
  • 网络Address;address bar;location;omnibox
  1. 首先记录Firefox中的地址栏文本何时发生改变。

    The first part is recording when the location bar text has changed in Firefox .

  2. 地址栏没有更新,以反映执行动作后的新视图,因为JSF通过一个服务器端重定向使之前进。

    The location bar does not get updated to reflect the new view after an action because JSF advances to it through a server-side redirect .

  3. 要完成一个web表单,请打开网页,并在地址栏中点按“自动填充”按钮。

    To complete a web form , open the webpage and click the autofill button in the address bar .

  4. 您甚至可以使用Web浏览器的地址栏调用此API的某些部分。

    You can even invoke parts of the API using your Web browser 's address bar .

  5. 开始在地址栏中键入常用的web地址,会出现相似地址的列表供您选择。

    Start typing a frequently used web address in the address bar , and a list of similar addresses appears that you can choose from .

  6. 在你的通讯录上,每个联系人下面也增加了一个新的Twitter地址栏。

    It also adds a new Twitter address field to your Contacts application .

  7. 运行代码,然后将生成的URL输入到浏览器的地址栏。

    Run the code , then enter the generated URL into your browser 's address bar .

  8. 这个组件不包含Back按钮、地址栏、状态栏,或者任何不属于应用程序呈现部分的内容。

    The component does not include the Back button , the address bar , the status bar , or anything else that is not part of the application 's rendering portion .

  9. 现在,如果你想访问这个网站,你就必须google一下或者手动把网址敲进地址栏。

    Now , if you want to visit the sites you have to have google it or type in the address manually .

  10. 当然,您也可以使用自己的站点,在地址栏输入站点的URL。

    Of course , you can use your own site instead by entering its URL in the address bar .

  11. 它是轻量级的,允许您在地址栏中输入任意的URL并且准确地压缩宽页面。

    It 's lighter-weight , allows you to enter arbitrary URLs in the address bar , and compresses wide pages accurately .

  12. 同样,用户还可以将URI简单地粘贴到Run菜单中、或是任一资源管理器或IE浏览器的地址栏中。

    Likewise users can simply paste the URI into the Run menu or the address field in either Windows Explorer or Internet Explorer .

  13. 要想增加一个可信任的证书颁发机构,浏览到证书错误页面,并且点击InternetExplorer地址栏中的CertificateError按钮。

    To add a Trusted certification authority , continue navigation from the Certificate Error page , and then click the Certificate Error button in the Internet Explorer address bar .

  14. 您可以通过键盘在地址栏中直接进入Web站点,但是如果有必要的话,也可以显示iPhone软键盘。

    You can enter Web sites directly in the address bar with the keyboard , although if you simply must , the iPhone soft keyboard will also show up .

  15. 通过一个连接到远程桌面的超链接或仅在浏览器的地址栏输入URL即可进行远程访问,这对于“平民”用户来说非常方便。

    " Civilian " users are comfortable selecting a hyperlink to such a desktop display , or entering the URL in their browsers'address field .

  16. 现在来看一下上面的URL,任何人都可以通过将URL复制到地址栏来删除其中的项。

    Now , looking at the URL 's above anyone can easily delete the item by simply copying the URL in the address bar .

  17. Mozilla的开发者也改进了火狐最流行的功能之一,即智能主导航或令人惊奇的超强地址栏(AwesomeBar)。

    Mozilla 's developers have also improved one of Firefox 's most popular features , the intelligent main navigation or Awesome Bar .

  18. chrome是以该浏览器屏幕的顶部区域命名的,该区域包括地址栏、标签、设置和导航按钮。

    Chrome is named after the area at the top of a browser screen that contains the address bar , tabs , settings and navigation buttons .

  19. 您可能还注意到,当使用页面动作时,地址栏中的URL对应于正在显示的页面,而不总是背后的一个页面。

    You may also notice that when you use page actions , the URL in the location bar corresponds to the page being shown rather than always being one page behind .

  20. 由于Web站点间差异太大,很难一言蔽之,但是有一种方式是在站点上直接执行搜索,然后再看看是否能从地址栏捕捉到结果URL。

    It 's difficult to generalize because Web sites vary so much , but one approach is to perform the search directly on the site , then see if you can capture the resulting URL from the address bar .

  21. 由于内容不再需要链接到浏览器地址栏中的URL上,用户可能无法体验到正常使用浏览器的BACK按钮或书签时的功能。

    Because content is no longer necessarily linked to the URL in the browser 's address bar , users might not experience the functionality that they normally expect when they use the browser 's BACK button , or the BOOKMARK feature .

  22. 你可以通过查看浏览器地址栏中是否有HTTPS字样以及挂锁标志,来判断所浏览的网页是否属于安全网站。

    You can tell when you 're on a secure website by seeing " HTTPS " and a padlock in your browser 's address bar .

  23. 在短暂的220毫秒内,发生了很多有趣的事情,Firefox修改了地址栏的颜色,并在其右下角放置了一个锁状的图标。

    In the220 milliseconds that flew by , a lot of interesting stuff happened to make Firefox change the address bar color and put a lock in the lower right corner .

  24. 如果cnee识别出一个键盘组合键(比如Ctrl+t),但是最后一次地址栏文本变化发生在X秒之前,那么Flash播放器已获得键盘焦点。

    If a keyboard combo ( such as Ctrl + t ) is recognized by cnee , yet the last location bar text change was X seconds ago , the Flash player has grabbed the keyboard focus .

  25. Marlinspike称,它还可以在浏览器地址栏中显示https的安全锁logo,使得用户更加相信自己访问的安全性。

    Marlinspike said that an https padlock logo can be spoofed in the URL bar , to further lull the user into a false sense of security .

  26. 在浏览器的地址栏输入以下消息,验证您的LTPAToken

    Verify that you have an LTPAToken by entering the following URL in the browser 's address bar

  27. 用户只要在登录谷歌Gmail,谷歌文件或谷歌日历网页时把地址栏前面的“http://”改成“https://,”就可以开启有关的HTTPS安全功能,不过很多人都不知道这个技巧。

    Users can access Gmail , Docs , Calendar and other apps via HTTPS by simply changing the " http : / / " in the URL address to " https : / / ," but many don 't know about that option , either .

  28. 在地址栏点击右键,选择“粘贴并转到”即可。

    Just right-click the address bar and select'Paste and go ' .

  29. 如果当前页面使用了安全协议,则在地址栏中显示此图标。

    Displayed within the address field if current page uses security protocols .

  30. 选择该地址栏快捷方式的快捷键和搜索方式。

    Select the shortcut keys and search method for this Address Bar shortcut .