
  • 网络famous for
  1. 莎菲女士的日记》是丁玲的成名作,曾引起强烈的社会反响

    Ding Ling was good at portraying figures through careful and refined description of human psychology . 《

  2. 《喜福会》(TheJoyLuckClub)是美国著名华裔女作家谭恩美的第一部长篇小说,也是她的成名作,一经出版即大获成功。

    The Joy Luck Club is the first novel of the famous Chinese-American woman writer Amy Tan , and also her signature work . It made a great success once published .

  3. Deschanel目前正在进行《识骨寻踪》第六季的拍摄,而Hornsby的成名作则是FX台的《费城永远阳光灿烂》。

    Deschanel is currently starring in the sixth season of Bones , while Hornsby is best known for his work on FX 's It 's Always Sunny in Philadelphia .

  4. 这部小说是他的成名作。

    This novel was the beginning of his fame .

  5. 歌剧《阿列科》&是俄国伟大的浪漫主义作曲家拉赫玛尼诺夫的成名作。

    " Aleko " is the representative work by Russian great romanticism composer Rachmaninov .

  6. 《独立日》是威尔·史密斯的成名作,也是他发家致富的重要作品。

    " Independence Day " helped Will Smith become one of the most recognizable-and bankable-actors in Hollywood .

  7. 成名作:《纳尼亚传奇:狮王,女巫,魔衣橱》、《赎罪》、《通缉犯》。

    Note for The Chronicles of Narnia : The Lion , The Witch and The Wardrobe , Atonement and Wanted .

  8. 他的成名作是1995年在北京完成的作品“娶头骡子”。

    He is known for his piece " to marry a mule " , which he performed in Beijing in 1995 .

  9. 《野草在歌唱》是诺贝尔文学奖获得者莱辛的成名作。

    The Grass is Singing is a well-known novel written by the British writer Doris Lessing , a Nobel Prize winner .

  10. 作品《玻璃动物园》是他的成名作,被誉为“开辟了现代戏剧史上的新篇章”。

    The Glass Menagerie is one of his masterpieces , which describes the living situation of a family during the Great Depression .

  11. 这部小说首次充分体现了凯瑟自己的风格,是她奠定中西部乡土小说文体的成名作。

    In the novel she first carried out the exploration of the wholeness of human beings and formed her own writing styles .

  12. 如果你有创作型的爱好,比如画画或写作,你希望你的下一个作品就是你的成名作。

    If you have a creative hobby , like painting or writing , you want the next piece to be a masterpiece .

  13. 杰罗姆·大卫·塞林格是一名杰出的美国作家,因其成名作《麦田里的守望者》倍受争议而因人瞩目。

    Jerome David Salinger , a marvelous American writer , is well known for his controversial novel The Catcher in the Rye .

  14. 《喜福会》是美籍华裔作家谭恩美的第一部长篇小说,也是她的成名作。

    The Joy Luck Club is the first novel of American Chinese writer Amy Tan , which also wins great fame for her .

  15. 梅尔吉布森的成名作&《疯狂的麦克斯》系列影片背景也设定于一个饱受资源紧缺困扰的、反乌托邦式的澳大利亚。

    The movie franchise Mad Max , which made Mel Gibson famous , is set in a dystopian Australia gripped by energy starvation .

  16. 作为一位致力于探索小说艺术的作家,弗拉基米尔·纳博科夫赋予其成名作《洛丽塔》独特的审美意义。

    As a writer who makes efforts to pursue the art of fiction , Nabokov endows Lolita with distinctive aesthetic value that deserves attention .

  17. 活动家,作家和诗人朱莉娅和她的成名作内战著名歌曲“共和国战歌”。

    An activist , writer and poet Julia shot to fame with her famous Civil War song ," Battle Hymn of the Republic " .

  18. 在这些声名远播的作品中,《女勇士》就是一颗璀璨的明珠。《女勇士》是美国著名华裔作家汤亭亭的成名作。

    Of all the Chinese American literary works , The Woman Warrior is a glittering pearl , a fame-rewarding writing by Maxine Hong Kingston .

  19. 《战争的谣言》是其成名作,被誉为有关越战的标准文本。

    A Rumor of War is one of his most representative works , being valued as " a standard text on the Vietnam War " .

  20. 其成名作《在路上》自出版以来获得了诸多国内外学者和评论家的关注。

    His masterpiece On the Road has gained a plentitude of attention given by scholars and critics at home and abroad since it was published .

  21. 1957年他发表了成名作《批评的剖析》,集中阐释了神话原型批评思想,也因此奠定了他在批评界的卓越地位。

    In 1957 , Frye published his masterpiece Anatomy of Criticism in which he elaborated mythos-archetypical criticism and laid the foundation of his fame in critics .

  22. 他的成功离不开他第一部成名作《在我们的时代里》,而国内外学者对这部短篇小说集却评之甚少,肯定不足。

    In Our Time is his first major book , but scholars in and abroad have paid little attention to these short stories without much affirmation .

  23. 在《存在与时间》这部成名作中,海德格尔用独具特色的哲学术语描述和批判了人在日常生活中的沉沦。

    In his become-famous work " Existence & Time ", he described and criticized the Corruption in people ' daily life with his characteristic philosophical terminology .

  24. 作为田纳西。威廉斯的成名作和美国戏剧史上的经典之作,《玻璃动物园》广受评论界的关注。

    Considered as Tennessee Williams'first well-known book as well as the masterpiece in American drama history , The Glass Menagerie received wide attention from the critics .

  25. 《荒野的呼唤》是20世纪美国著名作家杰克·伦敦的成名作。

    The Call of the Wild is the masterpiece of Jack London , who is one of the best novelists in the early 20th century in America .

  26. 倾城之恋》是张爱玲的成名作,也是《传奇》中惟一以团圆结局的作品。

    The Love of the City is a well-known work , and the only one that ends in reunion in the collection entitled Legend by Zhang Ailing .

  27. 此时,玛利亚将再次出演成名作,不过角色由迷人的西格德变为自杀而死的海琳娜。

    At this time , Maria will play her notable drama again , but the role she will play changes from the charming Sigurd to the died Helena .

  28. 其成名作兔子四部曲的问世,奠定了他在美国文坛乃至世界文学界的地位,并荣膺多部奖项。

    The publication of the Rabbit Series which won him many major awards and made him well-known has secured his position in American literature and the world literature .

  29. 威廉斯的成名作《玻璃动物园》中的舞台灯光对意境的营造、对戏剧人物心理外化以及对戏剧冲突表现所起的作用,旨在说明灯光对戏剧表演的深刻影响和艺术表现力。

    It focuses on the roles that stage lights play in the creation of imagery , the externalization of characters ' inner world and the enforcement of dramatic conflicts .

  30. 莫言无疑是当代最具影响的小说家之一,自20世纪80年代中期发表成名作《红高粱》以来,便吸引了越来越多的普通读者和专家学者的关注。

    He has attracted more and more ordinary concerns of readers and scholars since his famous novel " Red Sorghum " published in the early 80s of the 20th century .