
chánɡ qīnɡ shù
  • evergreen ;one who remains active in career (or profession) even in old age
  1. 作为喜剧界的常青树——他的简单淳朴与自然大方无人能及。

    A timeless comic actor — his simplicity and his apparent ease are matchless

  2. 他打理着他栽在车道两旁的花坛和常青树。

    He tends the flower beds and evergreens that he has planted in the driveway .

  3. 京晶:知道啦,“Holly”就是冬青树,它是一种非针叶的常青树。

    Well , holly is an evergreen tree with leaves instead of needles .

  4. MsDell'Orefice是模特界的常青树,别致的银发、优雅的姿态吸引了众多摄影师、插画家、设计师。

    Ms Dell'Orefice has become a stalwart of the modelling world , who has captivated photographers , illustrators and designers with poise and elegance that are enhanced by her chic silver hairstyle .

  5. 隐喻是一种普遍语言现象,它的研究源远流长,从Aristotle至今2000多年来一直是国外学术研究的常青树。

    Metaphor is a universal language phenomenon , which is used every minute and everywhere . During the past 2000 years since the Aristotle days , research in this field is always prevailing in foreign academe .

  6. 但假如Rovio想成为娱乐行业的常青树,它还需要除了这些小鸟以外的产品作为支撑。

    But if it wants to entrench itself as a permanent entertainment fixture , Rovio will have to bet the company on something more than a single set of characters .

  7. 多丽丝·莱辛(DorisLessing,1919-),作为世界文坛作品多产、风格多变、充满争议性的一棵常青树,被誉为英国继伍尔夫之后最重要的女作家。

    There is no doubt that Doris Lessing ( 1919 - ), one of the most productive , creative and controversial evergreen trees , is considered as the most important female writer of the United Kingdom after Virginia Woolf .

  8. 颁奖仪式包含一个向影坛常青树让-皮埃尔·莱奥德(Jean-PierreLéaud)致敬的环节。莱奥德曾在弗朗索瓦·特吕弗(FrançoisTruffaut)的系列影片中饰演安托万·杜瓦内尔(AntoineDoinel),第一部是《四百击》(The400Blows)。

    The ceremony included a brief tribute to Jean-Pierre L é aud , the screen immortal who played Antoine Doinel for Fran ç ois Truffaut , beginning with " The 400 Blows " ;

  9. 街道两边种了很多常青树。

    Lots of evergreen trees have been planted along the roads .

  10. 它是使生命之泉源远流长的常青树。

    It is the freshness of the deep spring of life .

  11. 你的吻,让爱情像常青树一样茁壮。

    Your kisses could make love grow like an evergreen tree .

  12. 柑橘属植物的所有种类都是常青树或常青灌木。

    All species of citrus are evergreen trees or shrubs .

  13. 形容芭芭拉艺术生命如常青树那样。

    So we can say , Barbra is an evergreen .

  14. 常青树,看看她的姓名标签。

    Evergreen , get a look at her name tag .

  15. 亲爱的,我俩的爱可会像常青树一样?

    Oh darling , will our love be like an evergreen tree ?

  16. 当有人被称为“常青树”时,

    When somebody is called an " evergreen tree , "

  17. 直到常青树上的叶子变成蓝色。

    Till the leaves turn blue on the evergreen tree .

  18. 王安忆是当代文坛上一颗常青树。

    Wang Anyi is an evergreen tree on the contemporary literary world .

  19. 看着窗外的雨拍打着常青树

    and as I watched the evergreens and rain come back into view ,

  20. 佩里堪称是流行乐界仅存无几的常青树。

    Ms. Perry is a pop perennial , one of the few left .

  21. 我叫默尼撒,我将从常青树高中毕业。

    My name is Mony Thach and I 'm graduating from Evergreen High School .

  22. 自由的常青树!

    Of Liberty , planted by Ludd !

  23. 他们会把常青树和七彩缤纷的灯泡填满每个家庭和商店。

    They have been filling homes and stores with evergreen trees and bright , colored lights .

  24. 红树林是常青树。

    The mangrove forests are evergreen .

  25. 现在基督徒们也在他们的屋子周围放常青树作为纪念活动的一项内容。

    Many Christians today place evergreen trees in their homes as part of the holiday celebration .

  26. 常青树,我们需要钥匙,你去拿。

    Evergreen , we 're going to need that access key . you 're a go .

  27. 木工机械行业的常青树&杭州临安南洋木工机械有限公司

    Evergreen tree of woodworking machinery trade

  28. 他们两人都对英式生活中的常青树青睐有加,所以聊起来也有说有笑。

    Sharing a laugh as they chat , they are two much-loved evergreens of British life .

  29. 因为常青树可以全年保持青绿,他象征着生命永久长青。

    Because the evergreen trees stay green all year , they 're a symbol of never-ending life .

  30. 只要教育学者不放弃教育学的科学理想,量的研究始终会是教育研究中一棵常青树。

    It would be a dominant paradigm of educational research until educational researchers give up the science ideal .