
  • 网络social comparison;downward social comparison;social comparative
  1. 自1983年Cash等研究者首次把社会比较理论引入身体意象领域后,社会比较理论被广泛的应用于身体意象的研究中。

    Since Cash first brought social comparison theory into the field of body image , the social comparison theory had been widely applied in the field of body image .

  2. 根据以往的研究发现在社会比较和时间比较中自我提高(self-enhancement)动机起了决定性作用。

    The previous research revealed that the motivation of self-enhancement played a crucial role on social comparison and temporal comparison .

  3. 自Wills于1981年提出向下比较理论,社会比较研究再度成为国外众多学科关注的研究热点之一,但是我国对这一领域的研究尚在起步阶段。

    Since Downward Social Comparison Theory which was put forwarded by Wills in 1981 , many researchers were interested in Social Comparison area , but we are at the beginning for our Chinese .

  4. 通过社会比较过程所形成的群体符号边界,同时也就是群际符号边界得以不断强化;

    The formed symbolic boundary is then strengthened by social comparison ;

  5. 社会比较是一种普遍存在的日常社会现象,在人们的日常社会生活中无处不在。

    Social comparison is a common phenomena which can be seen everywhere .

  6. 员工的社会比较倾向总分与工作压力总分呈显著正相关,能力比较倾向对工作压力有正面影响;观念比较倾向对工作压力有负面影响。

    The social comparison orientation has a positive correlation with job stress .

  7. 大学生的心理健康与社会比较研究

    A Research on the Mental Health and Social Comparison of University Students

  8. 社会比较:对比效应还是同化效应?

    Social Comparison : Contrast Effect or Assimilation Effect ?

  9. 在建立员工离职模型时,应加入社会比较倾向这一个体差异变量。

    We should add Social Comparison Orientation in turnover model in the future .

  10. 社会比较、自尊及其与自我效能感的关系

    A Research on Social Comparison , Esteem and Self-efficiency

  11. 大学生的社会比较与情绪健康

    College Student 's Social Comparison and Emotion Health

  12. 中学生的学业社会比较与其学校适应的关系研究

    Relationship Study of Middle School Student 's School Adaptation and Their Academic Social Comparison

  13. 社会比较特点的各个因素对心理健康水平均有不同程度的预测作用;

    The characteristics of social comparison could significantly predict university students ' mental health .

  14. 竞争在合理的范围内进行,因而社会比较稳定。

    Competition is within reasonable limits , and therefore the society is more stable .

  15. 目的了解大学生在社会比较发生时是否存在自我评价的补偿。

    Objective To learn whether compensation of self-evaluation exists when individuals engage in social comparison .

  16. 大三学生社会比较的消极特征比其他年级的大学生更为显著。

    The characteristics of juniors were more negative than that of other three grades students .

  17. 方法:两个样本共计1023名被试完成社会比较倾向量表的问卷调查。

    Methods : The questionnaire was administered to two samples with total of 1023 individuals .

  18. 本研究侧重于两个方面:社会比较倾向和社会比较效应。

    This study focuses on two aspects : social comparison orientation and social comparison effects .

  19. 社会比较直接影响人类的自我评价,对其产生两种相反的效应,即对比效应和同化效应。

    The paper systematically reviewed the researches on the contrast and assimilation effect of social comparisons .

  20. 性别对体格自我表现的不适感及对社会比较的不安有显著的主效应。

    There is significant difference in gender between Discomfort about physique and Anxious about social self-presentation comparison .

  21. 大奖得主可以在花钱的时候顾虑到“快乐水车”和社会比较的影响。

    Lottery winners could take account of hedonic treadmill and socialcomparison effects when they spend their money .

  22. 社会比较是指个体以他人为参照,来评估自己的状况。

    Social comparison is that the individuals use others as a reference to evaluate their own situation .

  23. 中学生学业社会比较对学业压力应对策略的影响

    Research on the Effect of Middle School Students ' Academic Social Comparison on Academic Stress Coping Strategies COMPARE

  24. 社会比较效应是指在社会比较过程中产生的两种不同的结果:同化效应和对比效应。

    There is two different outcomes generated in the process of social comparison : identification effect and contrast effect .

  25. 在实验3中,通过启动独特的心理定势来进一步检验心理定势对社会比较中自我评价效应的影响。

    In study 3 , we further tested the impact of mindset on comparative self-evaluation by activating uniqueness mindset .

  26. 不同乐观类型和社会比较类型的少数民族群众的压力感及压力应对方式呈现出不同特点。

    People with different optimism types and social comparison types have different feeling of psychological stress and coping ways .

  27. 高校排名,是近年来社会比较关注的一个热点问题,人们对它贬褒不一。

    The university ranking is a hot issue to which the society relatively pays much attention in recent years .

  28. 对于少数派群体的成员来说,无论向上社会比较信息来自内群体还是外群体,都对其自我评价几乎不产生影响。

    For minority group members , the information either from ingroup or from outgroup had no effects on their self-evaluation .

  29. 他给出的忠告包括:控制期望、选择不可逆的决定、避免进行社会比较,还有学会喜爱约束。

    Among his solutions : Control expectations , make decisions non-reversible , avoid social comparisons and'learn to love constraints . '

  30. 从战后美国和法国的课程变化情况可以得出两个结论:1、当社会比较稳定、经济比较繁荣时,课程场域中的权力倾向于分散;

    From the curriculum transformation in America and France after the 2nd world war , we can educe two conclusions .