
huì jù
  • convergence;convergency;assemble;get together;flock together
会聚 [huì jù]
  • (1) [assemble;flock together;get together]∶成群地聚集

  • 游园群众会聚于各个公园,欢庆五一节

  • (2) [convergence]∶一个多束阴极射线管的电子束交叉于某一特定点的情况

会聚[huì jù]
  1. 电子边疆艺术:想象与现实的会聚

    Art of Electronic Frontier : Assemble of Imagination and Reality

  2. 鸟、鱼和牛都会聚成群……仅仅感知规范就足以使人们向大众的方向调整自己的行为。

    Birds flock together , fish school together , cattle herd together ... just perceiving norms is enough to cause people to adjust their behaviour in the direction of the crowd .

  3. 她属于那群道德高尚的女性,她们会聚在一起讨论文学作品。

    She belonged to a high-minded group of ladies who met and discussed Works of Literature .

  4. 春节期间全家人都会聚在一起。

    The whole family will get together at Spring Festival .

  5. 孩子们会聚在他们老师的周围。

    The children flocked round their teacher .

  6. 有像散存在时甚至很窄的平行光束都不能会聚在一点。

    Under astigmatism even narrow parallel light beams will not combine into one point .

  7. 游园群众会聚于公园。

    Holidaymakers flocked to the park .

  8. 他的家人每周都会聚在一起,吃一次传统的中餐。

    His family members gather together and serve a traditional Chinese meal once a week .

  9. 李先生:是的。我听说美国人在感恩节也会聚在一起吃一顿特别的大餐。这听起来很相似。

    Mr Li : Yes . I hear that at Thanksgiving Americans also get together for a special meal.It sounds similar .

  10. 于是在1884年,美加产职业工会联合会聚在芝加哥,并提出一项主要诉求:一天工作八小时。

    So in 1884 , the Federation of Organized Trades and Labor Unions met in Chicago and had one major demand : an eight-hour workday .

  11. 会聚X射线圆柱形直导管特性研究

    Study on the Convergent Function of a Cylinder Capillary Transmitting X-Ray

  12. 用BP网络实现会聚高斯光束的衍射变换

    Realization of the Diffraction Transformation of the Focused Gaussian Beam with BP Network

  13. 用会聚束电子衍射对SiC中多型鉴定

    Identification of polytypes in SiC with convergent beam - electron diffraction technique

  14. 基于CDMA技术的无线ATM传输会聚子层研究

    Research on Wireless ATM Transmission Convergence Sublayer Based on CDMA Techniques

  15. X射线管的焦点是通过静电场对电子束的会聚作用而形成的。

    The X-Ray tube focal spot is obtained by convergence of static field on the electron beams .

  16. 采用Nd∶YAG经显微物镜会聚形成光刀可以对细胞或细胞器进行打孔或切割染色体。

    The optical scalpel can concise chromosome and punch holes in cells or organelles .

  17. 在小脑CrⅠCrⅡp区城内,有三叉神经和迷走神经一级传入纤维的会聚区。

    There was a convergence of the trigeminal and vagal primary afferent fibers in the cerebellar crura ⅱ and cerebellar crura ⅰ .

  18. 采用了一种新的技术方案减小了实验对大的激光功率的要求.利用激光驻波场会聚准直性较好的Cr原子,并使其沉积在硅基片上形成纳米光栅结构。

    The collimated Cr atoms are focused by a standing-wave laser field as they are deposited on a silicon substrate .

  19. 用单透镜会聚多模光纤出射的YAG激光为较小光斑的分析讨论

    Analysis and Discussion on Obtaining Small Focal Spot by Use of Convex Lens for YAG Laser Transmitted through Multimode Fiber

  20. 关联域(Context),即构成该学科会聚的以中心项为主的相关领域,这是确定准入人员、准入项目的依据;

    Context . It refers to the fields relevant to the Central Item , by which the structure of personnel and project proposals can be judged and evaluated .

  21. ONT传输会聚(TC)层上行组帧中基于IP核的ATM信元存储方案及其FPGA实现

    Design of ATM Cell Memory Based on IP Core and It 's FPGA Implementation in Upstream-framing of ONT TC Layer

  22. GexSi(1-x)/Si中应变的会聚束电子衍射研究

    Study of the strain in Ge_xSi_ ( 1-x ) / Si by convergent beam electron diffraction

  23. 只是在4年以前,10家银行会聚并发起“赤道原则”(equatorprinciples),以解决项目融资中的环境和社会问题。

    It was only four years ago that 10 banks met to launch the equator principles to manage the environmental and social issues in project financing .

  24. AAL层包括会聚子层(CS)和分割和重组子层(SAR)。

    The AAL layer comprises the Convergence Sublayer ( CS ) and the Segmentation and Reassembly sublayer ( SAR ) .

  25. 本文研究了MAXWELL鱼眼微球透镜对由光纤端部出射的发散光束的会聚作用。

    The collimation of the divergent-beam coming out from the fiber by the MAXWELL fisheye micro-lens is discussed in this paper .

  26. 用定量会聚束电子衍射技术优化了AlPdMn二十面体准晶的9个对称性上不等价的低指数结构因子。它们是X射线衍射强度最强的9个反射。

    Using the quantitative convergent beam electron diffraction technique , the structure factors of nine symmetry inequivalent reflections , which are strongest according to the intensities of X-ray diffraction , are refined .

  27. 首先对光栅分光特性进行了研究,利用其衍射原理,使入射的不同波长激光出射后,被会聚到焦平面的CCD上不同的位置。

    The grating 's prismatic specialty is researched , and according to diffraction theory , the different incidence wavelength laser should be assembled at the corresponding place of line-CCD .

  28. PDCP(分组数据会聚协议)主要实现IP数据流的头压缩和解压缩。

    The Packet Data Convergence Protocol ( PDCP ) performs the functions of header compression and decompression of IP data streams .

  29. 定义了一种无线ATM空中接口信元格式,设计了无线ATM物理层中传输会聚子层信元保护域。

    A kind of wireless ATM air interface cell format was defined , and a cell protection field at transmission convergence sub layer of wireless physical layer was designed .

  30. GH302合金中C14型Laves相的会聚束电子衍射研究

    Convergent beam electron diffraction study of C14 type Laves phase in GH 302 alloy