
cái tuán
  • consortium;syndicate;financial group
财团 [cái tuán]
  • [financial group] 经济实力雄厚、拥有众多庞大企业的私人或团体

  • 国际财团

财团[cái tuán]
  1. 台湾财团法人医院的法人治理结构

    The corporate governing structure of hospitals of financial group corporate in Taiwan

  2. 我是这个财团的发起人,也是最大的投资者。

    I am the initiator of this financial group , also be the biggest investor .

  3. 该财团最大股东道达尔(total)拒绝置评。

    Total , largest shareholder in Yemen LNG , had no comment .

  4. 为此,GoldOne表示将向该财团发行1.887亿股新股,发行价为每股0.53澳元。

    Hence , Gold One said it would issue 188.7m new shares for the consortium at A $ 0.53 a share .

  5. -该财团将向GoldOne注资1.5亿澳元,换取该公司发行的3.75亿股新股,相当于该公司31%的股权(未经稀释)。

    - The consortium will inject A $ 150m into Gold One in exchange for 375m new shares issued by the company .

  6. 该财团去年在肯尼亚内罗毕开办了非洲植物繁育学院(AfricanPlantBreedingAcademy)。

    The consortium opened the African Plant Breeding Academy last year in Nairobi , Kenya .

  7. 该财团希望能够立刻收购AC米兰俱乐部80%的股份,随后再接收剩下的部分。

    The consortium is looking to buy 80 % of the club immediately before eventually taking over the remainder .

  8. 财团的牵头者、国有的中国铁建(ChinaRailwayConstructionCorp)已宣告要在重新招标时再次竞标该项目。

    State-owned China Railway Construction Corp , which led the consortium , has vowed to bid again for the project when it is retendered .

  9. 选择正确的银行财团对于IPO成败至关重要。

    Choosing the right banking syndicate is critical to the success of your IPO .

  10. 据意大利前总理西尔维奥·贝卢斯科尼日前透露,他已经将AC米兰出售给了一家中国财团。

    Former Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi says he has sold the soccer club AC Milan to a Chinese consortium .

  11. 西门子将向这个中国财团提供信号与电气化设备。该财团还包括中国铁建(ChinaRailwayConstructionCorp)与北京铁路局(BeijingRailwayAdministration)。

    Siemens will provide signalling and electrification equipment to the Chinese consortium , which also includes China Railway Construction Corp and the Beijing Railway Administration .

  12. 2006年,施瑞德领导的花旗财团成功击败包括星展集团在内的竞争对手,购得了广东发展银行(GuangdongDevelopmentbank)85%的股权。

    Mr Stanley led a successful Citigroup consortium bid for an 85 per cent stake in Guangdong Development Bank in 2006 against rival offers , including one from DBS .

  13. 两个私人股本公司财团一直在竞购ClearChannel,预计它们将在本周末的最后期限之前提交强有力的报价。

    Two consortia of private equity buyers have been competing to acquire Clear Channel , and are expected to submit strong bids by this weekend 's deadline .

  14. 由高盛(GoldmanSachs)牵头的一个财团在2007年入股熔盛。

    A consortium led by Goldman Sachs invested in a stake in Rongsheng in 2007 .

  15. 瑞银(ubs)担任上述中国财团的交易顾问。

    The Chinese consortium was advised by UBS .

  16. 随着南山人寿(nanshanlifeinsurance)的出售进程进入决定性阶段,预计一些海外集团将会与当地竞购者携手组成竞争财团。

    Some overseas groups are expected to team up with local bidders to form rival consortia as the sale process for Nan Shan life insurance enters its decisive phase .

  17. 阿斯顿马丁近期被福特汽车(fordmotor)出售给了一间由科威特领导的私人财团,它通过网上商店销售一系列贴牌服装和其它配件。

    Aston Martin recently sold by Ford Motor to a kuwaiti-led private consortium sells a range of branded clothing and other accessories through its online store .

