
  • 网络Broadband Network;NBN;ADSL
  1. 下一代Internet宽带网络技术&MPLS

    Next Generation Internet Broadband Network Technology & MPLS

  2. 基于宽带网络的TCP报文还原与应用研究

    The Research on the TCP Message Reverting and Application in the Broadband Network

  3. 基于MPLS的IP宽带网络体系结构及关键技术研究

    Study of Architecture and Key Problems on MPLS-based Broadband IP Network

  4. ATM宽带网络流量与拥塞控制研究

    Study on Flow and Congestion Control for the ATM Broadband Network

  5. 一种用于分群OFDM超宽带网络的功率分配新算法

    A Novel Power Allocation Algorithm for Clustered OFDM UWB Networks

  6. 基于宽带网络的HelixServer研究

    On Helix Server based on broad band

  7. 针对现有宽带网络的计费方法,用系统集成的思想设计了一种基于Web宽带网络安全计费系统。

    Aimed at the wide-band network counting method available , a Web & based wide-band network security counting system was designed by means of system integration .

  8. ATM在未来宽带网络中的地位

    Position of ATM in the Future Broadband Networks

  9. ATM宽带网络上的通信新业务

    New Telecom Services On Broadband ATM Networks

  10. MPLS宽带网络技术及其标准化新进展

    The Broadband Network Technologies of MPLS and its New Advance of Standardization

  11. 基于龙芯CPU的有线宽带网络SoC硬件抽象层研究与实现

    Research and Implementation of Hardware Abstraction Layer for Cable Broadband Network SoC Based on Godson CPU

  12. CATV宽带网络家庭综合布线设计

    Integrated Wiring Design for CATV Broadband Network for Family

  13. 尽管IP将是未来宽带网络的核心,近期内多种组网技术仍将并存。

    The various networking technologies will coexist in the near term even though IP will be the core of the future broadband network .

  14. VoIP在有线宽带网络上的应用

    Application of VoIP in the CATV Broadband Network

  15. 社区宽带网络中VOD软件实现

    Software Implementations of VOD System in Community Broadband Network

  16. 基于EPON的小区宽带网络接入技术研究

    Research on Community Broadband Network Access Technology Based on EPON

  17. IP业务量正呈爆炸式增长,各电信公司、网络运营商都在积极建设下一代宽带网络。

    To meet the demands of the explosive growth of IP traffic , various telcos and network operators are vigorously constructing the next generation broadband networks .

  18. 随着数字技术、多媒体通信和IP宽带网络技术的不断发展,信息领域取得了革命性的进步。

    With digital technology , multimedia communications and IP broadband network technology and the continuing development of the field of information has been made revolutionary progress .

  19. 在规划设计的前期准备工作中,查阅了大量国内外关于宽带网络技术及城域网建设的文献资料,完成了沈阳联通宽带IP城域网构建的论文。

    During the period of preparation to this project , I have read a lot of domestic and overseas literatures about broadband network technology and MAN construction .

  20. 基于宽带网络嗅探的实时TCP报文还原处理IP包缓存和TCP连接相关信息维护的内存管理。

    The recovering of real-time TCP message based on wide-band networks sniffer deals with memory management for buffer memory of IP packets and TCP connection maintenance .

  21. 随着电力线通信(PLC)技术的不断发展,电力线通信以其广泛、便捷、经济等优势已经成为宽带网络发展的一个新方向。

    With the constant development of communication technology , power line communication ( PLC ) has become a new research direction for its broad , convenient and economic .

  22. 基于RTT的宽带网络拥塞控制研究

    Research on Congestion Control of Broadband Network Based on RTT

  23. 卫星电视公司(DirectTV、DISHNetwork)有着利润颇丰的电视业务和覆盖全国的网络系统,但是缺少真正的宽带网络服务,所以他们并不适合。

    The satellite TV guys ( DirecTV , Dish Network ) have good pay TV businesses and nationwide coverage but lack true broadband Internet offerings , so they wouldn 't be a fit .

  24. 基于VXI的宽带网络测试仪

    A Broadband Network Test System Based on VXI Bus

  25. 目前,宽带网络的接入方式有:以太网(光纤双绞线交换机)、ADSL、CABLEModem(HFC)、宽带无线等。

    At present , there are different modes of broadband access : Ethernet , ADSL , Cable Modem ( HFC ) and wireless broadband .

  26. 当前政府正在大力推广Internet及宽带网络,加之正在兴起的网络电视计划,这些因素极大的推动了网络流媒体业务的迅速发展。

    With the popularization of the Internet and broadband network supported by the current government and the rapid growth of the IPTV ( television over IP ) plan , the stream media service over network develops fast too .

  27. 随着多媒体技术和宽带网络的发展,为视频点播(VOD)技术创造了良好的条件。

    The development of multimedia technology and broadband network have created fairly good condition for Video On Demand ( VOD ) technology .

  28. 介绍了宽带网络生存性的最新国内外研究动态,进而深入讨论了多层网络生存性综合控制策略,并提出了一种有效的SDH/ATM网络生存性控制策略。

    This paper discusses integrated survivability control strategies in multi layers broadband networks and presents a efficient survivability escalation strategy for SDH based ATM transport networks .

  29. 随着宽带网络迅猛发展,IP多媒体技术日渐成熟,数字技术、计算机技术日益与消费家电产品相结合,融合多媒体内容、宽带网络、数字电视的全新的宽带服务模式必将成为一个极具前景的产业。

    With the fast development of board band network , the technology of IP multimedia is more and more advanced ; the digital technology and computer is more and more combined with consumed appliance ;

  30. 提出了一种宽带网络中基于模糊神经网络的连接接纳控制()方法,结合了模糊逻辑的语言控制能力和神经网络的自学习能CAC力。

    This paper proposes a fuzzy neural network approach for connection admission control ( FNN-CAC ) in broadband networks .