
  • 网络Loose management;Slack Management
  1. 30年的高速增长和宽松的管理使得中国的环境被敲响警钟。

    Three decades of double-digit growth and lax regulation has taken its toll on Chinas environment .

  2. 如果实行相对宽松的管理政策,以此向教师们致敬又如何?

    And how about honoring teachers with administrative and instructional policies that don 't infantalize them ?

  3. 高帮松紧鞋两帮有松紧布且高至脚踝的鞋高职高专班主任宽松式管理工作思考

    An ankle-high shoe with elastic sides . Reflection on Loose Management of Head Teacher in Higher Vocational College

  4. 中职学校班主任如何管理校外实习生高职高专班主任宽松式管理工作思考

    How does the Duty School Teacher in Charge Manage the Extracurricular Intern Reflection on Loose Management of Head Teacher in Higher Vocational College

  5. 班主任在高职高专院校中的角色定位高职高专班主任宽松式管理工作思考

    Roles of the Teacher in Charge of Class in High Vocational Schools ; Reflection on Loose Management of Head Teacher in Higher Vocational College

  6. 高校专兼职班主任工作的规范化管理高职高专班主任宽松式管理工作思考

    Standardized management of full-time and part-time work of teachers in charge of classes in higher institutions ; Reflection on Loose Management of Head Teacher in Higher Vocational College

  7. 文章接着对美国、欧盟、日本等国家和地区相关立法及国际条约进行了综合比较,指出美国转基因产品采取宽松的管理模式,欧盟则采用了严格的管制方式,而日本的管理方式较折中。

    Then , it continues to compare the relative legislation of USA , Europe Union , Japan and international treaties and then points out that America adopts the loose model of administration , Europe Union adopts the strict model and Japan splits the difference .

  8. 宽松的枪支管理法律使国家(洲)变成一个吸引罪犯的地方。

    Loose gun-control laws make the state an attractive place for criminals .

  9. 改进专业技术职务考核评定标准并实行柔性和宽松的户籍管理制度;

    The Evaluation and the Engagement of the Technical or Professional Title to reform the standard of professional skill test , and enforce the flexible and relaxed residence management system ;

  10. 马斯特里赫特条约(Maastrichttreaty)限制了欧洲的联邦预算赤字;财政部门未能实现一体化则造成货币政策(特别是量化宽松政策)难以管理。

    The Maastricht Treaty puts limits on federal budget deficits in Europe while the absence of a unified treasury makes monetary policy ( QE policies in particular ) difficult to administer .