
  • 网络Conference Interpreting;conference interpreter
  1. 国际会议翻译协会总部设在瑞士。

    International Association of Conference Translators , headquartered in Switzerland .

  2. 上周,AlexiaSloane在获得“最勇敢的孩子”称号后,她前往比利时布鲁塞尔,担任欧盟会议的翻译。

    Last week Alexia went to Brussels , Belgium , to translate a top European Union meeting after winning the'most courageous child'award at a local community event .

  3. 在此期间,会议的翻译们无所事事地坐在自己的位子上。

    Meanwhile the conference interpreters sat idle in their booths .

  4. 他做了朝美会议的翻译。

    He was the translator at Korean-American conference .

  5. 你可以负责的食物供给和准备,组织邻里相助会议,翻译等。

    You could be responsible for food supplies and preparation , organizing neighborhood watch meetings , interpreting , etc.

  6. 翻译文章、会议期间同期翻译。

    The written translation of files and oral translation of meetings .

  7. 协助精益生产项目成员在项目工作和会议中的翻译。

    To assist Change Agents in translation during project work and meetings .

  8. 论中医药国际会议文献英文翻译和审校

    English Translation and Proofreading of Literature in International Conferences on Traditional Chinese Medicine

  9. 必要时,接收方应在正式谈判场合和会议上提供翻译。

    If necessary the receiving side will ensure an interpreter for official negotiations and meetings .

  10. 医学,法律,会议和社区翻译文章,以及为他们服务的用户。

    Articles for Medical , Legal , Conference , and Community interpreters , as well as for users of their services .

  11. 翻译,如各种会议上的翻译,各种文件及邮件的中英互译等,保证信息交流的畅通。

    Translation , such as interpretation in each meeting , translation of all kinds of necessary documents and E-mails to ensure unblocked communication between both sides .

  12. 我在APEC大连会议做过兼职翻译。

    I worked as part-time interpreter for APEC conference in Dalian .

  13. 会议中我们的翻译员会全程翻译。

    Our interpreter will translate throughout the meeting .

  14. 本文以释意理论为指导,通过对近几年政府记者招待会中译员对汉语习语的翻译版本进行分析,以期从不同角度探讨汉语习语在会议口译中的翻译策略及具体处理方法。

    This thesis is going to discuss idiom-interpreting strategies by utilizing idiom translation from Chinese press conferences under the guidance of the Interpretative Theory .

  15. 近年来,国际性经济交流会议与论坛的不断增多,大大提高了对会议翻译的需求。

    In recent years , conference interpreters are in demand as the number of international economic forums and conferences increases .