
  • 网络Social Educator;Sociology of Education;social pedagogy;Sozialpdagogik
  1. 该文从社会教育学的角度,运用社会教育学的理论阐释潮州歌册,以期在当今能继续发挥其社会教育价值。

    This paper makes an analysis of Shantou-Chaozhou folk songs by exerting theory of social pedagogy , in order to bring the social educational value of folk songs into play in modern society .

  2. 该章结合哲学、社会学和教育学指出STS教育的理论基础。

    The chapter combines philosophy , sociology and education , points out the theoretical basis of STS education .

  3. 创建学习型社会的教育社会学思考

    The Educational-Sociological Consideration of Setting Up a Society of the Study Type

  4. 中央政府与社会教育:理学教育的视角

    The central government and social education : a perspective of the science education

  5. 开放中的人文社会科学与教育学

    Humane Studies and Pedagogy in the Open Environment

  6. 所以我们非常高兴的看到这些学生去上这些课程,比如历史,哲学,社会学和教育学。

    We also love when our students take courses in our history , philosophy , sociality and education .

  7. 专业涵盖自然科学、理工学、人文学、社会学、教育学、医学等多科领域。

    Majors cover natural sciences , engineering , sociology , education , medical science and other applied sciences .

  8. 在社会学、教育学和咨询心理学中互动都被纳入研究视野,产生了一系列理论成果。

    As a research view , interaction is widely used in Sociology , Education and Psychology Consultation and has made series of theory achievements .

  9. 第二章分别从法学、心理学、社会学和教育学的角度分析了社区矫正的影响要素。

    In chapter two , influential factors of community correction are analyzed from different point of view includes law , psychology , sociology and education .

  10. 在理论上,从社会学、教育学、心理学、体育学等领域收集资料;

    In theory , the diversified information in this thesis is collected from the following subjects such as sociology , education , psychology and physical education , etc ;

  11. 创新点:本文尝试从社会学、教育学等多学科综合视角,用实证的研究方法,分析了高校优秀人才可持续发展的培养和支持体系现状和影响因素。

    The innovation points : the paper takes empirical approaches to study the influencing factors on talents ' sustainable development in universities from comprehensive perspective of Sociology and Pedagogy .

  12. 许多学者从社会学、教育学、心理学等视角研究师生冲突这种现象,但是从语言学角度来研究师生冲突性话语很少。

    Many researchers just study teacher-student conflict phenomenon from the perspectives of sociology , pedagogy , psychology and so on However , few studies of teacher-student conflict talk are carried out from linguistic perspective .

  13. 在全面实施素质教育的背景下,本文剖析了体育教学深层次的精神文化内涵,凸现了社会学、教育学、心理学、美学等在体育教学中的沉淀。

    Under a background of full widespread quality education , the author analyzes mental culture meaning in intention of sport teaching , It is expressed that such as sociology education psychology esthetics et al .

  14. 从社会学、教育学和体育学的多个角度,探讨大学校园体育文化的概念,分析其在大学校园文化建设和人文素质教育中的作用。

    From the angles of sociology , pedagogy and P.E , this paper discusses the concept of physical culture on collegiate campus and its functions in the cultural construction and human-oriented quality education on the collegiate campus .

  15. 网络上瘾问题在社会学、教育学等领域已经开展了许多研究。但是,在经济学、管理学领域把这个问题当作企业社会责任引发的消费和理性不足的问题的研究还不多见。

    Though quite a few studies have been conducted on Internet addiction in sociology and education fields , this issue has rarely been dealt with in economics and management as insane consumption problem caused by insufficient corporate social responsibility .

  16. 本文运用社会学和教育学相关理论,采用文献研究、比较研究、综合分析等方法,对大学教育在大学生社会化中的促进作用及对策进行分析研究。

    The paper adopts the research techniques such as literature consulting , comparative and synthetic analysis on the basis of theories of sociology and pedagogy , describes the colleging acceleration during the course of socialization of undergraduate and countermeasure .

