
  • 网络financial officer;cfo;Treasurer;Quaestor
  1. 财务官从事财政部门的服务。

    The quaestor served in the ministry of finance .

  2. 梅西百货首席财务官最近表示:“坦白说,我们在绞尽脑汁想办法。”

    As the CFO of Macy 's put it recently , " We 're frankly scratching our heads . "

  3. 其想法是,通过在菜单上涵盖更广的范围,“我们可以卖给消费者他们一整天都需要的食物,”百胜集团首席财务官瑞克·卡如茨说道。

    The idea is that by having a greater range of things on the menu , " we can sell to consumers products they want all day , " says Rick Carucci , the chief financial officer of Yum ! Brands .

  4. Ⅰ.核心学习:BeingaGoodManager做个好经理迈克尔:嘿,比利-走进首席财务官办公室那个新来的家伙是谁?

    Michael : Hey Billy - who is the new guy going into the CFO 's office ?

  5. 作为前首席财务官,古德在过去一年带领杜克能源经历了与ProgressEnergy的艰难合并。

    Formally the firm 's chief financial officer , Good spent the year navigating Duke Energy ( DUK ) through a difficult merger with Progress Energy .

  6. 布拉德•欣茨是自由市场的忠实信徒,他曾担任摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)首席财务官,目前在伯恩斯坦研究(BernsteinResearch)做证券分析师,主要关注经纪商、交易所和信托银行。

    Brad Hintz believes in free markets .

  7. 辞退巴茨之后,雅虎董事会任命首席财务官蒂姆•莫尔斯暂代CEO一职。

    In firing Bartz , the board named CFO Tim Morse as interim chief .

  8. 53岁的苏黎世保险公司(ZurichInsuranceGroup)首席财务官皮埃尔•瓦塞勒,与公司的首席执行官处于激烈的斗争之中。

    Pierre Wauthier , 53 , CFO at Zurich Insurance Group was in the middle of a horrendous conflict with his CEO .

  9. 首席财务官托马斯·R。亚当斯说,新政策是为了更好地反映当前市场的回报、利率和医疗保健费用。

    The new policy is intended to better reflect current market returns , interest rates and health-care costs , Chief Financial Officer Thomas R.Adams said .

  10. 研究背景:CFO(ChiefFinancialOfficer)在我国译作首席财务官或财务总监,是现代公司制企业中最重要、最有价值的高层管理职位之一。

    CFO ( Chief Financial Officer ) is one of the most valuable management jobs on the senior level in the enterprise .

  11. 实际上,时任该公司首席财务官的格雷厄姆•洛夫(GrahamLove)在凯雷提交最终报价前,曾与其讨论过该问题。

    In fact , Graham Love , the then chief financial officer , discussed this with Carlyle before final bids were submitted .

  12. 9月,Accordion公司推出一项名为“首席财务官领导力”的服务项目。

    In September , accordion launched a new practice called CFO leadership services .

  13. 在我看来,最佳首席财务官(CFO)这个位置非皮特•奥本海默莫属。

    I think there I have to choose Peter Oppenheimer .

  14. 公司首席财务官阿德里安•约瑟夫(AdrianJoseph)是另一位来自雄狮酿酒公司的员工。

    The chief financial officer , Adrian Joseph , is another Lion Brewery alumnus .

  15. 包括首席财务官刘易斯布斯(lewisbooth)在内的其他高管也获得了巨额的股份奖励。

    Several other senior executives , including Lewis booth , chief financial officer , also received big share pay-outs .

  16. 在该交易于上周宣布后,力拓首席财务官盖伊艾略特(guyelliot)会见了澳大利亚投资者。

    Guy Elliot , Rio finance director , met with Australian investors after the deal was announced last week .

  17. 通用汽车首席财务官杨世杰(rayyoung)上月在一次报告中表示,新通用将“做好充分准备,但过程不会一帆风顺”。

    Ray young , chief financial officer , said in a presentation last month that the new GM would be " well-prepared , but the process will not be easy " .

  18. 不过,正如百视通首席财务官、美国留学归来的李川(peterli,与李怀宇并非亲戚)所言,成本并非该公司唯一的优势。

    But as Peter Li , the US-trained Finance Director ( no relation to the Chief Executive ) , says , cost is not the only advantage .

  19. 据这家纽约上市公司的首席财务官WilliamChen表示,公司今年的营收较2009年同比增长了三倍。

    According to William Chen , its chief financial officer , the New York-listed company has seen its revenues quadruple this year compared with 2009 .

  20. 联想首席财务官黄伟明(WongWaiMing)也努力打消投资者对该集团收购交易的疑虑。

    Wong Wai Ming , Lenovo 's chief financial officer , also attempted to reassure investors over the group 's acquisitions .

  21. “我们生产的所有iPad2都已售出,”苹果首席财务官彼得•奥本海默在分析师电话会议上表示。

    " We sold every iPad 2 we could make , " said CFO Peter Oppenheimer in the conference call with analysts .

  22. 上周,我参加了一场晚宴,在晚宴上,黄金反托拉斯行动委员会(GoldAnti-TrustActionCommittee,简称GATA)财务官克里斯鲍威尔(ChrisPowell)发表了讲话。

    I attended a dinner last week where Chris Powell , the treasurer of the Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee ( Gata ), was talking .

  23. 花旗集团(citigroup)昨日撤换了任职不足4个月的首席财务官内德凯利(nedkelly)。

    Citigroup replaced Ned Kelly , its finance chief , yesterday after less than four months in the job .

  24. 也培养了科技巨头约翰·斯卡利(苹果CEO),小托马斯·沃森(IBM的CEO)和戴维·艾博斯曼(Facebook首席财务官)。

    and also of technology superstars John Sculley ( Apple CEO ) , Thomas Watson Jr. ( IBM CEO ) , and David Ebersman ( Facebook CFO ) .

  25. 另外13%为现任或已退休的高管,20%为银行家、投资者或首席财务官(CFO)。

    Another 13 % were active or retired executives and 20 % were bankers , investors or CFOs .

  26. 今年1月份的一次季度财报电话会议上,谷歌(Google)首席财务官(CFO)帕特里克o皮切特也将公司的企业级业务部门称作是战略性的增长机遇。

    On a quarterly earnings call in January , Google GOOG - 2.36 % CFO Patrick Pichette called its Enterprise group a strategic growth opportunity .

  27. 摩根大通首席财务官玛丽安•雷克(MarianneLake)表示,这一法律费用针对许多事项,确实包含我们对外汇市场调查的最佳估计。

    Marianne Lake , chief financial officer , said the legal charge covered a number of matters and did include our best estimate for FX .

  28. 在一次采访中,苹果首席财务官卢卡•马埃斯特里(LucaMaestri)拒绝透露AppleTV该季度销量是否增加。

    In an interview , Luca Maestri , Apple 's finance chief , declined to say whether sales even grew the quarter .

  29. 花旗昨日反驳了外界关于其管理深度的担忧,宣布任命美国运通(AmericanExpress)的加里•克里腾登(GaryCrittenden)担任花旗首席财务官。

    Citigroup yesterday moved to counter concerns about its management depth by announcing the appointment of Gary Crittenden of American Express as chief financial officer .

  30. 检调人员带走了明基首席财务官游克用(ericyu)和其它负责财会的官员,以进一步询问。

    Prosecutors took Eric Yu , chief financial officer , and other company officials in charge of Finance and accounting , back to their office for questioning .