
  • 网络The Mall;the National Mall
  1. 当导游在每个站点分享独特的史实时,您可以探索国家广场上的纪念碑和纪念馆。

    Explore the monuments and memorials on the National Mall as your guide shares unique facts and history at each stop .

  2. 当你骑到美国国会山和国家广场的遗址时,你要走近那里的历史遗迹和纪念碑看看。

    Get up close to the monuments and memorials as your bike the sites of Capitol Hill and the National Mall .

  3. 暴雨中,还是有外地游客在国家广场前留影。

    Rain showers did not deter tourists from taking in the sights of the National Mall .

  4. 1970年我骑自行车去参加国家广场的第一届地球日

    Now when I rode my bicycle to the first Earth Day on the National Mall in 1970

  5. 梵蒂冈城,又被称为教廷,比华盛顿哥伦比亚特区的国家广场还要小。

    Vatican City , which is also called The Holy See is smaller than the National Mall in Washington D.C.

  6. 首都华盛顿国家广场的一座纪念园就是为了表彰他为国家做出的贡献。

    Now a memorial on the National Mall in Washington will honor him for his contributions to his country .

  7. 梵蒂冈城,也被称为圣座,比国家广场和华盛顿特区还要小很多。

    Vatican city which is also called the Holy See , is smaller than a National Mall and Washington D.C.

  8. 数千人不畏风雨聚集在国家广场(家大草坪)悼念马丁路德金。

    Thousands braved the wind and rain to gather on the National Mall to pay tribute to Martin Luther King Jr.

  9. 在华盛顿的国家广场周围和市区各个区域有很多室外的纪念馆和纪念碑。

    BARBARA KLEIN : Washington has many outdoor memorials and monuments around the National Mall area and throughout the city .

  10. 而且很快我们的国家广场上就会出现一座马丁路德金纪念园。

    And that we are soon going to have a Martin Luther King Memorial here on our nation 's mall .

  11. 从法国的战场到华盛顿的国家广场,大理石战争纪念碑也通过同样的方法汲取力量。

    Marble war memorials , from the battlefields of France to the National Mall in Washington , draw power from the same thing .

  12. 直到几十年后,这座纪念碑才在伟大的国家广场占据了它应有的一席之地,让我们能够讲述美国的这段历程。

    It took many decades for this memorial to gain its rightful place on this great Mall where we tell our American story .

  13. 本周末,我们将在国家广场把时间留给美国标杆建筑--非洲裔美国人历史和文化国家博物馆

    This weekend , we 'll dedicate the newest American icon on our National Mall - the National Museum of African American History and Culture .

  14. 华盛顿特区的国家广场正在举行庆祝7月4日独立日的传统爱国庆典,百老汇明星凯莉·欧哈拉在今晚登台演出。

    On the National Mall in Washington D.C. , Broadway star Kelli O'hara takes the stage in this evening 's traditional patriotic extravaganza celebrating July , 4th underway right now .

  15. 在这里,对能源部门的国家广场显示屏显示的低能量家的关键组件,包括绝缘右边的一些不同类型。

    Here , a Department of Energy display on the National Mall shows some of the key components of a low-energy home , including the different types of insulation on the right .

  16. 在华盛顿,今年7月4日的夜晚并不特别适于燃放烟火,天空中飘着雨,雾气缭绕。如此一来,国家广场上的独立日烟火秀,对早早守在附近等着观赏的人而言,便不似以往那般精彩。

    It was not exactly a perfect night in Washington for Fourth of July fireworks this year , when fog and rain blanketed the sky and made the Independence Day show from the National Mall less impressive than usual to those who had staked out a spot nearby .

  17. 此次的活动中心将是五角大厦对岸的国家草地广场&由国会大厦延伸至波多马克河岸林肯纪念堂的一条公园绿地。

    The center of the event will be at the National Mall across the pentagon & a park lawn stretching from the Capitol Hill to the Lincoln Memorial on the Bank of the Potomac river .

  18. 国家博物馆大广场中庭烟气控制研究

    The study on smoke control in large atrium of national museum

  19. 这个字相当在讲西班牙语的国家中的广场。

    It was equivalent to the plaza of Spanish-speaking countries .

  20. 据中国日报报道,政府已经聘请“专家”编排了12支国家批准的广场舞。

    According to the China Daily , authorities have hired an " expert panel " to choreograph 12 state-approved square dances .