
  1. 船采砂金矿实际开采储量计算内容与方法

    The calculation of actual mining reserve of placer gold mine worked by dredging

  2. 老矿山资源危机迫切需要经济有效的找矿手段,在矿区外围寻找新矿段,增加开采储量。

    In order to find out new ore bodies and increase exploitation reserves , a economic exploration means is strongly needed in old mines .

  3. 简要介绍了哈萨克斯坦乌津油田和阿克纠宾斯克油田的地理位置、可开采储量、产量、股份和权益方面的情况。

    The geographic position , recoverable reserves , output , stock , and legal right of Kazakhstan 's Wujin and Akejubinsike oil field are introduced .

  4. 最终结合现有采油工艺水平,将稠油储量分为一等储量(已开采储量)、二等储量(可开采储量)和三等储量(难开采储量)。

    At last , combining the available oil production technology , heavy oil reserves are classified into first class reserves ( recovered ), second class reserves ( recoverable ) and third class reserves ( difficult to recover ) .

  5. 在经济利益最大化的前提下,一个合理的布井方案要求采用井数最少的井网,并且能够最大限度的开采油田储量。

    To maximize the economic benefits , a reasonable well placement requires to minimize the number of oil-wells and to maximize the use of oil reserves .

  6. 埃克森美孚(ExxonMobil)最近成为第一家详尽发布其搁浅资产(即如果调控收紧,该公司就不能开采的资产储量)气候风险信息的石油和天然气生产商。

    Exxon Mobil recently became the first oil and gas producer to publish details of its climate risk exposure from stranded assets ( reserves that it could not exploit if regulation is tightened ) .

  7. 如今,几内亚还有望发现能以商业规模开采的石油储量。

    Now there is also the prospect of commercially recoverable quantities of oil .

  8. 随着资源的不断开采,资源储量的不断减少,依靠当地资源发展起来的矿区,面临着衰败的危险。

    With the exploitation of resources and the gradual reduction of resource reserves , mining zones whose development mainly depend on their own resources are facing downfalls .

  9. 之前,在价格预期的驱使下,金矿开采商对储量更为乐观,并且在储量报告中加入了先前无法盈利开采的储量。

    Price expectations have until now helped gold miners be more optimistic about reserves and to include ounces they would formerly not have been able to mine profitably .

  10. 此外,这些数值是根据采矿公司列入具体开采计划的储量估算出来的——明显低于埋藏在地壳内部的庞大储量。

    And those estimates are of what mining companies have concrete plans to get at - numbers that are significantly lower than the colossal quantities of reserves buried in the Earth 's crust .

  11. 对部分国家来说这个数字可能是相当大的挑战。埃登霍费尔提到了大型石油出口国,如沙特阿拉伯和几个计划开采化石燃料储量的非洲国家。

    For some countries this could be quite a huge challenge , he said , pointing to big oil exporters such as Saudi Arabia and African countries planning to exploit their fossil fuel reserves .

  12. 世界面对的不是有限的石油资源,只是需要加快速度将极其庞大的石油资源转变为可用于开采的探明储量。

    The world is faced not with a finite amount of oil but merely needs to accelerate the speed at which surprisingly large resources of oil can be converted into proven reserves for potential production .

  13. 近两年,该技术在老井治理、开采难动用储量、提高采收率、降低开发钻井成本等方面展现出广阔的前景。

    In these two years , it appears a wide foreground in oil well reconstruct , exploitation of the reserves hard to develop , oil recovery enhancement and drill cost decrease by using this technology .

  14. 然而近些年,随着矿区开采强度及储量消耗的日益增大,生态系统破坏严重,难以保障矿区系统的可持续发展。

    In recent years , however , with the increase of mining strength and consumption of coal reserves , ecosystem in mining group has been damaged so seriously that the sustainable development of mining systems is difficult to sustain .

  15. 长期以来人们对石油的大量开采,使得石油储量越来越少,尤其是优质石油。

    The reserve of the fossil oil , especially the high-class oil , is less and less because of the massive extraction .

  16. 随着矿山向深部开采,保有矿石储量减少,为延长矿山寿命,要进行矿区深部的找矿工作。

    With the mines to mining , ore reserves to maintain reduced to extend the mine life , to carry out prospecting work in deep mines .

  17. 另外,由于中、高渗透油藏的持续开采,其剩余储量的不断减少,也是导致低渗透油藏原油储量在石油总资源量中所占的比例迅速增加的原因之一。

    In addition , due to medium to high permeable reservoirs continuously mining , and remaining reserves decreasing , also resulted in the proportion of crude oil reserves in low permeability reservoirs in the total oil resources on rapid increase .

  18. 它认为,上市石油煤炭开采公司所拥有储量的碳含量已经超过了可避免危险气候变化(全球气温上升2摄氏度)的安全使用量。

    It states that the amount of carbon embedded in the reserves of the listed oil and coal mining companies is bigger than the amount we can safely emit to avoid dangerous climate change ( a 2 degree C rise in temperature ) .

  19. 本文根据采金船实际开采特点,具体提出了实际开采储量计算必需的基础资料与数据,并扼要地论述了实际开采储量的计算内容与方法。

    According to the practical mining characteristics of dredger , this paper proposes , the necessary basic information and data required for the calculation of actual mining reserve , and concisely demonstrates its calculation scope and method .

  20. 随着大型油井的枯竭,要想从北海的石油和天然气开采中盈利,必须着力于开采小储量的油井。

    To harvest oil and gas profitably from the North Sea , it must focus on the exploitation of small reserves as the big wells run dry .

  21. 该报告称,从1980年至2011年,全球的石油开采量比原本预计埋在地下的石油储量多出了1000亿桶,同时可供未来开采的已探明储量还增加了一倍还多。

    From 1980 to 2011 , the report says , the world produced 100 billion more barrels of oil than there was supposed to be in the ground , and proven reserves remaining for future production more than doubled .

  22. 地浸开采可划分为开拓和回采2个阶段,对应提供开采的矿石工业储量分别为:开拓矿量和备采矿量;

    In - situ leaching can be divided into development and mining stages , in which developed ore and blocked - out ore are provided respectively .