
  • 网络Broadband Service
  1. 这些包括政府对于科研方面的资金支持、国家对于新兴产业的政策扶持、教育上的成果、工程师和科学家的培养,甚至还有互联网宽带服务的网速。

    These include government financing for scientific research , national policies to support emerging industries , educational achievement , engineers and scientists graduated , even the speeds of Internet broadband service .

  2. 基于SSG构建个性化宽带服务平台

    Constructing Individual Broadband Service Platform Based on SSG

  3. FCC说,这些州的法律不公平地限制了市政部门与有线电视和电信宽带服务提供商的竞争。

    The state laws unfairly restrict municipal competition with cable and telecommunications broadband providers , the F.C.C. said .

  4. 据FCC统计,大约20个州有限制社区宽带服务活动的法律。

    About 20 states , by the F.C.C. " s count , have laws that restrict the activities of community broadband services .

  5. 为了使未来的无线通信网络支持这些宽带服务,必须开发出新的基于宽带无线系统BWS(BroadbandWirelessSystem)的技术。

    To apply wireless communication network in the future to these broadband services , new techniques based on BWS ( broadband wireless system ) should be developed .

  6. 该方法充分利用了ATM网络和HFC网络的特点,不需进行重复投资即可在一定范围内解决用户对交互式宽带服务的需求。

    It takes advantages of both ATM and HFC and meets the needs of users ' interactive broadband services without any reinvestment .

  7. 实验证明该切换方案能够为高速移动环境的用户提供有QoS保证的宽带服务,并且在切换时延和丢包率方面都优于经典切换方案。

    The experimental results demonstrate that the method can provide bandwidth service with QoS for high speed moving train , and handoff performance is superior in latency and packet loss .

  8. ITU报告呼吁宽带服务在政府、教育、医疗更行业发挥更大的作用。

    The report urges broadband service providers to play a more important role in government , education and health areas .

  9. 上个月,谷歌(Google)宣布推出超高速宽带服务GoogleFiber,月付70美元就能享用高达1G的网速,再付50美元就能观赏一系列高清电视频道。

    Last month , Google announced its Google fiber initiative promising 1 Gigabit of Internet speed for $ 70 a month and throwing in dozens of high-definition television channels for another $ 50 a month .

  10. 回想当时,人们只能从电话公司获得宽带服务,比如,要获得T1专线的宽带服务就需要每个月支付3000美元。

    Recall at that time you could only get broadband service from the telephone company , e.g.getting a T1 line which would cost you $ 3,000 / month .

  11. Vestberg说,在其他情况下,5G无线技术可以替代通过电线进入你家的宽带服务。

    In other cases , 5G wireless technology may replace the broadband service coming into your home via wires or cables , Vestberg said .

  12. 要在线播放一部4K视频,宽带服务商必须能够持续提供至少每秒15兆的网速。

    To stream a 4K video , you will need a broadband service that can provide a speed of at least 15 megabits per second , all the time .

  13. 如果收购Netflix,康卡斯特就可能把前者的视频流媒体门户网站和自己的宽带服务捆绑在一起,此举或许有助于康卡斯特弥补有线电视用户的流失。

    By acquiring Netflix , Comcast could bundle the company 's video streaming portal with its own broadband access service , which might help it to replace customers that it loses on the cable side .

  14. 他们的一个明确担忧是:提供最后一英里宽带服务的互联网服务供应商(ISP)会改变定价策略,不仅向终端用户收取上网费用,而且向应用软件销售商(如搜索引擎)收取接触客户的费用。

    The specific fear was that internet service providers delivering last-mile broadband would shift their pricing strategies , charging not only end users for their connections but application vendors ( say , search engines ) for access to their customers .

  15. Montpetit想联结不同的通信系统(尤其是移动和宽带服务)创造一个优质的用户体验。

    Montpetit wants to unite different communication systems especially cellular and broadband services to create an elegant user experience .

  16. 威瑞信可以通过蜂窝网络和各种宽带服务,在使用AOL广告服务的应用中了解用户的细节信息。

    Through its cellular network and its various broadband offerings , Verizon can help AOL figure out lots of details about a user who lands in an app whose ads are powered by AOL 's ad services .

  17. 在日益增长的宽带服务业务和接入需求的驱使下,光纤到户(FTTH)凭借其极大的带宽成为最理想的接入网技术。

    Driven by increasing demand for broadband services and access network , fi-ber-to-the-home ( FTTH ) has been intensively investigated for its potential application in access network . Passive Optical Network ( PON ) is an ideal choice for FTTH because of its unlimited bandwidth and cost-effective system .

  18. 这与其他有着更好的宽带服务的国家不同。

    This is unlike some other countries with better broadband access .

  19. 社区能极大的从延伸宽带服务中获益。

    The community will benefit from extended broadband services in important ways .

  20. 国会会赋予该机构对宽带服务更清晰的职责范围。

    Congress could give the agency clearer powers over broadband .

  21. 大多数美国人通过有线电视供应商或电话公司来获得宽带服务。

    Most Americans get broadband service through their cable television provider or telephone company .

  22. 按照这一点,F.C.C为宽带服务设置规则的权利从来没有得到明确的认可。

    its powers to set rules for broadband service have never been clearly recognized .

  23. 不仅是道路和桥梁,还有高速铁路和拓展宽带服务。

    Not just roads and bridges , but high-speed railroads and expanded broadband access .

  24. 奥巴马特别呼吁委员会把高速宽带服务归类为第二章的公用事业。

    Mr. Obama specifically called on the commission to classify high-speed broadband service as a utility under Title II .

  25. 宽带服务的普及也降低了交易费用,为散户投资者的积极参与助了一臂之力。

    Easy access to broadband services has also contributed to the active participation of retail investors by reducing trading fees .

  26. 今天,大多数的宽带服务远远超过现有的有线电视和电话线路的服务。

    Most broadband connections today run over existing cable TV and telephone lines although these technologies aren 't available everywhere .

  27. 但是,无线运营商在控制数据传输方面拥有更大的灵活性,原因是无线系统的宽带服务本来就十分有限。

    Wireless companies , however , were given more leeway to manage data traffic because wireless systems have more bandwidth constraints .

  28. 如果某电信公司故意对少数族裔地区或者贫困地区的高速宽带服务的可获性进行限制,则构成电子歧视。

    Electronic redlining occurs when a telecoms company intentionally limits the availability of high-speed broadband services in minority or poor neighbourhoods .

  29. 同时,一宗法律案件也对该机构调控宽带服务的合法权利提出了疑问。

    At the same time , a court case has raised questions about the agency 's legal powers to broadband service .

  30. 他的言论引发了一轮有线电视股抛售,这些企业是宽带服务的主要提供者。

    His comments triggered a sell-off in shares of cable companies , which are among the biggest providers of broadband internet .