评论的真实性,成为酒店消费者决策的重要依据。

    On the one hand , as a new kind of hotel service quality evaluation methods , hotel reviews are becoming the important basis for consumer decision-making of hotel guest due to the objectivity and authenticity of the reviews .

  24. 酒店员工流失率过高导致酒店的服务质量下降、人力资源成本提高、员工队伍不稳定、员工士气降低,从而最终导致酒店业务受损。

    The high employee turnover rate results in a decline of the service quality , an improving of the human resources cost , an unstability of the staff team , a reduction of the staff morale and finally the confusing of the operation and management .

  25. 运用科学的方法搜集信息并进行分析,发现酒店存在的问题和漏洞,并对酒店前厅服务质量进行评估和检测,提出补救方法和改进建议,成为各个酒店的当务之急。

    It is an urgent task to be accomplished by different hotels to collect information with scientific methods and make an analysis , to find out problems and flaws , to make assessment of service quality of front office and to offer remedy and suggestions for improvement .

  26. 如果你身在不同的国家如何预定酒店的房间,你又如何知道所订的酒店服务质量好坏?

    SC : If you are booking a room in a different part of the world , how do you know you are really getting a quality hotel ?

  27. 同时,酒店竞争力的强弱很大程度上归结为酒店产品的核心服务质量上。

    The hotel competitiveness largely core for thehotel product is a quality of service .

  28. 我国酒店业在经过近二十年发展后,应从规范型服务质量管理向顾客型服务质量管理过渡,以赢得酒店服务质量的竞争优势。

    After 20 years ' development of Chinese hotel industry , it is necessary for the Chinese hotels to transit from standard-oriented service quality management to customer-oriented service quality management in order to obtain competitive advantages in hotels ' service quality .

  29. 现代化的酒店结构庞大、服务内容多样化,要想提高酒店运营收益和服务质量,降低酒店自身的生产成本,必须实行现代化的信息管理。

    As modern hotel has huge organizations and diversity services , the hotel must implement modern information management in order to improve the operating income and the quality of service and to reduce the hotel cost of production .

  30. 如今,各经济型酒店价格基本趋同,相同地段相同房型的价格相差无几,经济型酒店必须要提高服务质量以提升入住率。

    Nowadays , various Economy Hotels ' price hastens basically with , the same land sector has a sexual intercourse the price is almost the same ( see chart 1 ), the Economy Hotel must improve the grade of service to promote the occupancy rate .