
  • 网络Social cost
  1. 但为制造商提供的这些巨额补贴,很少算进行业纾困的社会成本,例如为奥巴马所称赞的对通用汽车和克莱斯勒(chrysler)的救助,尽管克莱斯勒近年来已接受过两次纾困。

    Yet these huge subsidies to manufacturers are rarely added to the social cost of industrial bail-outs , such as those that Mr Obama praised for GM and Chrysler even though Chrysler had been bailed out twice already in its recent history .

  2. 药物不良反应社会成本控制最优化的经济学分析

    The Economic Analysis on Optimal Balance of Social Cost of ADR

  3. 结果表明:当减排率为0~40%时,GDP损失率在0~3.9%之间,减排边际社会成本是边际技术成本的2倍左右。

    The results show that the GDP loss is 0 ~ 3.9 % for carbon reduction rates of 0 ~ 40 % . The social marginal abatement cost is about twice the technical marginal abatement cost .

  4. 在对公路项目的社会成本效益、公路交通的外部性、公路项目使用收费标准的制定等问题进行重点研究分析的基础上,对公路BOT模式及特许经营问题可能带来的负面效应进行了研究;

    Thirdly , depends on the research of a highway item 's social cost-benefit , traffic externalities and charge standards , the negative influence existing in highway BOT model or concessionary management was studied .

  5. 产权、社会成本与注册会计师法律责任

    Property Rights , Social Cost and the Legal Liability of CPA

  6. 税收成本包括征税成本、纳税成本和社会成本。

    Tax cost includes tax-gathering cost , tax-paying cost and social cost .

  7. 京沪走廊各种运输方式的社会成本

    Social Costs of Different Transportation Modes on the Beijing - Shanghai Corridor

  8. 二是可以信息资源共享,节约社会成本;

    B. It can share information resources and save the social cost .

  9. 城市交通社会成本模糊聚类分析

    Fuzzy Clustering Analysis of Social Cost in Urban Communications

  10. 公路运输外部成本与社会成本分析

    Analyses of External and Social Costs of Highway Use

  11. 制度创立的社会成本等。

    The social cost of the establishment of system .

  12. 从经济学角度分析农作物病虫害防治技术的环境和社会成本

    Analyzing environmental and social costs of crop pest control techniques from economic perspectives

  13. 海上航行船舶的碰撞会造成社会成本的重大损失。

    Sea of ship collision will cause the social cost a great loss .

  14. 政策操作的社会成本应该而且必须尽可能最小化。

    The social cost of policy should be minimized .

  15. 违法社会成本是违法私人成本和外部成本之和。

    The private cost adds the external cost equals to the social cost .

  16. 云南省药物滥用的社会成本调查

    Social cost survey on drug abuse in Yunnan Province

  17. 鼓励租赁消费,节约社会成本;

    Encourage lease consumption , save social cost ;

  18. 因此,当企业家赎回自己的人力资本时,须付出相应的社会成本;

    Entrepreneurs must thus pay some social cost to get back their human capital .

  19. 第一个提出的问题是:为什么要尽量减少社会成本?

    The first question to raise is : why should social costs be minimized ?

  20. 本文认为,物流业在近代发展中起着重要的作用,一方面是通过完成地区间的商品流通实现商品的价值增值,降低社会成本;

    The author points out that logistics plays an important role in modern development .

  21. 对革命纪念馆的投入属于政治管理的社会成本。

    The investment in revolutionary memorial museums belongs to social cost of political management .

  22. 对法律运行的成本&经济成本和社会成本的衡量是建设社会主义法治的必要准备。

    Counting economic and social costs of legal operation is prerequisite for socialist nomocracy construction .

  23. 目的冲突的情况引出了社会成本最小化的问题。

    Our cases of clashing ends bring us to the question of minimizing social costs .

  24. 货物的生产和使用会带来如污染和社会成本的结果。

    Production and use of goods may result in outcome like pollution and social costs .

  25. 企业破产社会成本问题探讨

    On the Social Costs of Enterprise Bankruptcy

  26. 北京市交通社会成本的评估

    Assessment on Traffic Social Cost of Beijing

  27. 农村剩余劳动力的有序转移是节约社会成本的有效形式。

    Orderly transfer of rural surplus labor force is an effective form of social cost savings .

  28. 蒂拜朱卡表示,城市居民间的严重不平等既会产生经济成本,也会带来社会成本。

    MS Tibaijuka said severe inqualities among city residents carried economic as well as social costs .

  29. 政府成本应包括直接成本、机会成本和社会成本。

    The government cost should include the direct cost , the opportunity cost and the social cost .

  30. 而常规的财务成本效益核算体系,并未将外部成本效益即企业的环境成本效益、社会成本效益包含在内。

    Conventional financial cost-effective accounting system , not external cost-effective business environment , cost-effective , cost-effectiveness included .