
dì zhǐ zhuǎn huàn
  • address translation;address conversion
  1. 网络地址转换(NAT)是一种将一个地址域映射到另一个IP地址域的技术,这种技术现已广泛用于私有地址域与公用地址域的转换过程中。

    Network address conversion ( NAT ) is the technology which makes one address region shines upon another IP address region .

  2. 要在Domino服务器上的所有迁移邮件文件上(在邮件子目录中)执行地址转换,则需要在Domino服务器控制台上输入以下内容

    To perform the address conversion on all migrated mail files on the Domino server ( in the mail subdirectory ), enter the following on the Domino server console

  3. IP网络地址转换技术及其在校园网内部的实现

    IP Network Address Translation and Its Implementation in HUST Network

  4. Java芯片系统中的混合地址转换技术研究

    Hybrid address translation technology in Java chip system

  5. 文中基于无线通信的原理,提出了一种IP过渡时期通用的地址转换机制,并应用于无线网络。

    The mechanism was applied to wireless network .

  6. IP地址转换的小软件。

    IP2IP IP address translation of small software .

  7. Web站点留言本十分简单,它把姓名和地址转换为数据库中的字段。

    A Web-site guest book , which translates a name and address to fields in a database , is simple .

  8. 内网和外网间的同名IP地址转换技术及应用

    Technology and Application on Same IP Network Address Code Translation Between Inside and Outside Network

  9. 引言网络地址转换技术和IP安全体系结构在实际中都是得到广泛应用的技术。

    Network Address Translator technology and IPSec technology are widely used in the Internet today .

  10. 基于P2P的语言IP穿越网络地址转换和防火墙的统一模型

    Unified model for VoIP traverse of NAT and firewall based on P2P networks

  11. 它是一种把内部私有网络地址转换成合法网络IP地址的技术。

    It is capable of translating the interior private network address to the legal network IP address .

  12. 基于SIP的多媒体业务穿越网络地址转换/防火墙研究与设计

    Research and Design of SIP-Based Multimedia Services Traversing NAT / FW

  13. 自行设计的IP地址转换报文可以方便的进行由客户端到服务器端的IP地址配置。

    The self-designed IP address translation message could easily carry out IP address configuration from client to the server .

  14. 由于网络地址转换(NetworkAddressTranslation,NAT)问题和客户端/服务器业务模型的原因,安全通信是单向的。

    Secure communication is one-way due to Network Address Translation ( NAT ) problems and client / server business model .

  15. CPU将查看每一个封包来决定是否需要进行地址转换。

    The CPU must look at every packet to decide whether it must be translated .

  16. 虚拟机管理程序维护了一些影子页表,以便将Guest物理地址转换为主机物理地址。

    The hypervisor maintained shadow page tables to translate guest physical addresses into host physical addresses .

  17. 网络地址转换在Intranet中的应用

    Application of Network Address Translator in Intranet

  18. IPSec协议与网络地址转换的融合

    The Combination of IPSec and NAT An Overview of Address Resolution Protocol

  19. 网络地址转换(NAT)的应用网络地址转换管理信息库研究

    The Application of Network Address Translation Research on NAT management information base

  20. ARMMMU中虚地址转换研究

    Study on Translation of Virtual Address in ARM MMU

  21. NAT协议是网络地址转换协议,NAT协议可暂时缓解IP地址枯竭问题。

    NAT protocol , a network address translater , can temporarily relieve the shortage of ip addresses .

  22. 用网络地址转换(NAT)技术把局域网私有IP地址映射为公用网络IP地址。

    IP address of LAN is mapped to the same external IP address with NAT ( network address translation ) technology .

  23. 在Linux操作系统平台上将防火墙的包过滤、网络地址转换、MAC和IP地址绑定等各项功能进行整合;

    The functions of net firewall data packages filter , NAT , MAC and IP binding based on Linux OS are integrated .

  24. AmazonEC2上托管的AMI使用了网络地址转换(NAT)技术。

    AMIs hosted on Amazon EC2 use network address translation ( NAT ) technology .

  25. H.323标准的视频会议系统和IP电话在实际应用中有一个非常棘手的问题:NAT(网络地址转换)与防火墙的穿透问题。

    There is a very knotty problem for H.323 conference system and IP telephone in practical usage .

  26. 启动地址转换会造成一些功能的丧失,特别是一些通讯协定或应用程式中,涉及到必须在IP的承载资料中夹带IP地址资讯时。

    Enabling address translation will cause a loss of functionality , particularly with any protocol or application that involves sending IP address information inside the IP payload .

  27. 操作系统并不清楚Hypervisor内部的地址转换。

    The operating system is not aware of the address translation within the hypervisor .

  28. 地址转换协议(ARP)如果被恶意利用,会对局域网产生严重威胁。

    Hacker can attack our LAN by maliciously using the Address Resolution Protocol .

  29. 网络地址转换(NAT)是一种在目前网络环境中比较有效的方法,即,将某些IP地址留出来供专用网络重复使用。

    NAT , some IP addresses left for special nets to use repeatedly , is one of the effective way in Internet .

  30. 众多私有网络和地址转换技术(NAT)的存在,给使用会话初始协议(SIP)实现端到端的通信造成了困难。

    The existence of many private LANs and Network Address Translation make difficult the end-to-end communication with the SIP .