
zǐ jù
  • clause
子句 [zǐ jù]
  • (1) [clause]

  • (2) 从句的旧称(台、港仍沿用至今)。在某些语言(如英语)它是复合句的一个成分,自有其主语和谓语,尤指其功用同名词、形容词或副词者

  • (3) COBOL语言中一个语句的一部分,用以说明一基本项的结构,分别对独立的或成组的工作区暂存区给予初始值,或者重新定义由其他子句原来定义过的数据

子句[zǐ jù]
  1. 不能对工作区代理指定using子句。

    You may not specify a using clause against a workspace proxy .

  2. USING子句提供一种便利,用于声明名称空间的前缀。

    The USING clause is a convenience , used to declare prefixes for namespaces .

  3. 除列指定之外,外部表的创建还包含一个USING子句。

    Creation of external tables also includes a USING clause in addition to the column specification .

  4. 如果没有指定VALUE子句,则表示没有定义该项的初始值。

    If a VALUE clause is not specified , the initial value of the item is undefined .

  5. 分区键应该由常用于GROUPBY子句的列组成。

    The partitioning key should be made up of columns that often participate in a GROUP BY clause .

  6. 这些属性出现在SELECT子句和GROUPBY子句中。

    The attributes appear in both the SELECT clause and the GROUP BY clause .

  7. 从外部环境中导入的变量是在闭包函数定义的use子句中指定的。

    Variables to be imported from the outside environment are specified in the use clause of the closure function definition .

  8. 如果省略servicename子句,则路由的服务名称保持不变。

    If the service_name clause is omitted , the service name for the route is unchanged .

  9. select子句指定您要检索的列。

    The select clause specifies the columns you want to retrieve .

  10. 此外,还有注意like后缀;这是区分大小写的SQLLIKE子句。

    Also notice the like suffix ; this is a case-insensitive SQL LIKE clause .

  11. 凡是出现在查询列表中的没有应用分组函数的字段必须要出现在GROUPBY子句中,否则报错。

    All columns in the SELECT list that are not in group functions must be in the GROUP BY clause .

  12. 也可以将经常被访问的数据作为INCLUDE子句中的列包含在索引中。

    Frequently accessed data can also be included within an index as INCLUDED columns .

  13. 包单元'%s'不能出现在contains或uses子句中

    Package unit ' % s ' cannot appear In contains or uses clauses

  14. 正确的答案是使用:include子句的哈希语法。

    The correct answer is to use a hash syntax for the : include clause .

  15. 这使SELECT子句成为代码循环。

    This makes the SELECT clause a code loop .

  16. 还可在merge语句中using子句的内部使用视图。

    You can also use views inside the using clause of the merge statement .

  17. 这个错误消息指出EXTERNALNAME子句是一个格式无效的字符串。

    The error message says that the EXTERNAL NAME clause is not a valid formatted string .

  18. 涉及业务时间的时态查询也很容易编写,您仅需要在FROM子句中包含FORBUSINESSTIME。

    Temporal queries involving business time are also easy to write & and you need only include FOR BUSINESS_TIME in the FROM clause .

  19. 这个子句允许通过附加额外的列来扩展OLDTABLE或NEWTABLE过渡表。

    This clause allows you to extend the OLD TABLE or NEW TABLE transition tables by appending extra columns .

  20. 用return子句完成查询

    Completing a query with the return clause

  21. LOOP语句没有终止条件子句。

    The LOOP statement has no terminating condition clause .

  22. 星型数据库的事实表中join子句中的列

    Columns in the join clauses in fact table of star schema database

  23. WHERE子句基于资产名称联接临时和永久XML数据。

    The WHERE clause joins the transient and persistent XML data based on asset names .

  24. WHERE子句引入第二个变量concept并定义与图形匹配的三元组。

    The WHERE clause introduces a second variable , concept , and defines triples that are matched against the graph .

  25. 可在ORDERBY子句中使用伪列LEVEL按照搜索宽度优先顺序返回结果集。

    The pseudo column LEVEL can be used in the ORDER BY clause to return the result set in search breadth first sequence .

  26. 对于通过CONNECTBY子句的迭代生成的所有行,LEVEL增加1。

    For all rows produced by the iterations of the CONNECT BY clause LEVEL is raised by1 .

  27. 如果省略此子句,则会话将遵循名为default的约定。

    When this clause is omitted , the conversation follows the contract named default .

  28. 这种除GROUPBY子句外还要添加ORDERBY子句的需求是RANDOM选项中新增的功能。

    This requirement to add an ORDER BY clause in addition to the GROUP BY clause is new with the RANDOM option .

  29. INNERJOINvsFROM子句中串在一起并用逗号分隔的表

    INNER JOIN versus tables strung together in the FROM clause separated by commas


    Table data is partitioned as specified in the PARTITION BY clause of the CREATE TABLE statement .