
  • 网络Global Rich List;Billionaires List
  1. 最新一期的胡润全球富豪榜(HurunGlobalRichList)表示,算上过去一年新出现的32位超级富豪,北京已成为全球亿万富翁之都,总计100名超级富豪超过了纽约的95人。

    With 32 newly minted super-rich in the past year , China 's capital has become the billionaire capital of the world , the latest Hurun Global Rich List says , with a total of 100 to the Big Apple 's 95 .

  2. 同人类史上众多白手起家的故事一样,很多登上全球富豪榜的中国富豪受教育程度不高,也没有显赫的身世。

    Similar to the many rags-to-riches stories in human history , many Chinese billionaires who are on the global rich list do not come from well-educated or prestigious backgrounds .

  3. 作为科班出身的工程师,45岁的马化腾位列《福布斯》(Forbes)全球富豪榜第46位,净资产为219亿美元。

    An engineer by training , the 45-year-old is listed as the world 's 46th richest man by Forbes , with a net worth of $ 21.9bn .

  4. 曾多年位居全球富豪榜首位的墨西哥电信业大亨卡洛斯•斯利姆(CarlosSlim)认为,我们应该重视的是时间,而非金钱。

    Carlos Slim , the Mexican telecoms magnate who was the world 's richest man for many years , suggests that it is time , rather than money , that we should value .

  5. 在进入制造业60年后,李嘉诚如今确实非常富有,拥有大约230亿美元的财富,福布斯(Forbes)杂志将他排在亚洲富豪之首和全球富豪榜的第九位。

    Sixty years after he got his start in manufacturing , Li is very rich indeed . Forbes magazine ranks him as the wealthiest man in Asia and ninth richest globally , with a fortune estimated at $ 23bn .

  6. 最值得关注的两位新人分别是来自南非的PatriceMotsepe和尼日利亚人AlikoDangote,他们是首次跻身全球富豪榜的非洲黑人。

    Two of the most noteworthy new entrants are South Africa 's Patrice Motsepe and Nigeria 's Aliko Dangote , the first black Africans to make their debut among the world 's richest .

  7. 这三位中国最富有的人,目前在全球富豪榜上分列第20、21和22位。

    China 's three richest men currently rank respectively 20th , 21st and 22nd in global rankings .

  8. 两年前,全球富豪榜前20名中有一半是美国人,而今年只有4个。

    Two years ago , half of the world's20 richest were from the U.S.Now only four are .

  9. 2015年的福布斯全球富豪榜上,中国创下了213人的记录仅次于美国。

    China had a record 213 people on the 2015 Forbes Billionaires List - second only to the United States .

  10. 根据《福布斯》发布的年度全球富豪榜,巴菲特的个人资产总值达到约620亿美元。

    The magazine estimated Buffett 's worth at $ 62 billion in its annual ranking of the world 's wealthiest people .

  11. 正业国际的其他客户包括广东美的电器公司&该公司主要股东何享健在2011年福布斯全球富豪榜中排名第185。

    Other Zhengye customers include GD Midea , whose main owner He Xiangjian ranked at no.185 on the2011 Forbes Billionaires List .

  12. 商业大亨李嘉诚去年身家「缩水」四十五亿,在全球富豪榜下降五级,跌至第二十八位。

    Tycoon Li Ka-shing has slipped five places on the world 's rich list to28th after reportedly losing $ 4.5 billion last year .

  13. 《福布斯》去年发布全球富豪榜,龚如心排名231,身家共23亿美元。

    Wang was named the231st-richest person in the world by Forbes magazine in2004 , with a net worth of US $ 2.3 billion .

  14. 在三月发布的福布斯全球富豪榜上,埃克-巴蒂斯塔列第七位,他拥有300亿美元的个人财产。

    In March Eike Batista ( pictured ) was seventh in Forbes 's ranking of the world 's super-rich , with a personal fortune of $ 30 billion .

  15. 根据2015年福布斯排行榜,默多克及其家族拥有净资产112亿美元,位居全球富豪榜第77位。

    According to Forbes in 2015 , Rupert Murdoch and his family have a net worth of $ 11.2 billion , making him the 77th richest person on the planet .

  16. 比尔•盖茨曾经是全世界最富有的人,不过在他决定把280亿美元的资产捐赠给慈善事业后,他便失去了首富宝座,在全球富豪榜上排行第二。

    Mr Gates was previously the richest man in the world , but he got shifted down a spot in 2010 after he decided to give away $ 28billion to good causes .

  17. 《福布斯》杂志于本周三公布全球富豪榜,美国富豪重振雄风,微软公司创始人比尔•盖茨重登榜首。

    US tycoons are back on top with Microsoft founder Bill Gates again the world 's richest man in a year when even billionaires felt the heat of the global recession , Forbes magazine said Wednesday .

  18. 在2010年登上《福布斯》全球亿万富豪榜时,他的个人资产净值为170亿美元。

    Forbes has his2010 net worth of $ 17 billion .

  19. 安踏的首席执行官丁世忠及其家族在2011年福布斯全球亿万富豪榜上位列1140名。

    1140 on the2011 Forbes Billionaires List .

  20. 在2011年福布斯全球亿万富豪榜上,张欣以29亿美元财富排在第393位。

    Zhang Xin ranked no.393 on the2011 Forbes Billionaires List with wealth of $ 2.9 billion .

  21. 世界上最富有的人&比尔-盖茨(图)美国的《福布斯》杂志每年都要推出她的全球富豪排行榜。

    In the USA Forbes magazine has published its annual list of the richest people in the world .

  22. 美国的《福布斯》杂志每年都要推出她的全球富豪排行榜。微软的比尔-盖茨以440亿美元的资产再次坐上全球首富的交椅,他已连续坐这个位子11年了。

    Bill Gates of Microsoft is the richest man again for the eleventh successive year with a fortune of forty-four billion dollars .

  23. 然而,这些家族控制了巨额的财富,相对于当地的区区700万人口,香港在全球富豪排行榜上所占据的席位可谓多得不成比例。

    Yet these families control immense fortunes and , for a territory of just 7m people , occupy a disproportionate number of slots on global rich lists .

  24. 由于人们对钢铁、网络和斯堪的纳维亚式沙发的需求迅速增长,全球富豪排行榜上又出现了一些新名字。

    Thanks to a surge in demand for steel , the Internet and Scandinavian sofas , there are some new names among the very richest of the world 's billionaires .

  25. 该杂志称:“基于以上这些标准,我们预计伍兹会在2011年跻身全球亿万富豪榜。这将是史无前例的壮举。”

    " Based on those criteria , we project Tiger Woods should join our list of the world 's billionaires in2011 ," said the magazine . " It will be an unprecedented occurrence . "

  26. 该项研究还分析了过去二十年的《福布斯》全球亿万富豪排行榜。

    The study was compiled from Forbes World 's Billionaires list over the past two decades .

  27. 根据胡润研究院最新数据显示,中国大陆富豪占据2015年胡润全球华人富豪排行榜的79.5%,香港占据6.3%,台湾占4.9%。

    According to the latest data from Hurun Research Institute , billionaires from the Chinese mainland accounted for about 79.5 percent of the Hurun Global Chinese Rich List 2015 , followed by 6.3 percent from Hong Kong and 4.9 percent form Taiwan .