  18. 位于新德里卫星城古尔冈的Jabong最近也募集了1亿美元,投资的财团里包括德国的科技创业孵化公司RocketInternet。

    Jabong , which is based in Gurgaon outside New Delhi , recently raised $ 100 million from a consortium of investors including the German tech incubator Rocket Internet .

  19. 第二大养老院运营商四季(fourseasons)现在由一个银行组成的财团所有。两年前,该公司曾被迫进行债转股。

    The second-largest operator of homes for the elderly , Four Seasons , is owned by a consortium of banks following a forced debt equity swap two years ago .

  20. 京东方(BOETechnologyGroupCo.)和一个由中国其他国有企业组成的财团上周表示,他们将投资41亿美元在北京新建一个液晶显示器工厂。

    BOE Technology Group Co. and a consortium of other Chinese state-owned enterprises said last week they will spend $ 4.1 billion to build a major new liquid-crystal-display factory in Beijing .

  21. 野村(nomura)为该财团提供咨询服务。

    The consortium was advised by Nomura .

  22. 例如,国有的韩国电力公司(KoreaElectricPowerCorp)牵头的一家财团击败了来自美国、法国与日本的对手,赢得阿联酋一笔价值200亿美元的核能合约。

    A consortium led by state-run Korea Electric Power Corp , for example , beat US , French and Japanese rivals to a $ 20bn nuclear power contract in the United Arab Emirates .

  23. 上月,美国外国投资委员会(CommitteeonForeignInvestmentintheUS)阻止了飞利浦(Philips)一笔貌似无关痛痒的交易,这家荷兰集团欲以31亿美元将照明业务出售给一个中国财团。

    Last month , the Committee on Foreign Investment in the US blocked a seemingly innocuous $ 3.1bn sale of a lighting unit from Philips , the Dutch conglomerate , to a Chinese consortium .

  24. (ii)在英国或其它地域所组成之非法人组织,例如合伙组织、合资组织、财团组织等等。

    or ( ii ) any unincorporated association or unincorporated body of persons , whether formed in the United Kingdom or elsewhere , including a partnership , joint venture or consortium .

  25. 相同的顾虑在印度南部的班加罗尔也得到了回应,在那里,由西门子(Siemens)牵头的一个国际财团投资兴建的一座亟需的新机场刚刚建成开业。

    The same concerns are echoed in Bangalore in India 's south , where a Siemens-led consortium has just opened a much-needed new airport .

  26. 美国的西屋电气(westinghouse)也是财团成员之一。

    Westinghouse , the US group , is also involved in the consortium .

  27. 雷文凯敦促中国批准凯雷收购案,以及涉及花旗集团(Citigroup)的一笔备受关注的交易。花旗集团牵头的财团已出价30亿美元竞购广东发展银行(GuangdongDevelopmentbank)的控股权。

    Mr Lavin urged China to approve the Carlyle deal , as well as a high-profile deal involving Citigroup , which is leading a consortium that has bid $ 3bn for control of Guangdong Development Bank .

  28. 当时该财团表示,如果荷兰最高法院裁定,荷兰银行无须经过股东投票就可以将LaSalle出售给美国银行(BANKOFAMERICA),那么该财团可能调低其报价。

    At the time , it said its offer would lapse if the Dutch Supreme Court ruled that ABN Amro could sell LaSalle to Bank of America without a shareholder vote .

  29. 这家财团由普雷姆•沃察(PremWatsa)的FairfaxFinancialHoldings牵头。该公司持有总部位于加拿大安大略省的黑莓公司10%的股份。

    The consortium is led by Prem Watsa 's Fairfax Financial Holdings , which holds a 10 per cent stake in the Ontario-based company .

  30. 由荷兰皇家壳牌(RoyalDutchShell)牵头的财团即将把几座尼日利亚油田售给国内买家,价格约在50亿美元左右,显示外企将撤离撒哈拉以南非洲历史最悠久的石油产业。

    A Royal Dutch Shell-led consortium is close to selling several Nigerian oilfields for about $ 5bn to domestic buyers , as foreign companies retreat from sub-Saharan Africa 's oldest oil industry .