
  • 网络pony;Pony Ma
  1. 《财富》的选择是腾讯(Tencent)创始人马化腾,原因是他对数字领域和国际市场的了解。

    Fortune selected Tencent founder Pony Ma for his digital and international know-how .

  2. 3.马化腾,腾讯(Tencent)

    Pony Ma , Tencent ( China )

  3. 马化腾QQ成功的秘密

    MA Huateng : Secret of QQ 's Success

  4. 腾讯CEO马化腾称,其公司社交网络工具覆盖的年龄群体范围极广。

    Pony Ma , chief executive officer of Tencent , said that his company 's social networking tools cover a wide range of age groups .

  5. BusinessInsider网站日前盘点了全球科技行业最有影响力的20位大佬,马云、马化腾和李彦宏等中国企业家榜上有名。

    Business Insider recently released its list of the most powerful people in the tech world . Chinese innoavtors like Jack Ma , Ma Huateng and Robin Li are on the list .

  6. 腾讯创始人兼CEO马化腾在记者招待会上表示,腾讯希望通过新媒体鼓励和复兴传统文化。

    Pony Ma , founder and CEO of Tencent , said at a press conference that his company hopes to energize and revitalize traditional culture through new media .

  7. 腾讯公司董事长兼CEO马化腾在第三届世界互联网大会上对媒体表示,中国互联网行业的发展具有明显的中国特色。

    Pony Ma , chairman and CEO of Tencent Holdings Ltd , said to media during the third WIC that Chinese internet industry 's development has distinct Chinese characteristics .

  8. 在排名前十的富豪中,44岁的社交媒体集团腾讯控股(TencentHoldings)创始人马化腾(PonyMa)最为年轻,他的总财富为188亿美元。

    Pony Ma , 44 , founder of social media group Tencent Holdings , is the youngest in the top 10 , with $ 18.8bn .

  9. 根据《福布斯》(Forbes)的统计,马化腾的财富净值约为200亿美元。不过,他的成功经常笼罩在电子商务公司阿里巴巴(Alibaba)的创始人马云(JackMa)的阴影之下。

    Mr Ma has a net worth of about $ 20bn , according to Forbes but his success has often been overshadowed by Jack Ma of Alibaba , the e-commerce company .

  10. 作为科班出身的工程师,45岁的马化腾位列《福布斯》(Forbes)全球富豪榜第46位,净资产为219亿美元。

    An engineer by training , the 45-year-old is listed as the world 's 46th richest man by Forbes , with a net worth of $ 21.9bn .

  11. 本月风云榜前三名的另外两位是经常榜上有名的阿里巴巴集团(AlibabaGroup)的马云和腾讯控股(TencentHoldingsLtd.)的马化腾,两人分列二、三名。

    Rounding out the top three this month were Power List regulars Jack Ma of Alibaba Group Holding Ltd. and Pony Ma of Tencent Holdings Ltd. 0700.HK - 1.81 % , who finished second and third , respectively .

  12. 1998年,马化腾创办了腾讯,推出即时通讯服务QQ,不是像硅谷公司那样在车库创办,而是在深圳的一个科技园,那里满是销售山寨手机的贩子和个人电脑(PC)维修商。

    Mr Ma started Tencent in 1998 as the messaging service QQ - not in a garage , Silicon Valley-style , but in a high-tech park in Shenzhen , jammed between hustlers selling pirated phones and PC repairs .

  13. 腾讯董事长马化腾(PonyMa)表示,3月份该公司开始向用户收费后,微信支付的运营亏损得到控制。

    Pony Ma , Tencent 's chairman , said that as of March , when the company began imposing user fees , operating losses from WeChat Pay were " brought under control . "

  14. 周一市场收盘后,该公司披露,其董事长和创始人马化腾(PonyMa)上周减持了自己的持股,回笼逾4亿美元。

    After market on Monday , the company revealed that its chairman and founder , Ma " Pony " Huateng , sold part of his holding last week , raising more than $ 400m .

