
yù xiàn
  • threshold
阈限[yù xiàn]
  1. 本文通过进行人眼阈限亮度对比实验,确定了可见度计算模型中的重要系数K。

    This paper develops the threshold brightness contrast experiments of human eyes , and determines the important factor K in the visibility calculation models .

  2. 开展了人眼阈限亮度对比实验,利用实验数据建议了适宜于观察者的可见度计算模型中的K值;

    Conducts experiments on threshold brightness contrast of the human eyes , suggests the K value in the visibility calculation suitable for the experimental data ;

  3. 意识阈限下信息刺激的传播效果研究&基于ERP的实验研究

    An ERP Experimental Research on the Effect of Subliminal Messages

  4. 急性发作期术后15d组与正常对照组对比敏感度比较在12.0c/d、18.0c/d阈限升高(P<0.01),色觉功能异常(P<0.01)。

    The threshold of CS at 12.0 c / d and 18.0 c / d were increased ( P < 0.01 ) and color vision was abnormal ( P < 0.01 ) in the patients 15 d after operation .

  5. 区域水资源开发利用的阈限分析

    Limit analysis on the development and utilization of regional water resources

  6. 教室声环境的主观反应及烦恼度阈限值的探讨

    On subjective response to environment noise in classroom and annoying threshold

  7. 结果,你已经获得一意识阈限。

    In effect , you have attained a threshold of consciousness .

  8. 笔划频率和字体对汉字大小辨认阈限的影响

    Stroke Frequency and Font Effects on Chinese Character Recognition Threshold

  9. 噪声时长差别阈限的实验

    A Test on The Just Noticeable Difference of Noise Length

  10. 绿洲规模扩张超过阈限,将会导致严重的生态环境问题。

    The unrestricted expansion of oasis would lead to serious environmental problems .

  11. 时间不知不觉地溜走。主、客观觉察阈限对阈上与阈下启动差异的鉴别作用

    The Validity of Subjective and Objective Awareness Thresholds in Subliminal Perception Priming

  12. 基于强迫选择法的一种阈限算法及其实现

    A Threshold Testing Algorithm Based on Forced Choice Method and Its Implementation

  13. 轻、中度体力负荷条件下外加吸气阻力的感觉阈限

    The detecton threshold for added inspiratory resistance at light and moderate work rates

  14. 伦理制度化:依据、功能及阈限

    Ethical Institutionalization : Basis , Function and Limitation

  15. 公路交通噪声阈限值的分析研究

    Analysis of the highway traffic noise threshold value

  16. 汉语句子阅读阈限的初步研究

    A preliminary study on the threshold of reading Chinese sentences under the tachistoscopic condition

  17. 道德阈限与道德教育的禁忌

    Limen of Moral and Taboo of Moral Education

  18. 多种因素对时间连续阈限的影响

    Effect of several factors on time succession threshold

  19. 少数民族双语教学应关注阈限理论的效应

    The Effect of Threshold Theory Deserving Attention in the Bilingual Education of Minority Nationalities

  20. 儿童铅接触及生物阈限

    Lead Exposure and Biological Limit to Children

  21. 有光坪条件下同时性闪光信号的频率辨别阈限

    The frequency discrimination thresholds of simultaneous flash signals composed of alternative bright and dim phases

  22. 道路照明阈限亮度差的实验研究和可见度的计算

    Experiment Study on the Luminance Difference at Threshold and the Visibility Calculation of Road Lighting

  23. 自我选择与人的自由阈限

    Self-Choice and Man 's Freedom Limit

  24. 人眼作为一个普通的感觉器官对不同强度的灰度刺激有着不同的分辨阈限。

    As a receptor , human eye has different resolution limens to grayscale stimuli with different intensity .

  25. 人类感觉阈限与语言局限是人类辨识模糊性的二个重要根源。

    It is also shown that the thresholds of sense and language are two important sources of fuzziness .

  26. 干旱区绿洲规模的扩张在总体上要受到资源、环境与生态阈限的制约。

    Generally , the expansion of the oasis in arid land is subjected to the restraints of these thresholds .

  27. 第7章指出了王海鸰作品面临的困惑,指出了其作品的阈限。

    Chapter 7 points out the works of Wang Hailing solve the puzzle , that the threshold of their works .

  28. 温州人生活在一种门槛的阈限阶段,游走于神圣与世俗之间。

    Wenzhou people live in a liminality of the threshold stage , the line between the sacred and the secular .

  29. 借助“语言阈限假设”理论,调查汉语与英语阅读观念关系问题。

    This paper investigates the relationship of reading attitudes between Chinese and English , drawing on the linguistic threshold hypothesis .

  30. 西欧布的仪式过程主要包括分离阶段和阈限阶段。

    The ritual process of Xioubu consists of three separate phases : separation , liminality or transition , and incorporation .