
  • 网络Forbes China Rich List
  1. 该公司从福布斯中国富豪榜(ForbesChinaRichList)和胡润百富榜(HurunChinaRichList)等知名富豪榜上搜集了中国富豪的个人财富信息,同时还在榜单上添加了这些人的教育背景。

    The company gathered information of individuals ' wealth from prominent rich lists including those from Forbes China Rich List and Hurun China Rich List , among others , while adding the educational background of those on the list .

  2. 上周四发布的2011福布斯中国富豪榜上,房地产开发商有着不俗的表现。

    Real estate developers figured prominently on the new2011 Forbes China Rich List published last Thursday .

  3. 去年他排名第26,今年却彻底从福布斯中国富豪榜上消失。

    Ranked No.26 last year , he is off Forbes'list of the richest Chinese entirely .

  4. 该公司从一些著名的富豪榜上(包括福布斯中国富豪榜及胡润中国富豪榜)收集个人的财富信息,然后再加上他们的教育背景。

    The company gathered information of individuals " wealth from prominent rich lists including those from Forbes China Rich List and Hurun China Rich List , among others , while adding the educational background of those on the list .

  5. 上了《福布斯》中国富豪榜的很多房地产开发商和综合性集团都采取了类似的高负债率经营模式。

    Sifting through Forbes 's list of China 's rich , one might notice a pattern of high debt ratios at property developers and conglomerates .

  6. 报告显示,在福布斯中国富豪排行榜、胡润百富榜和新财富500富人榜等上榜的富豪企业家中,清华大学最盛产亿万富豪,共有152名校友榜上有名。

    Tsinghua has a total of 152 alumni that qualify for rich lists such as Forbes ' ranking of Chinese billionaires , the Hurun Rich List and the New Fortune 500 rich list , the most among Chinese universities , the report said .

  7. 房地产开发商Soho中国有限公司总裁张欣决定向灾民提供个人帮助。张欣虽年仅43岁,但已位列《福布斯》杂志中国富豪榜第7位,资产估计超过30亿美元。

    Zhang Xin , the 43-year-old chief executive of property developer Soho China and , according to Forbes Magazine , China 's 7th richest person with a fortune estimated at more than $ 3bn , decided to respond personally .

  8. 马云去年以报道的34亿美元的资产在《福布斯》杂志中国富豪榜上排名第11位,上周宣布他将让出阿里巴巴的日常控制权以支持年轻高管但他仍担任董事长。

    Ma , who ranked 11th in Forbes magazine 's China 's rich list last year with reported assets of US $ 3.4 billion , announced last week that he will relinquish day-to-day control of Alibaba in favor of younger executives but remain as chairman .

  9. 根据《福布斯》2016年中国富豪榜显示,腾讯首席执行官马化腾被评为中国第三大富豪。

    Ma Huateng , CEO of Tencent , was named the third wealthiest man in China , according to Forbes ' 2016 China Rich List .