
  • 网络network security management;NSM
  1. 基于移动Agent的校园网络安全管理模型

    The model of mobile agent-based campus network security management

  2. 基于Ice中间件的分布式网络安全管理系统的研究与设计

    Research and Design of Distributed Network Security Management System Based on Ice Middleware

  3. TCP拦截技术在中小型网络安全管理中的应用

    Application of TCP Intercept Technology in the Security Control of Middle and Small Network

  4. 基于动态策略的分布式移动IPv6网络安全管理机制

    Distributed security management scheme based on dynamic policies for mobile IPv6

  5. Apache反向代理技术在图书馆网络安全管理中的应用

    The Application of Apache Reverse-Agent In Network Security of Library LAN

  6. 基于SOAP的开放性网络安全管理

    SOAP-based Open Network Security Management

  7. Ponder描述基于策略的VPN网络安全管理

    Ponder for Specifying VPN Network Security Management Based Policy

  8. 基于CORBA的网络安全管理实现方案

    Implementation of CORBA-based Network Security Management

  9. Struts及Hibernate在网络安全管理系统开发中的应用

    Application of Struts and Hibernate in the Development of Network Security Management System

  10. 网络安全管理平台中Snort报警的获取方法研究

    Methodological research on getting Snort alerts on network security management platform

  11. 基于ACL的网络安全管理的应用研究

    Application of Network Security Management Based on ACL

  12. 运用ARP欺骗进行网络安全管理

    Network Security Management Using ARP Spoofing

  13. 本文深入研究了基于策略的网络安全管理思想,尤其是ponder策略模型及其实现。

    This paper have deeply researched policy-based network security management , especially to model of ponder policy management and its implementation .

  14. 网络安全管理软件SSE的自动化测试

    Automation Test In Network Security Management Software SSE

  15. 系统交互通过IDS代理,并产生新的入侵检测和防火墙规则,实现有效的网络安全管理。

    The communication between the system and denotation and middle layers was implemented with IDS agent to generate new rules of inbreak detection and firewall , and network security management was realized .

  16. 针对校园网中存在的安全问题,设计一套基于WEB页面的校园网络安全管理系统,给出了系统的设计和实现,较好地解决了传统网络安全模型存在的一些缺陷。

    In view of the security problem existing in the campus web , we designed a set of system of security management of the campus web , and made the design and realization of the system possible , which preferably solved some drawbacks existing in the traditional web security models .

  17. Snort是网络安全管理平台中被集成频率较高的一种入侵检测系统,收集Snort的报警信息是实现安全产品集成的前提。

    Snort is a kind of intrusion detection system integrated in network security management platform . It is the first step to realize the product integration by collecting the alerts of Snort .

  18. OPSEC在电力企业网络安全管理中的应用

    Application of OPSEC in network security management for power enterprises

  19. 但是要将P2DR模型应用到实际的网络安全管理平台开发中,就需要解决模型中各个环节的联动问题。

    But the problem with P2DR is that it is hard to associate the stages in real network security management platform .

  20. 网络安全管理发展的未来是安全管理系统化。

    The future of network safety management is safety management systematization .

  21. 基于组件技术的网络安全管理架构研究

    The Research of Network Security Management Framework Based on Component Technology

  22. 网络安全管理平台中通信中间件的研究与设计

    Research and Design of Communication Middleware in Net Security Management Platform

  23. 基于多层分级网络安全管理的应用模型的研究

    The Application Model of Network Safety Basing on Multi-Layer and Classification

  24. 网络安全管理及安全联动响应的研究

    Research on Improving Network Security Management by Security Co-ordination and Response

  25. 综合报警关联技术在网络安全管理平台中的运用

    A Comprehensive Approach to Alerts Correlation in Network Security Management System

  26. 城域林业信息网络安全管理模式研究

    Research on Information Network Security Management Model of City Land Forestry Resource

  27. 借鉴现实社会中治安管理的思路,建立信息网络安全管理框架是一个有意义的研究课题。

    There is no uniform framework for network security management .

  28. 高校校园网络安全管理存在的问题及对策

    Problems and Countermeasures of Network Security Management on University Campus

  29. 校园网络安全管理及体系结构的研究

    Research on Security Management and Architecture in the Campus Network

  30. 用智能代理进行网络安全管理的应用研究

    The Application Research of Network Security Management with Intelligent Agents