
  • 网络Money China;Financial;finance;financial sector
  1. 委托代理问题一直是我国财经界研究的热点和难点问题之一。

    Trust and agency issue keeps being a hot but difficult topic in our financial field .

  2. 最近,财经界有两件事情既瞩目,亦值得鼓舞。

    Recently , there have been two notable and encouraging events in the financial services sector .

  3. 现在,他希望在财经界发展及获取专业资格。

    He now aims to develop a career in the financial sector and gain professional qualifications .

  4. 此外,该局还举办一连串活动,目的都是向国际财经界及银行界保证,香港在政权移交后,港元及金融制度仍然十分稳健。

    It was part of a series of events aimed at assuring international financial and banking communities of the stability of the Hong Kong dollar and monetary system after the transfer of sovereignty .

  5. 《经济学人》作为一份历史悠久、知名度较高的英文期刊,在财经界以及政要学者中具有广泛的影响力。

    The Economist is a time-honored and world-renowned English journal , which wields extensive and profound influence not only in the international financial and economic circles , but also among global politicians and scholars .

  6. 目前财经理论界对民生财政的论述主要集中在概念界定和政策取向的层面上,缺乏科学严密的学术范式。

    Currently , financial theoretical circle mainly focuses on the concept definition and policy orientation which lack in strict scientific formula .

  7. 在纽约,董先生会见了来自商业、财经及学术界的代表。

    In New York City Mr Tung met the business , financial and academic communities .

  8. 商业化运作的财经媒体是当前财经媒体界拥有主流话语权的一个重要组成部分。在接近20年的发展历程中,这些不依赖财政支持的财经媒体因为时代的变化经历了几次嬗变。

    The financial media of Commercial operation is an important part of mainstream discourse power in the current financial media industry . In nearly 20 years of development history , these which have not relied on financial support ones experienced several times evolution for the chang of the time .

  9. 新财经报纸以其新闻学和经济学的双重视角关注经济、报道新闻,以崭新的经营理念实现媒体的自我发展,这些使得新财经报纸成为媒体界富有活力和原创精神的新生力量。

    The new economic newspaper , observing Chinese economy and doing economic reporting from the double perspectives of economics and journalism , fulfilling self-development in the light of brand-new managing philosophy , has been a newly-creating power full of energy and original spirit in media circle .