  15. 腾讯控股(TencentHoldings)昨日表示,创始人和首席执行官马化腾(PonyMa)计划捐献1亿股腾讯股票给腾讯基金会(TencentFoundation)。该基金会将向中国的医疗、教育和环保事业捐赠资金。

    Pony Ma , who is founder and chief executive of Tencent Holdings , plans to cash in 100m company shares to make the donation to the Tencent Foundation , which gives money to healthcare , education and environmental protection in China , the company said yesterday .

  16. 去年大部分时间里,腾讯的股价都在上涨,使其董事局主席马化腾(PonyMa)在今年1月成为中国首富。但腾讯上周受到了双重打击。

    After watching its stock price shoot upwards for the better part of a year , in the process making its chairman , Pony Ma , the richest man in China in January , Tencent last week got hit by twin blows .

  17. 11年前,中国深圳的电脑工程师马化腾在创立自己的公司时,选择了一个与公司中文名称腾讯读音相仿的英文名称:tencent。

    When Ma Huateng , a computer engineer in the southern Chinese city of Shenzhen , set up his company 11 years ago , an English name was chosen for it to mimic the sound of the name in Chinese : Tengxun became Tencent .

  18. 马化腾:互联网企业需深耕中国市场

    Pony Ma : Internet companies should further cultivate Chinese market

  19. 马化腾14岁时随父母移居深圳。

    Ma moved with his parents to Shenzhen at the age of 14 .

  20. 马化腾马化腾是腾讯的创始人、董事长兼首席执行官。

    Pony Ma is the founder , chairman and chief executive officer of Tencent .

  21. 公司董事长马化腾和一位联合创始人拥有这家公司约16%的股份。

    After that , Chairman Pony Ma and a co-founder own about 16 % of the company .

  22. 腾讯董事长兼首席执行官马化腾表示,腾讯理应为科学技术进步做出贡献。

    Tencent Chairman and CEO Pony Ma said it is natural for Tencent to contribute to advances in science and technologies .

  23. 周二,卖家争先恐后追随马化腾离场,一度导致股价下跌8%,成交量极高。

    On Tuesday , sellers pushed the stock down as much as 8 per cent on big volumes as they followed him out .

  24. 根据《福布斯》2016年中国富豪榜显示,腾讯首席执行官马化腾被评为中国第三大富豪。

    Ma Huateng , CEO of Tencent , was named the third wealthiest man in China , according to Forbes ' 2016 China Rich List .

  25. 而马化腾不仅仅是公司的首席执行官,更是公司的第一产品经理。

    And the presiding apparitor that Ma Huateng is a company not just , it is the manager of the first product of the company more .

  26. 马化腾从小爱好天文学,但大学期间,他发现学习天文学限制了职业选择,于是将专业转到计算机科学。

    Ma loved astronomy at a young age but changed his major to computer science during university , when he realized that studying astronomy offered limited professional options .

  27. 马化腾也许不是值得效仿的天才操盘手,毕竟,去年12月他就抛出了自己持有的一部分公司股票,而那时的股价比目前水平低了五分之一。

    Mr Ma may not be the best lead to follow ; last December he sold part of his holding at a price around one-fifth below current levels .

  28. 据称,马化腾的高考成绩为739分,超出中国最具竞争力的大学的录取线100多分。

    It is said that Pony received 739 points in the Gaokao , which was over 100 points above the cutoff line for China 's most competitive universities .

  29. 马化腾指出,中国的市场非常大,也足够深,互联网企业仍需专注于中国市场,他对中国企业在国际上的创新能力很有信心。

    Ma said Chinese market is large and deep enough for internet companies to focus on and he is confident that Chinese companies are competitive players in international mobile internet market .

  30. 根据福布斯实时亿万富豪榜,他的财富超越了阿里巴巴董事局主席马云(354亿美元)和腾讯创始人马化腾(353亿美元)。

    Hui 's fortune puts him ahead of Alibaba chairman Jack Ma ( $ 35.4 billion ) and Tencent founder Pony Ma Huateng ( $ 35.3 billion ) , according to the Forbes Real-Time Billionaires List .