
  • 网络openstandards;Open Standard
  1. Web服务建立在开放标准和独立于平台的协议的基础之上。

    Web services are built on top of open standards and platform-independent protocols .

  2. 最受欢迎的技术,即基于开放标准的Web服务,减少了重新编码的必要。

    The most widely-embraced technology Web services based on open standards eliminates the need for recoding .

  3. 现在已经部署了一个使用开放标准和技术的Web剪贴板,它具备良好的实用特性。

    A Web clipboard using open standards and technologies that are currently deployed has good adoption characteristics .

  4. 它还提供了一个基于开放标准的框架,用于将现有服务或解决方案资产集成到富Internet应用程序中。

    It also provides an open standards-based framework for integrating existing services or solution assets into rich Internet applications .

  5. 将Web服务应用于企业应用程序的集成,Web服务的开放标准使组织能够创建可重用的应用程序接口。

    Web services integration with enterprise applications , and the open standard of Web services enable organizations to create reusable application interface .

  6. 作为开放标准的业内拥护者,IBM拥有无人与之匹敌的历史记录。

    IBM has an unparalleled track record as an industry champion of open standards .

  7. 该方法是向完全开放标准的SOA基础架构发展的一个重要步骤。

    This approach can represent a significant step towards a fully open-standard SOA infrastructure .

  8. 其中基于开放标准的IP电话,就能够以多种方式给人们提供语音通讯服务。

    The voice of IP based on open standard can provide voice telecom service with diversified mode .

  9. 语义Web技术有助于利用基于开放标准的技术,从数据、文档内容或应用程序代码中分离出意义。

    Semantic Web technologies help separate meanings from data , document content , or application code , using technologies based on open standards .

  10. WebsphereApplicationServer在开放标准中的可靠性、可伸缩性、易管理性、互操作性和领导地位是众所周知的。

    WebSphere Application Server is well known for its robustness , scalability , manageability , interoperability , and leadership in open standards .

  11. LotusLive是使用基于Web的开放标准和受行业接受的架构构建的。

    LotusLive is built using open Web-based standards and industry-accepted architecture .

  12. 这些成果得益于通常的开放标准,而且多数Internet地图制作领域正在趋向于依赖这些标准。

    These efforts rest on standards that are usually open , and most of the Internet map-making area tends to rely on these standards .

  13. 我们的数据库可以通过诸如SOAP这样的开放标准服务于数据请求。

    Our databases can service requests for data via open standards calls such as SOAP .

  14. WebSphereProcessServer被宣称是下一代的业务流程服务器,并支持基于SOA和开放标准的不同形式的集成。

    It claims to be the next-generation business process server that supports different forms of integration based on SOA and open standards .

  15. OASIS:了解关于这个开放标准组织的更多信息。

    OASIS : Learn more about this open standards body .

  16. 为了帮助实现此目的,IBM打算应用它支持和验证开放标准的经验。

    To help make this happen , IBM is applying its experience in supporting and validating open standards .

  17. 这个计划基于由IBM技术和服务支持的开放标准和开放源码软件。

    The initiative is based on open standards and open source software supported by IBM technology and services .

  18. web服务是自包含的、模块化的应用程序,不需要依赖定制编码的连接就能够协同工作,因为它们建立在开放标准之上。

    Web services are self-contained , modular applications that are able to work together without relying on custom-coded connections , because they are built on open standards .

  19. 组织的IT方面喜欢SOA,因为SOA可以促进基于松散耦合、开放标准的体系结构设计原则。

    The IT side of the organization likes SOA because it promotes loosely coupled , open standards-based architecture design principles .

  20. JavascriptObjectNotation(JSON)是一个基于文本的开放标准,为了进行人类可读的数据交换而设计。

    JavaScript Object Notation ( JSON ) is a text-based open standard designed for human-readable data interchange .

  21. 本文为您提供了使用开放标准补充CC许可的帮助。

    This article helps you plan ahead to supplement CC licenses with open standards .

  22. 同时,由于开放标准和SOA的进步,我们可以通过可靠安全的Web服务获得很多服务和信息源。

    At the same time , open standards and SOA advancements have made many services and information sources available through robust , secure web services .

  23. SOA的所有能力都是围绕着支持开放标准这个中心,开放标准是实现面向服务架构的基础。

    All of our SOA capabilities center around supporting the open standards that are the fundamental enablers of a services-oriented architecture .

  24. 每个区域都提供一个用户可订阅的提要;这更进一步地展示了IBM对开放标准的贡献。

    Each area provides a feed to which users can subscribe ; this further demonstrates IBM 's dedication to open standards .

  25. IPSec是由Internet工程技术任务组(IETF)开发的开放标准框架。

    IPSec is an open standard framework developed by the Internet Engineering Task Force ( IETF ) .

  26. FIPA规范:Agent系统的开放标准

    FIPA Specifications : Open Standards for Agent-Based Systems

  27. X-Windows/Motif是一个符合国际开放标准且应用非常广泛的图形开发环境。

    X Windows / Motif is a widely used standardized graphic development environment .

  28. WebSphereEnterpriseServiceBus设计用于为IT环境提供围绕开放标准和SOA而构建的企业服务总线(ESB)。

    WebSphere Enterprise Service Bus is designed to provide an Enterprise Service Bus ( ESB ) for IT environments built around open standards and SOA .

  29. IBM在这些开放标准的开发和提供这些标准的产品实现两方面都处于领先地位。

    IBM is a leader in both the development of these open standards , and in providing product implementations of those standards .

  30. 对于像部署这样的任务,最好使用像Ant这样的开放标准。

    For tasks like deployment , it is best to use something like Ant , which is an open standard .