
  • 网络Broadband China
  1. 这对中国意味着什么呢?宽带在中国的发展很快,已从网上浏览发展到网上互动。

    What does this mean for China · Broadband is developing rapidly in China , moving from browse-only to interactive .

  2. 我国已确定选用基于DC-OFDM技术的超宽带技术作为中国超宽带的标准。

    DC-OFDM based UWB technique has been selected as the standard of Information technology Telecommunications and information exchange between systems of China .

  3. 湖南电信的宽带业务在中国电信集团内部居于先进地位。湖南电信宽带业务基本竞争战略的选择应当具体分析,宽带接入领域应采取成本领先战略,而宽带应用领域宜采取差异化战略。

    The basic competing strategic choices of Hunan broadband services should be analysed specifically . Cost strategies should be mainly considered in the fields of broadband access .

  4. 宽带业务是中国电信最主要的支撑业务之一,也是重要的收入增长驱动力和差异化竞争产品。

    Broadband business is one of the most important mainstay services of China Telecom , which also an important driver of income growth and competitive products of differentiation .

  5. 宽带接入网在中国某些地区已具有相当的规模。

    Broadband access network is in a considerable size in some areas in China .

  6. 随着三网融合的推进及业务发展的需要,科技部与国家广电总局签署了《国家高性能宽带信息网暨中国下一代广播电视网自主创新合作协议书》。

    With the promotion of the triple play and the business development needs , Ministry of Science formally signed the " National high performance broadband information network and China the next generation of radio and television innovation cooperation agreement " with the State Administration of Radio .