
  1. 因为天然河道形状复杂,故而在近似化为宽浅人工渠道并用曼宁公式处理时不可避免地会带来模型误差。

    Because the situation of an actual river is so complex ( not as artificially channels ) that using Manning 's equation will lead to error inevitably .

  2. 第二级的出水渠为宽浅型渠道,底坡为0.08~0.05,坡度较一般溢洪道缓,但落差较大。

    The second level of spillway is a wide and shallow canal with a bottom slope of 0.08-0.05 , which is slower than ordinary spillway , but the drop of the canal is large .

  3. 一方面,企业上市可以获得更宽的融资渠道和更好的发展机会,另一方面,企业上市也面临着更激烈的市场竞争和更大的市场风险。

    On the one hand , the listed companies can obtain wider financial channels and better development opportunities . On the other hand , the listed companies are also facing more intense competition and greater market risk .

  4. 超越意识动态和政治领域的局限,以国家利益为重,开展全方位、宽领域、多渠道、深层次的党际外交等三个方面的启迪。

    Pass over the limitation of ideology and politic fields , Thinking the national benefits as the most importance , developing the inter-party diplomacy of the all-round positions , wide fields , many means , deep levels .