
  • 网络social enterprise;social entrepreneur;social business
  1. 一位银行人士表示,它是“社会企业巨擘”:单单一家公司就汇集了中国版的Facebook、WhatsApp、Spotify、Kindle和ApplePay。

    It is , says one banker , " a social enterprise powerhouse " : under one roof , it has amassed China 's answer to Facebook , WhatsApp , Spotify , Kindle and ApplePay .

  2. 而在其他地区,印度商学院正与全球社会企业technoserve合作,为表现最为优秀的毕业生提供咨询服务。

    Elsewhere , ISB is working with TechnoServe , a global social enterprise , to offer consultancy services to top performing graduates .

  3. 信息社会企业CIO及其发展趋势研究

    CIO of enterprise in information society and its developing trend

  4. 这位市场营销创新者在12月5日接受一份新教职巴黎hec商学院社会企业学教授。

    On December 5 , the marketing innovator will be appointed to a new chair of social business at HEC , the Paris Business School .

  5. 英国促进社会企业发展的策略研究及启示

    Britain promoting social enterprise development 's strategy research and inspir-ation

  6. 戈伊汽车公司是一个汽车社会企业。

    Goy Motor Company is an automotive social enterprise .

  7. 因此非政府组织和社会企业不可能完全相同。

    So the NGO and SE can hardly be exactly the same thing .

  8. 试论信息社会企业管理创新

    Business Management Innovation of in the Information Society

  9. 但这并不意味着中国对社会企业没有实践过。

    But this does not mean that China is not practiced on social enterprises .

  10. 最后,为中国社会企业发展提出了自己的建议。

    Finally , the author proposed comments on the development of social enterprise in China .

  11. 社会企业:北京市构建节能型社会的创新机制

    Social Enterprise : the Innovation Mechanism in the Building of Energy Saving Society in Beijing

  12. 网络化社会企业管理的变革

    Management Innovation in the Network Society

  13. 第武汉理工大学博士学位论文四,根据信息社会企业管理的新范式的特征提出了企业管理集成的内涵;

    Fourth , we research EMI 's implication based on the characteristics of the new paradigm .

  14. 第五部分,回顾了信息社会企业创新理论、企业创新机制、企业创新模型、企业创新的核心思维创新以及企业思维创新的对策。

    Part Five : I retrieve the whole article about innovation theory , mechanism , and model .

  15. 高校后勤服务必须以学校后勤实体为主体,以社会企业服务为补充;

    Assisted by social enterprises , the college legal entity should still be the main part of rear service ;

  16. 她认为商学院还有另外一个作用:培养能够在社会企业中起到关键支柱作用的人。

    She sees another role for schools developing individuals who can play critical back seat roles in social enterprises .

  17. 它们可能是公司、慈善团体、社会企业、教育机构,甚至是政党或养老基金。

    They might be companies , charities , social enterprises , educational establishments , even political parties or pension funds .

  18. 这个生态系统包括了大学、公共政策机构、直接服务和倡导群体、社会企业和有远见的私人企业。

    It includes universities , public policy organisations , direct service and advocacy groups , social enterprise and far-sighted private enterprise .

  19. 与此同时,他在孟加拉国建立了一系列乡村银行以及基金会;其中很多是与人合伙成立的社会企业,它们完全独立于国有银行体系。

    Meanwhile , he had established a raft of Bangladeshi companies and funds bearing the Grameen name , many of them social businesses set up with partners and independent of the bank .

  20. 走品牌化路线已经成为当今社会企业发展的必经之路,选好一个适合自己定位的设计公司当然是重中之重。

    Takes the brand e already to become now the society enterprise development road which must be taken , chooses the design company which suited itself to locate certainly is the most important .

  21. 另一个需要不同的思考方式的问题是,社会企业的融资方式,因为这可能意味着利用慈善捐款,或者寻求社会投资者的支持。

    Another issue requiring a different way of thinking is the question of how social enterprises can raise capital , since that might mean tapping into philanthropic funding or seeking backing from social investors .

  22. 高校后勤文化既同高校文化有着千丝万缕的联系,又具有社会企业文化的特征,基本要素是物质文化、行为文化和精神文化。

    The university 's logistic culture is related to the university culture in many ways , and it is also has the features of social enterprises ' culture : material culture , behaviour culture and spirit culture .

  23. 混合式学习在我国大学远程学历培训和社会企业培训中的研究也缓慢而稳步上升,但还未有人对其在幼儿园教师在职培训中的应用进行过详细研究。

    Besides , in China blended learning is also gradually carried out in social enterprise training and distance education training colleges , but the application of in-service training among kindergarten teachers has not yet been studied in depth .

  24. 社会企业具备两大明显特征:一,它为穷人生产他们觉得物有所值、并愿意购买的产品;二,生产获得的利润应重新投入生产,而不是流入企业所有者的腰包。

    A social business has two distinguishing features . It offers worthwhile products that poor people are willing to pay for . And the profits it makes are reinvested in the enterprise , not distributed to its owners .

  25. 社会企业作为一种新的经济形式,在帮助弱势群体实现就业、完善社会福利和推动社会经济协调发展等方面发挥着重要作用,对于构建和谐社会具有重大的意义。

    As the new economic type , Social enterprise has its important function in many ways , such as helping social vulnerable groups to look for job , improving social welfare and pushing coordinated development of social economy . It also taking an important act for constructs the harmonious society .

  26. 如果美国社会和企业不会给那些决定当妈妈的未来女性领导者更多方便的话,仍然能够带来一丝希望的是越来越多的全职父亲会给她们更多便利。

    If American society and business won5t make it easier on future female leaders who choose to have children , there is still the ray of hope that increasing numbers of full-time fathers will .

  27. 随着Internet的不断发展,网络和国家、社会、企业以及个人的关系越来越密切。

    With the continuous development of Internet , network and all walks of life in the world are getting closer .

  28. 现代社会的企业组织结构呈现出复杂系统的许多基本特质。

    In modern society , enterprise organizational structure has been complex .

  29. 社会的企业孵化器包含社会发展的目的和产生收入的增长。

    Social enterprise incubation involves incubating both social-purpose businesses and revenue-generating nonprofits .

  30. 社会保险企业申报系统的设计与开发

    Design and Development of Social Insurance Enterprise Application System