
  • 网络global water resources
  1. 在当前全球水资源日趋紧张的情况下,污水灌溉有着特殊的意义。

    On the condition of global water resources being deficient day by day , irrigation by sewage has special significance .

  2. 该报告还呼吁用更加整体的手段去预测未来对全球水资源的压力,它认为现有的预测“过时、不完备或者存在局限性”。

    The report also calls for a more holistic approach to predicting future pressures on global water resources , branding existing predictions " outdated , incomplete or sectoral " .

  3. 本文利用美国全球水资源和气候中心提供的1995~2002年全球闪电资料和NCEP气象再分析资料,研究了区域闪电密度对地面相对湿度(RH)的响应。

    The regional response of lightning activities to the relative humidity ( R_H ) is examined at different longitudes and latitudes using lightning data from satellite and NCEP metrological observations ( from 1995 to 2002 ) .

  4. 水体污染已经成为导致全球水资源短缺的一个重要因素。

    Water pollution is a main factor causing shortage of water supply .

  5. 浅谈全球水资源态势和中国水资源环境问题

    The State of Global Water Resource and the Problems of Water Environment in China

  6. 这个图片展属于国家地理全球水资源问题特别报道的一部分。

    This gallery is part of a special National Geographic News series on global water issues .

  7. 全球水资源评价工作队

    Global Water Assessment Task Force

  8. 作为水资源的开源增量技术,海水淡化已经成为解决全球水资源危机的重要途径。

    Incremental revenue as a water technology solutions to global water desalination has become an important way to compromise .

  9. 全球水资源极度短缺和严重分布不均已经成为公认的事实。

    It has become a well-known fact that the global water resource is in extreme shortage and with severely uneven distribution .

  10. 在全球水资源危机此起彼伏的时候,多数非洲国家也出现了水危机。

    When the global water crises take place one after another , most African countries have also emerged in the water crisis .

  11. 但是,由于全球水资源的日益短缺,干旱已经严重地限制了玉米产量的稳定和提高。

    However , due to the growing shortage of global water , drought has severely limited the stability and increase of corn yield .

  12. 随着全球水资源危机的日益严重,长期以来农业节水栽培一直是人们关注的问题。

    With the increasing global water crisis , water-saving cultivation in agricultural production has been regarded as a serious issue for a long term .

  13. 随着全球水资源的日益匮乏和旱灾的日趋严重,水资源短缺正成为制约我国农业发展的重要因素。

    Along with the increasing scarcity of global water resource and gradual seriousness of drought , water shortage is crucial for restricting agricultural development in China .

  14. 目前全球水资源紧缺,我国更是水资源十分短缺的国家,水资源人均占有量非常少。

    Currently , the global is in a shortage of water resources . Water resources in China is particularly scarce and its per capita is very small .

  15. 当前,全球水资源和水环境问题日益突出,其中人类驱动因素对其的影响不断加剧。

    Currently , the problems of water resources missing and water environment depravation were increasingly outstanding , and human activities were one of the main driving factors .

  16. 在全球水资源严重短缺的大背景下,水资源的循环利用已成为解决当前水资源危机的重要途径之一。

    At the Globalization background of serious shortage of water resources , recycling of water resources has become one of the important solutions to the current water crisis .

  17. 水体污染已成为全球水资源短缺的一个重要因素,其中水体重金属污染日趋严重,也是国内外水环境污染治理的难题。

    Water pollution is a main factor causing the shortage of water supply , and the serious water pollution by heavy metals needs more efficient approach to improve water quality .

  18. 但随着人类工业化的快速发展,水资源供需矛盾日益加剧,全球水资源短缺现状日趋突出。

    However , with the high development in industry , the contradiction between supply and demand of water resource is more and more outstanding and the situation is day by day prominent .

  19. 全球水资源供需矛盾突出,这不仅影响到各国社会、经济和环境的可持续发展,而且可能危及社会的安定与秩序。

    The contradiction in the supply and demand on the global water resources is serious , which not only affect social , economic and environmental sustainable development and may endanger social stability and order .

  20. 而且情况变得愈发糟糕,全球水资源需求预计在本世纪上半叶将增长55%,这就进一步增加国内,农业和其他用户对于这种宝贵资源的竞争。

    And the news gets worse - global water demand is projected to increase by 55 percent in the first half of this century , further increasing competition for resources among domestic , agricultural and other users .

  21. 21世纪是全球水资源供需矛盾空前尖锐的时代,水资源短缺成为经济社会可持续发展的重要制约因素已经在许多区域凸显出来。

    Contradiction between supply and demand of water resources is becoming more and more serious all over the world in the 21st century , shortage of water resources becomes the important condition of sustainable development , it has been out in many regions .

  22. 其价值在于它使人们认识到,通过农产品贸易可以实现水资源在国家或地区间的交换,从而减缓缺水国家或地区的水资源压力,保障其粮食安全,提高全球水资源利用效率。

    Its value is that it made people realize that , through agricultural products trade can achieve to water exchange among the nations or regions , and relieve water pressure on water-scarce countries or regions , to protect their food security , enhance global water use efficiency .

  23. 这份报告的标题是《全球水资源安全情报机构评估》,着眼于未来30年水资源问题对美国国家安全利益可能造成的影响,报告称北非、中东和南亚将是受水资源问题影响最大的地区。

    The report is called an Intelligence Community Assessment on Global Water Security . It looks at possible effects of water problems on United States national security interests over the next thirty years . It says the areas that will be most affected by water problems are North Africa , the Middle East and South Asia .

  24. 美国对牛肉的需求正危及全球的水资源供应,威尔士亲王在访问美国时说。

    America 's appetite for beef is jeopardising the world 's water supply , the Prince of Wales said during a visit to the US .

  25. 面对全球的水资源短缺的问题,许多国家已经制定规章和政策,以却保纺织后整理过程中减少废水的排放。

    Considering the global water shortage problem many countries has tightened their norms and regulations for textile finishing processes , in order to reduce wastewater problem .

  26. 面对我国乃至全球的水资源供需情势,如何提高地面灌溉的灌水质量和灌水效果便成为国内外水利学者研究的重心。

    Facing supply and demand situation of water resources in our country and global , enhancing irrigation quality and effect of surface irrigation will become the research core of the water conservancy scholars at home and abroad .

  27. 然而,正如今年联合国(UN)人类发展报告昨日所指出的,这并不反映全球层面的水资源短缺。

    However , as this year 's United Nations human development report yesterday pointed out , this does not reflect a global shortage .

  28. 全球变化和水资源的可持续开发

    Global Change and Sustainable Development of Water Resources

  29. 中央政府在指示中警告说,全球变暖对水资源枯竭起到恶化作用。

    And scarcity will worsen with global warming , the central government warned in a directive .

  30. 鉴于全球能源和水资源短缺,纺织业需要一种环保的生产方式。

    As a consequence of global energy and water shortages , the industry now needs environmentally friendly production methods .