
huì shè
  • Society;company;corporation;union;association or society;commercial firm, esp. in Japanese
会社 [huì shè]
  • (1) [company;corporation][日]∶公司

  • (2) [company]∶成员间信仰相同的小团体

会社[huì shè]
  1. 他们决定吸收他成为会社的成员。

    They decided to enrol him as a member of the society .

  2. 像狮子会(Lion'sClub)、角鹿社(Elk'sClub)、扶轮社(RotaryClub)这样的市民会社,都参与了地方社区的计划活动。

    Civic clubs such as the Lion 's Club , the Elk 's Club and the Rotary Club take part in local community projects .

  3. 拥有HelloKitty版权的三丽鸥会社(Sanrio)单凭HelloKitty年收入已达7.59亿美元。

    The company that holds the copyright , Sanrio , makes around $ 759m in annual revenue off the cat alone .

  4. 对取自日本国中部电力会社所产PFBC灰进行了特性分析。

    The PFBC ash obtained from Middle Part Electric Power Corporation of Japan is studied focusing on its characteristics .

  5. 使用该会社提供的铂、Al2O3标准样品在50~1200°C进行测试,通过对测试数据的比较分析,发现正确选用计算公式和参照标样可有效地降低测量结果的系统偏差。

    Through the measurement of Pt and Al 2O 3 standard samples provided by this corporation in 50 ~ 1200 ° C and subsequent date analysis , it was found that the system deviation of the measurement results can be effectively decreased by using proper calculation formula and reference samples .

  6. 因此,伍兹这次与日本兴和株氏会社(Kowa,也就是这款跌打药的生产商)的合作更像是走投无路之下的无奈之举,而不是强势回归。

    So the deal with Kowa ( maker of the rub ) seems more like a moment of desperation than a return to form .

  7. 他们决定吸收他成为会社的成员

    They decide to enrol him as a member of the society

  8. 它们下降为私人性质的团体和宗教会社。

    They sank to the level of private associations and religious bodies .

  9. 新潮社研究宋代会社研究

    Studies on New Trend Union Research on the Society in Song Dynasty

  10. 如五华广州胡姓宗亲促进会社。

    If five China Guangzhou Hu surnamed clansmen association for promotion society .

  11. 宗式会社确保使用的添加物是必要的和有效的。

    Family associations insure access to necessary additions and availability of additional product .

  12. (俱乐部、会社等的)新成员,新会员

    New member of a club , society , etc

  13. 你知道,他靠的是他在会社里的地位。

    I tell you it 's his degree .

  14. 还有很多俳句竞赛,有的是由上面这些会社举办的。

    There are numerous contests for haiku , some sponsored by the about societies .

  15. 有人组成秘密会社纪念他。

    Was founded , to perpetuate its memory .

  16. “库姆兰会社社区的敌人被叫做”黑暗的儿子“;

    The enemies of the Qumran community were called the " Sons of Darkness ";

  17. 论宋代文学会社的繁荣及其原因

    On the Prosperity of the Literary Associations in the Song Dynasty and Its Reasons

  18. 但是在近现代的中国历史舞台上,秘密会社的身影经常可见。

    However , those secret societies still appear on the stage of Chinese history .

  19. 我们把会社成员的姓名和地址都印了出来。

    We printed out all the names and addresses of the people in the society .

  20. 金代金银牌制度的再考述清秘密会社天运乙丑银牌

    The silver plate of Tian Yun Yi Chou of the secret society of Qing Dynasty

  21. 你是光照先知会社的人。

    You 're with the illuminati .

  22. 作为引人注目的文学现象,玉山雅集具有不同于前后时代会社活动和文人集团的特质。

    YuShan elegant gathering was different from literary activities and the literary groups before and after .

  23. 参加红帽会社&一个致力于基进的想法的团体,它认为姥妇人应该有自己生活的趣味。

    Enter the Red Hat Society & a group dedicated to the radical notion that old ladies should have fun .

  24. 年内,酒牌局接获817宗酒牌及会社酒牌申请,并签发了741个新牌照。

    During the year , 817 applications for liquor and club liquor licences were received and741 new licences were granted .

  25. 随着暹罗税收制度的改革和包税制的废除,华人秘密会社存在的经济基础倾倒。

    With the tax system reform and the abolition of tax package , the economic base of secret society collapsed .

  26. 第二章基本上是从民间组织和民间力量的联合体角度,对胜芳花会会社及其摆会活动进行从宏观到具体的阐述;

    Chapter two expounds the activities of Shengfang Musical Association in the perspective of the combination of local organizations and power .

  27. 会社,团体由于职业、宗教或民族的原因而共享相似利益、理想或经历。

    The condition of sharingsimilar interests , ideals , or experiences , as by reason of profession , religion , or nationality .

  28. 本会社于满足客户需求为中心,培养人才专业化,售后技术配置,优良服务态度规范。

    The clubs meet customer needs in the center of professional personnel training , after-sale technical configuration , good service attitude norms .

  29. 北宋中期的洛阳耆英会,是一个以优游真率为宗旨的老年会社。

    The aim of the " society of venerable persons " of Mid-Northern SONG dynasty was to find leisure , sincerity and straightforwardness .

  30. 但布政司可批准任何会社发行号码表,而在号码旁须填上参加者的姓名。

    Provided that the Chief Secretary may permit any club to issue lists of numbers against which the names of the subscribers shall be entered .