
  1. 非经营性政府投资项目,是政府利用财政性资金投资的工程建设项目。

    Non-business engineering projects that government invests use government fiscal fund .

  2. 如何防范财政性资金投资项目造价的审核风险

    How to prevent risks in cost audit of engineering project invested by financial funds

  3. 教育领域存在的国家财政性资金分为预算内资金与预算外资金。

    Financial funds in the field of education includes budgetary funds and extra-budgetary funds in china .

  4. 这项改革的实施,是解决当前高校财政性资金收支管理问题的一项重要措施。

    This implementation of the reform is a significant measure which helps university to solve the problem of financial expense management .

  5. 考虑到财政性资金所占比重较大,政府增加对高等教育的投资责无旁贷。

    Thinking of the superior proportion held by the government , the governments have the responsibility to increase the investment on higher education .

  6. 财政性资金是社会保障基金的重要组成部分,它体现了政府在社会保障制度中的主体地位。

    Finance fund is an important part of social security fund and embodies the dominant role played by the government in social security system .

  7. 文章提及的政府机构是指全部或者部分使用财政性资金的国家机关、事业单位和团体组织。

    The government agencies mentioned in the paper referred to state organs , institutions and organizations , which all or partly use the financial funds .

  8. 采购主管部门应当根据经批准的预算和其他财政性资金的使用计划编制和公布采购计划。

    The competent procurement department shall formulate and publish the procurement plan according to the approved budget and the using plan of other financial capital .

  9. 所谓国库集中收付制度是指政府在国库或国库指定的代理银行开设账户,集中收纳和支付所有的财政性资金。

    Treasury Single Account System means that the government treasury or treasury bank accounts designated Acting , and concentration characters and cover all the financial funds .

  10. 根据资金来源不同将西部城市化资金按照财政性资金和非财政性资金进行融资效率分析。

    According to the different sources of funds , the paper makes a financing efficiency analysis of the western urbanized funds , including financial and non-financial funds .

  11. 合理利用财政性资金是政府采购法的初衷,也是保证纳税人合法权益的基本要求。

    The original intention of government procurement is reasonable utilization of financial capital , which is also the basic requirements of ensuring that the taxpayers ' legitimate rights .

  12. 省和集中区一些专项资金贴息及财政性资金支持,一定程度上减少企业财务成本;

    Special funds and extra-budgetary funds to support the interest subsidy from Anhui Province and Jiang Nan Industrial Centralization Area will reduce , to some extent , financial costs of enterprises .

  13. 我国在传统上采用的财政性资金缴库和拨付方式,是通过征收机关和预算单位设立多重账户分散进行的,财政收入的许多项目由征收机关通过设立过渡账户收缴;

    China 's traditionally through levying bodies and budget units establish multiple accounts for the scattered , many items from the collection of revenue through the establishment of transitional institutions account collection ;

  14. 分析了当前政府投资项目管理体制中存在的弊端,及其对财政性资金投资效益和社会经济发展的危害。

    Analyzing the current limitation in the GIF and its harm to benefit of financial capital and and social economy development , points out its deeper reason lies in three aspects , that is the government economic function is unclear ;

  15. 根据国家的战略部署,国家要求各地力争在2010年将所有财政性资金全部纳入国库单一账户体系运行管理,各级预算单位全部实行国库集中支付制度。

    According to the strategic plan of country , the State urged all localities to strive for all funded into the treasury single account system , and all of the various levels budget unit effectuations exchequer concentrates payment system by 2010 .

  16. 现代国库管理制度的建立也改变了对资金使用和调度的监管方式,借助于国库单一账户这个资金的唯一出口,清晰反映财政性资金每一笔钱的来龙去脉。

    The establishment of a modern treasury management system also changed for the use of funds and dispatching supervision , the only outlet with the help of treasury single account the funds , clearly reflect the financial capital of each money sequence of events .

  17. 预算外资金是国家机关、事业单位和社会团体为代行政府职能,依据国家法律法规和具有法律效力的规章而收取、提取和安排使用的,未纳入国家预算管理的各种财政性资金。

    Capital over budget are all kinds of financial capital without bringing into budget management , that is state departments , nonprofit organizations and social organizations collect , draw and arrange according to state laws and codes , regulations with force effect on behalf of the government .

  18. 政府采购是指各级政府等公共部门为了满足社会公共需要,在政府职能部门及社会公众的监督下,使用财政性资金、依照法定的程序购买货物、工程和服务的行为。

    Government procurement is behavior of purchasing goods , engineering and service by public sector including government at all levels , in order to meet the social public need , in government functional departments and public supervision , by the use of fiscal fund in accordance with legal procedures .

  19. 王春正首先介绍了增加资金投入的政策&加大建设资金投入力度。提高中央财政性建设资金用于西部地区的比例。

    On the policy of increasing funding in the region : The Ministry of Finance will allocate a larger share of its construction fund to the western region .

  20. 对国家新安排的西部地区重大基础设施建设项目,其投资主要由中央财政性建设资金、其他专项建设资金、银行贷款和利用外资解决,不留资金缺口。

    The newly planned major infrastructure projects will be ensured enough funding , which mainly comes from the central finance construction fund , other funds for special projects , bank loans and overseas investment .

  21. 在公共财政体制下,财政性资金应成为社会救助资金与社会福利资金的主要资金来源渠道,而与社会保险资金保持适当的距离。

    Under the system of public finance , fiscal expenditure should become the main source of social salvage fund and social welfare fund and keep an appropriate distance from social security fund .

  22. 支持资金使用结构不尽合理,以及现行财政支出管理制度方面的诸多弊端是财政农业投入性支持资金使用效率低下的主要原因。

    That spending structure of support funds is not reasonable and fiscal expenditure management rules has many abuses is the main reason why fiscal public agricultural funds are not used efficiently . So government should support agriculture preferentially .

  23. 为了增强对财政风险分析的可行性,笔者用资金满足程度的分析代替财政性资金的边际效用分析,深刻剖析我国财政风险的现状及成因;

    In order to strengthen the feasibility of financial risk analysis , I analyze the degree met with finance fund replacing the marginal utility , then deeply analyze the current situation of the financial risk of our country and origin cause of formation ;

  24. 要积极探索财政决算审计与市县长经济责任审计的结合,适应现代财政管理理念,积极探索财政性资金绩效审计。

    In order to suit the control idea of modern finance ard probe actively financial funds performance audit , it is necessary to probe actively the combination of finance balanced budget audit and mayors economic duty audit .