
  1. 本文在对W街道实证研究的基础上,对社区人民调解这一长期被政治学、法学似及社会学界的专家学者遗忘了的制度进行一次制度解析。

    Using case study analysis of conflict mediation within " W " Street Committee , this thesis will try to analysis the institution which is forgot by the scholars of the politics , law and sociology for a long time .

  2. 国内外教育社会学界从未停止对此问题的研究。

    The field of overseas sociology of education never abandon study this problem .

  3. 在哲学和社会学界也有对谦虚的社会功能的研究。

    There are also studies on the social functions of modesty in the sociological field .

  4. 这其中以生态学界和社会学界最为关注。

    This most pays attention by the ecology educational world and the social educational world .

  5. 人类学界和社会学界早期宗教功能研究述略

    A General Survey of the Early Studies on the Function of Religion in Anthropology and Sociology

  6. 地方自治也是法学、政治学和社会学界共同关心的话题。

    Is also a law experts , political , academic and social circles topics of common concern .

  7. 其次,阐述了社会学界关于城市社区研究中最有影响的两种理论及其方法。

    Secondly , it expounds main sociological theories and methods of urban community since the Chicago School .

  8. 目前,在法学界、经济学界和社会学界,学者们对此作了一些深入的研究和探讨。

    At present , some further researches and discussions have been made by scholars both in the fields of law and economy , even sociology .

  9. 本篇论文论述的伯罗奔尼撒战争时期的瘟疫,是史学界、文学界、医学界和社会学界都直接或间接探讨的内容。

    In this paper we mainly talk about the plague of Peloponnesian War which has been discussed directly or indirectly by history , literary and medical profession .

  10. 国外社会学界对精神健康的研究可以追溯到1952年,弱势群体的精神状况很早就成为该领域的研究热点。

    Foreign research on mental health in sociology can be traced back to 1952.Mental health of the vulnerable groups had already become the focus of that field .

  11. 都市摄影是当下摄影理论界和实践的热点问题,而城市化则是社会学界研究的重点领域。

    Urban photography is contemporary photographic theory and practice of the hot spots , and the urbanization process is the focus of social research on the area .

  12. 这一问题已经引起了医学伦理学界、医疗管理者、社会学界、心理学界以及法学界高度关注,并进行了广泛研究。

    Medical ethics , medical management , sociology , psychology and law scholars on this phenomenon of doctor-patient trust crisis to be highly concerned about and studied extensively .

  13. 其中,中国社会学界一直倍加重要的宗族研究,就从现代化视角逐步转向了注重历史建构的历史人类学方法。

    The increasingly important clan research in the Chinese social academic world gradually shifted from a modern perspective to the history anthropology method which focused on history construction .

  14. 本文在回顾社会学界对饮食及礼物社交等研究的基础上,针对当代中国社会饮酒社交消费运作机制进行分析研究。

    Based on existing researches on social dining and gift , this paper intends to conduct a study on the mechanism of social drink in current Chinese society .

  15. 同时本文希望抛砖引玉,激发社会学界乃至于社会科学界住房和城市问题研究者更多关注于邻里效应和社会不平等研究。

    This paper also attempts to appeal to sociological scholars or even the entire social sciences circle for their attention to the research on neighborhood effects and social inequality .

  16. 我国社会学界对个人社会化的目标和标准问题的忽视并不意味着该问题不重要。

    The neglect of the question of the socialization standard and objective , on the part of sociological circles , does not necessarily mean that this question is not important .

  17. 如何引导研究生拥有正向的自我体验成为教育界、心理学界、社会学界共同讨论的课题。

    How to lead postgraduates who are in the universities belong to positive self-experience become the problems which experts are discussing together among education field , psychology field and society field .

  18. 70年代以来,西方社会学界普遍盛行社会建构主义思潮,而且一些社会学大师对能动作用与结构之间的矛盾进行了新的统合。在此背景下,西方社会化研究也体现出新拓展的迹象。

    At the background of social constructivism and the explanation of the dilemma between agency and structure in the late western sociology , the research on socialization has reincarnated new trends .

  19. 求职过程中的网络构建是近几年来社会学界津津乐道的一个主题,然而学术界的关注集中在下岗职工与农民工的求职上,对大学生求职网络构建研究则明显缺位。

    The setting-up of network in the job seeking is an all concerned topic in the academic field , but they put more attention to the laid-off and the farmers than the undergraduates .

  20. 强调学科规范,强调学术建设的规范化,是近年来社会学界具有导向意义的重要议题。

    To attach importance to the standardization of branches of learning and academic construction , this is an important subject under discussion , which is of guiding significance in the sphere of sociology .

  21. 在我国婚姻法的修订过程中,针对应否进一步加强限制公民离婚自由的问题,法学界、社会学界、伦理学界都进行了极为广泛而激烈的讨论。

    During the process of emending the Marriage Law of PRC , a very vehement and broad debate take place on whether or not to impose more restrictions on citizens ' freedom of divorce .

  22. 为了能展示这一特点,本文想通过以下四个在中国社会学界有一定代表性的理论来加以证实,即社会运行论、社会转型论、学科本土论和社会互动论。

    The author exemplifies his findings with four representative theories in Chinese sociology : theory of social operation , theory of social transformation , theory of localization of discipline and theory of society mutual-construction .

  23. 根据目前的研究结果并结合当前社会学界的研究结论,分析并论述了桂林社会分层状况的特点,阐述社会中存在的问题与影响。

    According to the present research results and combined with the current social science research results , this paper analyzes and discusses the Guilin social stratification status characteristics , the problems existing in society and influence .

  24. 第三,梁漱溟将其思想运用于实践,在山东邹平进行了乡村建设实验,引发了当时社会学界对中国出路问题的讨论,促进中国社会学发展。

    Third , he applied his thought to the experiments of village construction in Shandong of the central China . His doing resulted in the discussion about Chinese way out , and promoted the development of Chinese sociology .

  25. 在以往的研究中,社会学界几乎一致认为马克思的社会冲突范式只具有破坏性,从而否定了马克思社会冲突范式对社会和谐构建的积极作用。

    In the previous studies , sociology almost reached a unanimous decision that the Marxist paradigm of social conflict only had destructive nature . Thus they denied the positive role of Marxist paradigm of social conflict in building on social harmony .

  26. 改革开放以后,我国社会学界也开始重视对社会资本的介绍和研究,目前已形成了一个理论热点,且取得了很大的进展。

    After reform and open policy , our country society educational world also starts to take the social capital introduction and the research , at present it has formed a theory hot spot , also has made the very big progress .

  27. 青年过渡最初是作为稳定的心理过渡阶段研究的,而在90年代英国教育社会学界的研究则表明当代青年过渡呈现延期现象,是社会建构的结果。

    Youth transition was firstly regarded as a stable psychological transition , but in the 1990s , youth transition is considered as a extended stage , and the outcome of the social construction , youth extended transition implies the contraction between agency and structure .

  28. 这一现象引起了社会和学界广泛关注和讨论。

    This phenomenon causes society and education circles to extensive attention and discuss .

  29. 另一方面,社会和学界一直在拷问历史教育的价值问题。

    On the other hand , society and academia have been tortured the value of history education issues .

  30. 当前对突发公共事件应急管理研究已经引起了社会和学界的广泛关注。

    Public emergency management has attracted more and more attentions from both academic and practice area all over the world .