
  • 网络social security system
  1. 关于建立我国农村社会保障体制的探讨

    A Probe on Establishing the Rural Social Security System in China

  2. 论中国公务员社会保障体制的完善

    The Perfection of the Social Security System of China Public Servants

  3. 东欧社会保障体制的改革及借鉴

    TX On the Reform of social security system in Eastern Europe

  4. 制度变迁理论对农村社会保障体制改革的启示

    Enlightenment of Institutional Vicissitude Theory to Rural Social Security System Reform

  5. 适应国家社会保障体制改革建立健全军人保险法规制度体系

    Establishing ahd perfecting armyman 's insurance law and regulation system

  6. 农村经济体制改革中社会保障体制的转换

    The Transition of Social Security System in the Reform of Rural Economy

  7. 我国新型的社会保障体制内涵宽广,涵盖了慈善事业这一项重要内容。

    Charity is an important part of social security system in China .

  8. 社会保障体制改革是国有经济战略性调整的一个重要条件。

    The social security system reform is the premise for state-owned sector strategic readjustment .

  9. 深化社会保障体制改革促进国有经济战略性调整

    Deepening the Reform of the Social Security System , Promoting State-owned Sector Strategic Readjustment

  10. 我国现行社会保障体制的伦理困境。

    The second part is the modern social security system and its ethics dimension .

  11. 建立并完善公务员社会保障体制的必要性;

    The necessity of establishing and perfecting the social security system of public servants ;

  12. 美国的社会保障体制

    The US : Social Welfare Security System

  13. 更统一的,定位更好的社会保障体制对改善公平、提高效率和增强效力十分重要。

    More integrated , better-targeted social protection systems are vital to improving equity , efficiency , and effectiveness .

  14. 他们没有机会得到良好的教育、没有合理的社会保障体制。

    They do not have their opportunity to get well-educated , they can not enjoy a reasonable social security system .

  15. 提出了在市场经济中,统一的社会保障体制的生命周期大约为100年的理论假说。

    The paper hypothesizes that in a market economy , any unified social security system generally lasts about 100 years .

  16. 慈善事业作为我国新型的社会保障体制的重要内涵之一体现了它的重要性。

    The connotation of the new-type social security system of China is broad , containing the charity as an important content .

  17. 但是当前我国的社会保障体制还很不完善,现实中存在很多矛盾。

    However , social security system in China is far from perfect and in reality there exist a lot of contradictions .

  18. 为迎接人口老龄化、完善社会保障体制,就必须建立综合的养老保险制度和综合的社会保障体系。

    It is necessary to establish compositive endowment insurance system and social guarantee system to solve the problems of population aging .

  19. 建立有效的社会保障体制是解决现有脆弱性、提高应变能力和为未来的危机准备有效对策的关键。

    Building effective social protection systems is key to addressing existing vulnerabilities , building resilience and preparing effective responses to future crises .

  20. 但是,传统体制的惯性和社会保障体制改革的敏感性却使我们的改革异常艰巨。

    But the inertia from the traditional system and the sensitivity of reform in social insurance system have made it a very difficult task .

  21. 第四、我国现行社会保障体制中许多方面的问题,如养老保险、失业保险、医疗保险、社会救助与社会福利、社会保障基金等。

    Part four analyzes some problems of our current social security system , emphasizes on endowment insurance , unemployment insurance and medical treatment insurance etc.

  22. 随着中国社会保障体制改革的步伐加速,企业年金也被推向前台,成为各方瞩目的焦点。

    With the development of the reform of the Social Security System , occupational pension has been the focus that everyone pays attention to .

  23. 但随着历史的发展,旧的劳动和社会保障体制已不能适应经济和社会发展的要求。

    However , with the progress of history , the old labor and social security system had become unadaptable to the requirements of economic and social development .

  24. 西方福利国家的转型同我国社会保障体制的改革既有差别,但两者之间也存在着某些相似或共同之处。

    There exists a difference as well as a similarity between transformation of well-being countries in the western world and the reform of the Chinese social security system .

  25. 中国特色社会保障体制具有覆盖面大、自我保障为主、公平与效率兼顾、城乡差别大等特点,并且正面临着经济体制多元化的重重阻碍、社会保障基金来源短缺、社会保障法规不健全等问题。

    Furthermore , it confronts many problems such as obstacles to varied economic system , insufficient sources of social security funds , imperfect social security law and regulations .

  26. 深化社会保障体制改革,加快社会保障体系建设,积极进行完善社会保障体系试点。

    Deepen the reform of the social security system , speed up the building of the social security system and actively implement the pilot program for its improvement .

  27. 中国农民社会保障体制迟迟没有建立的原因有二:其一,传统社会保障理念仅考虑到其工具价值,忽视了其目的价值;

    There are two factors influencing the establishment of the system : first , the traditional security concept just considers the instrumental value while neglects the terminal value ;

  28. 新的社会保障体制尽管还不完善,但也已覆盖了95%的中国人,为他们提供医疗保障,这相较2000年的15%有所提升。

    A new ( though rudimentary ) social safety net provides 95 % of all Chinese with some kind of health coverage , up from just 15 % in 2000 .

  29. 尽管我国已明确了企业补充养老保险在社会保障体制改革中的地位,但由于各种各样的原因,企业补充养老保险在我国的发展仍然较为缓慢。

    Although the position of compensatory pension insurance is clear in social pension system reform , the development of compensatory pension insurance of enterprises is very slow because of various reasons .

  30. 刺激消费需求的措施应该是完善社会保障体制,使居民树立正确的心理预期,以提高边际消费倾向,增加消费需求。

    So , the only way of stimulating consumption is to perfect social security system and consequently improve the households ' psychological anticipation and marginal propensity to consume ( MPC ) .