
  • 网络Online forum;Network Forum;bbs;UseNet
  1. 合作学习和网络论坛在PeerReview中的应用

    Applying Collaborative Learning and BBS in Peer Review in Teaching Writing

  2. 通过对网络论坛中社会公共事件的传播进行深入研究,希望能够对现有的网络传播研究有所助益。

    The papper studied on the communication of public events in BBS , hoping to give a good help to the existing research of network communication .

  3. 试着在网络论坛上浏览信息。

    Try browsing around in the network bulletin boards .

  4. 运动按摩治疗师GloriaSharp虽然是第一次养鸡,但她表示自己得到了新加坡养鸡者社区的大力支持。从如何处理公鸡的啼叫到常见的疾病,比如鸡趾瘤症,乌鸡的主人经常在网络论坛上讨论和分享饲养乌鸡的技巧。

    From how to handle roosters ’ crowing to common ailments like bumblefoot , Silkie owners often discuss and share tips for raising Silkies in online community groups .

  5. 这项研究成果发布在网络论坛PhysicsarXiv上[

    The work appears in the online forum the Physics arXiv . [

  6. 而且,Republic的客户服务非常有限,主要依靠网络论坛上的用户互助来答疑。

    Also , Republic has very limited customer service and relies mainly on its users to help other customers through online forums .

  7. 网络论坛是在信息时代基于网络BBS功能建立起来的网络讨论系统和多元言论空间。

    The internet forum is the discuss system and diversify speech space which sets up of the network BBS function at information age .

  8. 2012年9月22日,邦德森的哥哥给这只表情不爽的猫拍了张照片,并将其传到了网络论坛Reddit上。

    On Sept 22 , 2012 , Bundesen 's brother took a photo of her grumpy-looking cat and posted it to Internet forum site Reddit .

  9. 去年8月,亚历克斯·C·斯奈德(AlexC.Snyder)——在网络论坛上名叫Axcho——辞去软件公司林登实验室(LindenLab)的工作,开始售卖自己生产的类Soylent产品,比如Schmoylent和Schmilk。

    Alex C. Snyder , known on Internet forums as " Axcho , " quit his job at the software company Linden Lab last August to sell his own variants of Soylent , like Schmoylent and Schmilk .

  10. 在网络论坛、即时信息工具以及网络游戏中,这些文本符号表情通常会被自动替换为对应的图像表情,不过它们还是被称为emoticon。

    In web forums , instant messengers and online games , text emoticons are often automatically replaced with small corresponding images , which came to be called emoticons as well .

  11. 印度孟买恐怖袭击一周年之际,在袭击中失去丈夫和13岁女儿的琪娅·舍尔(KiaScherr)计划主持一个网络论坛,宣扬宽恕与和平的主题。

    On the first anniversary of the terrorist attack here in which her husband and13-year-old daughter were killed , Kia Scherr plans to host an online forum that promotes forgiveness and peace .

  12. 然后,他就看到了一个讨论RealDoll节目的网络论坛,并且发现了男人对女体娃娃橡胶衣的需求。

    He then saw an online forum discussing ' RealDoll ' and found there was a demand for men wanting similar lifelike doll suits .

  13. 而该研究的作者、Assiut的动物研究所一位部门负责人告诉我说,她是从网络论坛上得到了那些信息。

    The author of the study itself , a head of department at the Institute of Animal Studies in Assiut , told me she got her information from online discussion forums .

  14. 网络论坛Reddit的用户thechosenone16向论坛网友提出了一个问题:“到一个新的地方定居或度假后,你感受到的最大‘文化冲击’是什么?”Reddit网友纷纷给出了有关在英国生活的风趣评论。

    Users of online message board Reddit were asked " What is biggest ' culture shock ' you 've ever received either after moving or while vacationing to a new place ? " by user thechosenone16 - and responded with a number of humourous observations about life in Britain .

  15. 情境与制约&网络论坛交流的语用推理分析

    Situation and Constraint : Pragmatic Inferences on Communication Through Web Forums

  16. 随着互联网的迅速崛起,网络论坛如雨后春笋般纷纷出现。

    Public Network Forum emerged quickly as development of the Internet .

  17. 并且,我主导创建了黄楼的网络论坛。

    Moreover , I took initiative to create the internet forum .

  18. 网络论坛电子导师之引导风格电子骨导助听器

    Tutoring Style of Network Forum E-tutor Electronic bone conduction hearing aid

  19. 网络论坛舆论导向的有效控制

    Effective Control of Leading of Public Opinion of Network Forum

  20. 相关的法律法规要求本网络论坛提供用户的个人资料;

    The personal information is required by the relevant laws and regulations ;

  21. 基于小波多尺度的网络论坛话题热度趋势预测

    Hot Trend Prediction of Network Forum Topic Based on Wavelet Multi-Resolution Analysis

  22. 试论网络论坛信息的开发与利用

    The Exploitation and Usage of the Network Forum Information Resource

  23. 第四部分对网络论坛中公民交流的方式进行分析。

    In the forth part , it analyzes the communication style of netizen .

  24. 一个教师的翻译技巧网络论坛。

    A networking forum for teachers of translation skills .

  25. 这说明网络论坛中网民的公民精神有待进一步的培养和发展。

    And this show that the citizen spirit of netizen needs to improve .

  26. 在网络论坛中,用户通过自己的账户发布和回复信息。

    In web forums , people propose or reply information using their own profiles .

  27. 试论网络论坛对公民意识培养的影响

    On the Thinking of the Influences of BBS to the Cultivating of Citizen Awareness

  28. 中文网络论坛的研究之抽样设计

    Sampling Design of Chinese Internet Forums Research

  29. 挪威网络论坛周三发布的帖子表明,人们普遍对两位被告持同情态度。

    Messages posted on Norwegian internet forums on Wednesday indicated widespread sympathy for the defendants .

  30. 网络论坛、博客等沟通交流形式已经成为互联网应用的热点。

    Online forums , blogs and other forms of communication have become hot Internet applications .