
  • 网络social assistance;Social Relief;socialassistance
  1. 对湖北省有关妇女NGO组织的调查表明,其社会救助机制主要包括:事前预防机制、事中协调机制和事后救助机制。

    The investigation towards women NGO in Hubei Province shows that its social assistance mechanism consists of pre-prevention mechanism , middle coordinating mechanism and post-assistance mechanism .

  2. 家庭暴力的法律规制及其社会救助

    Regulations on Family Violence and its Social Assistance On Social Law

  3. 我国社会救助中公民与国家的权利义务关系

    Rights and Obligations Relation between Citizens and State in Social Succoring

  4. 城市残疾人社会救助问题研究&以贵阳市为个案

    A Study of the Social Relief to the Disabled in Cities

  5. 转型期农村弱势群体社会救助问题研究

    The Social Assistance Problem of Rural Vulnerable Groups in Transforming Period

  6. 引出了非政府组织参与社会救助的必要性。

    And then NOG to participate in social assistance is necessity .

  7. 智利的社会救助制度教师工作量及酬金管理信息系统

    SOCIAL RELIEF PROGRAMS IN CHILE The Academic Reward Management Information System

  8. 试论先秦时期的宗族与宗族社会救助

    A Study on the Clan and Clan Social Assistance in Pre-Qin Dynasty

  9. 中国社会救助制度改革研究

    Research for the Reform of Society Rescues System in China

  10. 创建农村社会救助体系的新思维

    A New Thought of Founding a Rural Social Assistance System

  11. 完善福建农村社会救助体系的思考

    Consideration and Advice on Perfecting Fujian Rural Residents ' Social Rescue System

  12. 我国道路交通事故社会救助基金法律问题研究

    Studies on Legal Problems of the Road Traffic Accident Social Assistant Funds

  13. 社会救助:理论界定与中国的实践展开(下)

    Social Relief : Theoretical Definition and China s Practice ;

  14. 宗族救助是我国传统社会救助体系的重要组成部分。

    Clan assistance is the importance parts of Chinese traditional social assistance .

  15. 第五章宗族姻亲与社会救助。

    Chapter V gens and affinity and the social relief .

  16. 城市贫困人口社会救助理念建设滞后的探讨

    Discussion on Idea Construction Lagging of Social Salvation to Urban Poverty Population

  17. 公平、权利与发展:论中国弱势群体的社会救助

    Justice , Right and Development : on Succour of Chinese Vulnerable Groups

  18. 转型中的中国社会救助制度之发展

    The development of Chinese social assistance system in society transformation

  19. 浅析政府在社会救助制度中的责任与定位

    Discussing the Government 's Responsibilities and Position in the Social Assistance System

  20. 以便找到和中国社会救助制度相契合的关键点。

    China to find social relief system and keeping the key point .

  21. 英、美社会救助法律制度演变及其启示

    United Kingdom-American social assistances legal system Develop and enlightenment

  22. 当代中国社会救助史研究论略

    A Brief Review on the Study of Social Assistance History in Contemporary China

  23. 《周礼》中社会救助思想略论

    The thought of social assistance in Zhou Li book

  24. 加快农村社会救助的立法;

    Speeding up the legislation of rural social assistance ;

  25. 科学发展观指导下的社会救助问题研究

    The Analyze of Social Aid under the Guidance of the Scientific Development View

  26. 社会救助行为是随着社会发展而逐步发展的。

    The society assistance behavior develops along with the development of society gradually .

  27. 应进一步完善军人社会救助制度

    Idea of perfecting the armyman 's social help system

  28. 建立乡村突发性灾难的社会救助制度;

    To establish the social assistance system for emergent disaster in rural area ;

  29. 关于完善流浪儿童社会救助体系的研究

    The Research on Perfecting the System of Rescuing for Street Children in China

  30. 唐五代社会救助研究

    The Research of the Social Relief in Tang Dynasty and Five Dynasty Period