  17. 本文就此问题开展实证性研究,在研究过程中运用社会学和教育学的有关理论和方法,构建了研究问题的理论分析框架,以期对流动人口子女家庭教育有所推动和改进。

    In order to promote family education of children and solve its problems , the article adopts the related theories of sociology and education in the process of the research , and constructs an academic analysis framework for this problem .

  18. 本文依托社会学、教育学、教育社会学及语文教学论等学科的有关理论及其解释模式,对语文教师专业化问题作了一番理论、比较、历史等方面的研究。

    Based on the theories and interpretative mode of sociology , pedagogy , sociology of education and pedagogy of Chinese , this essay has a series of studied theory , comparison and his theory to Chinese teacher specialization , and discuss main concept and content below .

  19. 本文从下岗职工家庭的教育资本角度出发,结合社会学和教育学的有关理论和方法,对这一问题进行了实证性探讨和分析,以期对下岗职工子女教育有所帮助。

    Basing on the education capital of the laid-off family and combining with some respective theories and methods of sociology and pedagogy , the following thesis is going to discuss and analyze the problem , in order to give a hand to the education of the laid-off workers ' children .

  20. 二十世纪90年代以来,许多西方学者从劳动经济学、教育社会学、职业教育学等角度对学校到工作的过渡(STW)进行了国别研究。

    Since 1990s , the transition from school to work ( STW ) has become a heated issue and many western scholars have contributed a lot of discussion concerning different countries from the viewpoint of labor economics , educational sociology , and vocational education .

  21. 社会化是教育社会学研究的重要内容,学校教育和家庭教育是实现社会化的有效途径,对儿童社会化过程影响很大。

    School and family education are both valid approach to socialization .

  22. 教师的条件性知识包含人文社会科学知识、教育学和心理学知识;

    The conditional knowledge includes the knowledge of humanities and social science , and the knowledge of pedagogy and psychology .

  23. 在医案研究的价值获得认同的同时,案例研究的方法被引入社会科学(包括教育学)研究领域。

    When the value of case studies method iscopproved , it is introduced to the field of science research at the same time .

  24. 然而,近年来社会普遍对教育技术学专业本科层次毕业生的实践能力提出了质疑,学生就业面临空前的困难。

    However , in recent years , practical abilities of graduate of educational technology have been questioned , who are facing unprecedented difficulties in employment .

  25. 学科教学论发生、发展的历史表明,它是伴随着时代的发展、社会的需要和教育学等相关理论的发展而不断拓展研究领域的。

    The history of disciplinary teaching theory showed it was developing with the time , the need of the society and the progress of educational theory .

  26. 随着化学学科的发展、社会的进步和教育学特别是课程理论的深入研究,化学课程标准(教学大纲)也在不断的演变之中。

    With the development of chemistry discipline , progress of the society and further investigation of the education science , especially curriculum theories , the chemistry curriculum standard ( syllabus ) is in constant development too .

  27. 本研究拟从社会学、教育社会学、心理教育学、体育学等学种多角度试图用体育干预理论提出解决独立学院学生边缘化学生的相关问题。

    This study , based on sociology , sociology of education , psychological education , sports science and other kinds of multi-angle point of views , aims to propose the solutions of sports intervention to " marginalized students " related issues .

  28. 作为一门人文社会学科,在教育学产生和发展的过程中,存在着教育学生命的全部机制,只有弄清楚这个逻辑发展过程,才能真正把握教育理论的系统现状。

    As a humanities and social science , in the process of pedagogy emergence and development , there are mechanisms for pedagogy of all life , only to find out what exactly the development process of the logic in order to truly grasp the status of educational theory .

  29. 《历史与社会》,将历史、人文地理、社会学、教育学、心理学、政治学、经济学、人类学、文化学等有关内容进行有机整合,是一门全新的学科。

    As a completely new subjects , History and Society combined history , geography , sociology and pedagogy , psychology , politics , economics , anthropology , cultural , and related natural , social contents .

  30. 相对于社会学、经济学、政治学、文化学等领域,社会资本在教育学领域的研究成果较少,对社会资本的概念界定更是众说纷纭,莫衷一是。

    We have got fewer achievements in the research of social capital in the field of education than in the field of sociology , economics , politics , culture , etc. , and opinions on its definition vary .