
  • 网络financial report;financial statement
  1. 值得注意的是,苹果在电话会议上表示,在未来的财报中,公司将把AppleWatch的销售数据纳入其他那一类,而同属这一类别的还有不那么成功的appleTV和iPod。

    Notably , Apple said on the call that in its future financial reports , the company would include sales numbers for the watch in the Other category , along with the Apple TV and iPods & products that have been less successful .

  2. 值得注意的是,苹果在电话会议上表示,在未来的财报中,公司将把AppleWatch的销售数据纳入“其他”那一类,而同属这一类别的还有不那么成功的AppleTV和iPod。

    Notably , Apple said on the call that in its future financial reports , the company would include sales numbers for the watch in the " Other " category , along with the Apple TV and iPods - products that have been less successful .

  3. 看看梅西百货、诺德斯特罗姆和塔吉特这些大型零售商的财报,就像参观重症监护室一样惊心动魄。

    Reading the earnings announcements of large retail stores like Macy 's , Nordstrom , and Target is about as uplifting as a tour of an intensive care unit .

  4. 苹果公司(Apple)周二公布的第四财季财报并未让投资者满意。

    Apple ( AAPL ) reported disappointing results for its fourth fiscal quarter on Tuesday .

  5. 其中3项交易,包括两份事先泄露的季度财报,均与合同研究机构药用物品开发公司(PharmaceuticalProductDevelopment)相关。

    Three of the trades , including two front-running quarterly earnings releases , were in shares of contract research organization Pharmaceutical Product Developmen .

  6. 在周三公布财报之前,Facebook的股票在收盘时上涨了2.9%。

    Facebook 's stock closed Wednesday up 2.9 % , before the earnings report .

  7. 苹果此次公布财报正好在推出AppleWatch之后。上周五,苹果开始向九个国家的消费者出货。

    Apple reported earnings after releasing its Apple Watch , which began shipping to customers in nine countries on Friday .

  8. 苹果(Apple)将在约两周后,即7月19日发布第三财季财报。

    Apple ( AAPL ) will report its earnings for the June quarter on July 19 , two weeks from today .

  9. 该公司在这个过渡中面临着艰难的营收下滑问题。IBM会在周一公布上季度财报。

    IBM , which reports quarterly earnings on Monday , has been grappling with declining revenue as it makes that transition .

  10. 上周三,特斯拉汽车公司(TeslaMotors)发布了第一季度财报,引起了不小的轰动。

    Tesla Motors made news last Wednesday when it posted its first quarterly profit .

  11. Facebook曾在去年10月的一次财报会上表示,一些青少年对Facebook的使用有所减少。

    Facebook said in an earnings call in October that some younger teens were using the service less .

  12. 雅居乐地产(AgileProperty)最新发布的财报显示,2014年公司收入同比增长8%,但利润下降11%。

    Revenue at Agile Property increased 8 per cent in 2014 , the company said in its latest earnings report yet profits sank 11 per cent .

  13. 周三,中国互联网集团腾讯(Tencent)公布了第一季度财报。

    The Chinese internet group Tencent released first-quarter results on Wednesday .

  14. 在最近发布的第一季度财报数据中,Twitter报出备考盈利每股15美分。

    In its recently announced first-quarter figures , Twitter reported pro forma earnings of 15 cents a share .

  15. 上周,这家中国的PC厂商又发布了一份漂亮的季度财报,营收与利润双双大幅增长&甚至在PC销售下降的市场也是如此。

    Last week the Chinese personal computer maker posted another quarter of big gains in revenue and profit & even in markets where PC sales fell .

  16. 贝斯普克投资集团(BespokeInvestment)表示,过去八个季度,每当英特尔公布财报收益时,股价都会下跌。

    And as bespoke investment noted , the stock has gapped down each of the past eight quarters Intel has posted earnings .

  17. 在最近这个季度,尤其是Facebook发布了表现惊人的财报后,扎克伯格再次扩充了自己的理念。

    In the most recent quarter , after an even more impressive earnings report , zuckerbeg expanded further on his pet concept .

  18. 投资者押下重注,认为黑莓(那时候公司还叫ResearchinMotion)的计划能够成功,使得其股价在去年6月发布季度财报前的12个月中上涨了59%。

    Investors had placed a big bet that plan could work , sending BlackBerry 's [ then known as Research in Motion ] shares up 59 % in the 12 months before issuing quarterly results in June .

  19. 本周中国国际航空公司(airchina)和中国东方航空公司(chinaeasternairlines)发布的财报显示,自那以后,航空公司在手中的对冲合约到期后,没有购买任何新的对冲产品。

    Since then the airlines have let their existing hedging arrangement expire and have not entered any new ones , according to financial statements published this week by Air China and China Eastern Airlines .

  20. 苹果也在打消人们对iPhone销量放缓的担心,尽管其最近的财报让某些质疑者安下心来。

    Apple has also had to fend off concerns of slowing sales of the iPhone , although its recent results reassured some doubters .

  21. Treasury财报显示,在截至去年12月31日的上半财年,Treasury净利润增加了31%,至5230万澳元。

    Treasury 's net profit increased 31 % to A $ 52.3 million in its fiscal first half ended Dec. 31 on a reported-currency basis .

  22. 在财报电话会议上,库克称苹果依然很看好iPad的前景。

    On the earnings call , Mr. Cook said that Apple continues to be very bullish about the iPad 's prospects .

  23. 苹果拒绝就IDC的数据置评。该公司将于下周公布财报。

    Apple declined to comment on IDC 's figures , ahead of its earnings report next week .

  24. DELL在其季度收入财报中通报了其6%的利润减少,而导致利润较低是因为低利润抵消了其销售的增长。

    Dell has reported a6 % fall in quarterly earnings , as low profit margins offset an increase in sales .

  25. 一开始似乎也没人注意到这个错误,直到那条醒目的推文泄露了Twitter令人失望的财报结果,才吸引了人们关注。

    Initially it seemed no-one really noticed the error , until a well-placed tweet highlighted ed the mistake and revealed Twitter 's disappointing results .

  26. 微博(Weibo,中国的类Twitter微博客服务)继续录得亏损,不过投资者似乎对其最新财报结果相当满意。

    China 's equivalent of Twitter continues to make a loss , but investors seem happy enough with its latest results .

  27. 在最近特斯拉的季度财报电话会议上被问及这个问题时,马斯克的回答简明扼要:苹果和谷歌(Google)不从事生产。

    Mr Musk had a succinct answer , when asked about that on his company 's quarterly earnings call earlier this week : Apple and Google do not make things .

  28. 黑莓公司(BlackBerryLtd.)这一周十分忙碌——公司推出了一款名为Passport的智能手机,季度财报显示的亏损额度也有所减少。

    BlackBerry Ltd. has had a busy week - it debuted a new smartphone called the Passport and reported a narrower quarterly loss .

  29. 此前每个人都喜欢用怀疑的眼光来审视Facebook,但周二该公司在盘后发布的第三季度财报显示,当季盈利超过市场预期,营收几近达到13亿美元,同比增长了32%。

    On Tuesday , the company that everyone loved to discount reported better-than-expected profits and a 32 % increase in third-quarter revenue to nearly $ 1.3 billion .

  30. 百胜CEO诺瓦克在财报电话会议上表示,他希望带领公司在2014年底重回两位数的增长轨道。

    At the earnings call , yum CEO Novak says he expects to get the company back to its double-digit growth rate by the end of 2014 .