
  1. 其他人则需要合作和社会经验来激发工作热情。

    Others are more motivated by collaboration and social experiences .

  2. 虽然它们的身体很快就干了,但是耳朵背后却还是湿的。例句西蒙刚从学校毕业,还没什么社会经验呢。莎拉理论上知道这份工作该怎么干,但要付诸实践时,她可没有什么经验可谈。

    Sarah knows the theory of the job , but when it comes to practical experience , she 's still wet behind the ears .

  3. 沿着拟人的途径,通过把待解决的问题与人类的社会经验作对比,得到了求解三角形Packing问题的若干拟人策略,并以此策略为基础发展出一种高效的近似求解算法。

    According to personification approach , some strategies for tackling the triangles packing problem are presented and two highly efficient approximate algorithms have been developed based on these strategies .

  4. 所以,学长毕业以后给我发E-MAIL,说到了工作岗位很不适应,一点社会经验都没有,太不善于和社会人打交道了。

    So , after graduating from senior to me E-MAIL , said the work was adapted , the community that do not have the experience , too good at dealing with the people and society .

  5. 这与我们的常识和社会经验相抵触。

    It contradicts with our common sense and human everyday experiences .

  6. 社会经验是我们最需要的东西。

    The social experience is what we are badly in need of .

  7. 但是在那之前,一些社会经验和客户是非常必要的。

    But before that , some social experience and clients are necessary .

  8. 她什么都有了:美貌、青春和社会经验。

    She had everything : looks and youth and sophistication .

  9. 缺少社会经验的青少年轻易为生疏人的外表所迷惑。

    Juveniles lacking social experience are likely to be misled by strangers'appearance .

  10. 传统商店还提供了一些购物者享受的社会经验。

    Traditional stores also offer a social experience that some shoppers enjoy .

  11. 大学生,没有社会经验,容易上当受骗。

    Eg : College students , lacking social experience , are easily cheated .

  12. 每一个时期的发展都受成熟和经验、社会经验、平衡等因素的影响。

    Every stage is influenced by maturity , social experience , and equilibrium etc.

  13. 我的父母亲同意我去农村获取社会经验。

    My parents agreed that I should go to the country for social experience .

  14. 我很有社会经验,知道怎样对付像他这样的人。

    I 've been around and I know how to handle people like him .

  15. 在经验主义理论看来,社会经验是个体经验最终的抽象体。

    Social experience is the abstraction of individual experience in the theory of empiricism .

  16. 他无任何社会经验。

    Green he is as green as grass .

  17. 能吃苦,实践能力强社会经验比较丰富。

    Can endure hardship , the practice ability strong society experience quite is rich .

  18. 兼职的辅助教授可以为学生们提供真实的社会经验。

    They also say part-time adjuncts can provide real world experience for their students .

  19. 找个兼职,充实一个自己的生活。顺便可以得到一些社会经验。

    To find a part-time job for enrich myself and can get more social Experience .

  20. 亲爱的,你的爸妈,社会经验不见得比两个娃娃多。

    Your parents , my dear , have no more worldly wisdom than two babies .

  21. 他自以为有丰富的社会经验、深谙世故。

    He claims himself rich in social experience and familiar with the ways of the world .

  22. 现在是时候为你分担你有什么社会经验。

    He is also qualified in social work and has six years'experience in social work practice .

  23. 在假期中曾到小型公司实习做账,丰富自己的社会经验。

    Holiday at small companies have to account to do internships to enrich their social experience .

  24. 在认识亚历克斯之前,西莉亚肩上没有压过任何担子,社会经验几乎等于零。

    Before Celia met Alex she had had no responsibilities , her social experience was nil .

  25. 显示出高精致度的且有广泛社会经验保障的。

    Showing a high degree of refinement and the assurance that comes from wide social experience .

  26. 有志之友!交流社会经验,人生领悟,心情琐事!

    Have the friend of ambition ! Exchanges society experience , life comprehend , mood trifles !

  27. 许多学生假期去工作赚点零花钱并获取社会经验。

    Many students work during their holidays in order to get some pocket money and social experience .

  28. 由于心理上的不成熟和社会经验的缺乏,一些年轻人很容易被假话欺骗。

    Being mentally immature and sociably inexperienced , many of youngsters are easy to be deceived by subterfuges .

  29. 后现代主义是这一社会经验的现象,是文化变迁的过程和结果。

    Post-modernism is the phenomenon of this social experience and is the process and result of cultural vicissitude .

  30. 先验的社会经验包含一个事实就是生命并非完全都是社会的。

    The a priori of empirical social life consists of the fact that life is not entirely social .