
  • 网络Broadband access technology;xDSL;pon
  1. 高速铁路旅客Internet无线宽带接入技术研究

    The Technology Research of Internet Wireless Broadband Access for High-speed Rail Passenger

  2. Internet宽带接入技术及展望

    Internet network broadband access technology and Prospect

  3. Internet宽带接入技术分析

    Analysis on Broadband Insertion Technique of Internet

  4. PLC校园宽带接入技术与网络管理功能设计

    Broadband Access to Campus and Design of Network Management Based on PLC

  5. 面向21世纪的宽带接入技术&以ATM为基础的无源光网络

    A 21 Century Oriented Broadband Access Technique & ATM Based Passive Optical Network

  6. 随着宽带接入技术的发展,人们通过Internet查询信息变得越来越方便快捷。

    Along with the development of broadband access technology , people by way of Internet 's query information becomes more and more conveniently and quickly .

  7. 随着宽带接入技术的不断发展,解决最后一英里(theLastMile)接入瓶颈已迫在眉睫。

    With the continuing development of broad-band access technology , the solution of last mile bottleneck has become imperative .

  8. HFC双向网络中CM宽带接入技术研究与实现

    The Study and Application of CM Broadband Access Technology in HFC Bidirectional Network

  9. 与传统的宽带接入技术相比,高速电力线通信(PLC)具有更强的市场竞争力。

    Compared with traditional access technologies , high speed power line communication ( PLC ) has greater competing power .

  10. HFC与CABLEModem宽带接入技术

    HFC and Cable Modem Broadband Access Technology

  11. 用基于ATM方式的ADSL宽带接入技术构建VPN

    Using ATM over ADSL Broadband Access to Construct VPN

  12. 基于HFC的宽带接入技术及应用

    Technology & Application of Broad - band Access on HFC Network

  13. ADSL技术是近几年来兴起的一门实用宽带接入技术。

    ADSL is a practical Broad Band technology coming up recently .

  14. ADSL宽带接入技术的研究和应用

    The Study and Apply on ADSL Brand Cannel Cut in Technologies

  15. 宽带接入技术在VSP数据传输中的实现

    Application of DSL technology to the data transmission of VSP well logging

  16. ADSL(AsymmetricDigitalSubscriberLine)不对称数字用户环路是一种在现有电话线传输高速数字信号的一种宽带接入技术。

    ADSL ( Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line ) is a broadband access technology capable of delivering large bandwidth over existing copper telephone line infrastructure .

  17. HFC宽带接入技术研究

    Research on HFC Broadband Access Technology

  18. 在分析目前国内有线电视网络宽带接入技术的基础上,介绍了EPON(以太网无源光网络)技术。

    Based on analyzing some current CATV broadband access technique , EPON technique is introduced .

  19. 促进智能家居发展的两个重要基础是嵌入式Internet技术和外部宽带接入技术的发展,从根本解决了嵌入式设备的网络互连的功能。

    With the popularization of network technique and the development of embed Internet , the smart home has been turned from the system of PC-centered control to embed system of intelligent home gateway .

  20. ADSL宽带接入技术已成为目前通信运营商首选的网络接入技术,并被广泛应用。

    ADSL is widely used by the communication operators as a first network access technology .

  21. 基于HFC结构、采用CABLEModem技术的宽带接入技术由于其技术优势已经成为最佳的宽带接入技术之一。

    Cable Modem Broadband Access based on HFC is one of the most popular broadband access techniques because of its particular technique advantages .

  22. 随着空间通信系统的不断发展,卫星通信以其独有的优势逐渐成为Internet的重要组成部分,卫星宽带接入技术成为卫星通信系统发展的一个重要趋势。

    With the development of space communication system , satellite communication system has been acting as an important part of Internet . Broad bandwidth satellite technology becomes a trend of satellite communication system development .

  23. 在现代通信网中,ADSL是一种比较成熟且应用广泛的一种宽带接入技术。

    In the modem communication network , ADSL is a general and mature broadband access technology .

  24. 今天,非对称数字用户环路和光纤同轴混合网掌握着市场的主要份额,这些宽带接入技术主要采用ATM技术。

    Asymmetrical Digital Subscriber Loop ( ADSL ), Hybrid Fiber-Coax ( HFC ) based on ATM technique grabbed the main market share currently .

  25. WDM技术是一种解决光接入网带宽需求急剧增长的有效的宽带接入技术。

    As a good wideband access technology , WDM is an ideal solution to extend the capacity of optical access network .

  26. 随着HFC宽带接入技术和宽带IP网络技术的飞速发展,现代有线电视网正不断向宽带综合业务网络平台演进。

    With the fast development of HFC broadband access and broadband IP network technology , modern CATV network is developing to a broadband integrated service network plant .

  27. 基于以太网的宽带接入技术PPPoE及实现

    The broadband access technology on Ethernet and realization of PPPoE

  28. 随视频设备、个人电脑、宽带接入技术的迅速发展,进而在设备中进行3D处理、视频交换以及复杂的运算等功能导致数据的传输和处理量急剧增大。

    Recently video devices , personal computers and broadband access technology are fast developing . At the same time , 3D processing , video exchanging and complicated computation work lead to quick expanding of the data .

  29. DSL作为一种大众化的宽带接入技术,已在所有发达国家和大多数发展中国家得到推广应用。

    As a popularized broadband access technology , DSL has been widely used in all developed countries and most of developing countries .

  30. 以太无源光网络(EPON)技术是基于以太网和光纤的宽带接入技术,它是一种点到多点的媒体访问机制。

    EPON ( Ethernet-based Passive Optical Network ) is a point to multi-point broad-band access network based on the combination of Ethernet and optical fiber technologies .