
zhuǎn xiě
  • transfer;transmit
转写 [zhuǎn xiě]
  • [transmit] 常用于发表或传送更为无形的新闻条目的机构

  • 打字机甚至已经成为把诗歌写在纸上的直接手段

转写[zhuǎn xiě]
  1. 内蒙古大学蒙古学学院在建立500万词级《现代蒙古语文数据库》时,曾经采取从方正蒙古文编码文本到ASCII文本的转写措施,为语料库增添了许多内容。

    When build a 500 million words " modern Mongolian corpus database ", the Academy of Mongolian Studies of Inner Mongolia University have been using of the way of transfer the Fangzheng coded text to ASCII coded text to input many marks in the corpus .

  2. 为了研究教师的课堂言语,本人通过课堂录音和录像的方法,收集了11位初级阶段对外汉语教师,共1025分钟的课堂教学资料,并将其转写下来。

    Through the method of audio and video recordings classroom , collected 11 primary TCFL teachers , teaching material is 1025 minutes , and transfer .

  3. 原文的转写本早在1960年就可获取。

    The transcriptions of the text were available as early as 1960 .

  4. 所有电话交谈都将被录音并作全文转写。

    Every telephone conversation will be recorded and transcribed .

  5. 数据分析包括对所有访谈内容进行转写,翻译,标码,分类,最后归纳出X所采用的几种主要策略。

    Data analysis involved transcription , translation , coding , categorization , and summarization to see what different types of strategies X employed .

  6. 在分析过程中,作者将IRC语篇转写为文本格式,首先分析了其话题链以及邻近对的特征,得出IRC语篇意义上是连贯的,形式上是相对混杂的。

    In the analysis , the author first discusses the characteristics of topic chains and adjacency pairs in IRC discourse and finds that IRC discourse is chaotic in form but coherent in meaning .

  7. 近代朝鲜文献中的汉朝对音转写问题

    Problems on Transcription of the Chinese-Korean Transcription in Modern Korean Documents

  8. 浅谈维、哈族人名的罗马字母转写问题

    The Problems Concerning the Romanization of Uygur Names and Kazak Names

  9. 满文罗马转写与圈点满文转换算法的实现

    Realization of Language Interconversion Algorithm Between Roman-Manchu and Primitive Manchu

  10. 少数民族文字拉丁转写的意义与方案

    The significances and Schemes of Transliterating of Chinese Ethnic-Minority Characters into Latin

  11. 整个过程都被录音并且转写以供进一步分析研究。

    Their verbalizations were recorded and transcribed for further analysis .

  12. 蒙古语语料库中汉语人名地名的拉丁转写

    Chinese Name Place Name Latin Writes Revolution in Mongol Language Material Warehouse

  13. 访谈数据经录音并转写。

    Data from interviews were recorded and then transcribed .

  14. 统一拉丁转写方案;

    To standardize the scheme of Latin transliteration ;

  15. 同时进行录音,再将录音材料转写为文本,供分析使用。

    At the meantime , tapes are recorded and then transcribed for further analysis .

  16. 一套是用现代维吾尔文字来转写,另一套是用拉丁字母来转写。

    One used modern Uyghur language writing , another used the Latin alphabet for transliteration .

  17. 满文矢量字库和罗马转写满文输入法的实现

    Implementation of Vector Database of Original Manchu Characters and Manchu / Roman Characters Transform Inputting

  18. 研究对象的演说被录音,收集,之后转写成书面文字,以备做定量分析。

    Participants ' speeches were recorded , collected , and transcribed . Transcriptions were analyzed quantitatively .

  19. 辩论过程和访谈过程都进行了录音便于转写和分析。

    Both the debate session and the interview session were recorded for later transcription and analysis .

  20. 具体来说,是在对初级综合课进行课堂录像、语料转写和对比分析的基础上得出结论。

    Specifically , the conclusion is based on the classroom video , transcription and comparative analysis .

  21. 研究过程主要包括帖子收与筛选,数据转写与分析。

    Research procedure covers four steps of posting collection and selection , data transcription and analysis .

  22. 研究者对受试的口语产出进行了录音、录像,转写,标注和评分。

    The oral English output of the subjects was recorded , transcribed , annotated , and scored .

  23. 教师的课堂录音及访谈被转写出来以分析教师语码转换的顺应性及功能。

    The classroom recordings of the teachers ' talk are transcribed to examine adaptations and functions of code-switching .

  24. 第七章对汉语外词源的引进方式、转写方式、词义等方面的演变进行探讨,就外源词对汉语构词法产生的影响作出分析;

    In addition , it tries to trace the influence of foreign source words on Chinese word formation .

  25. 第二章介绍语料库建设情况,包括语料采集、录音转写、文本处理、分词校对四个方面。

    This chapter focuses on the language data collection , recording to writing , text processing , segmentation proofreading .

  26. 实验过程中,作者对课堂活动进行观察并对课堂话语完整录音,之后将录音转写成文字资料,并对6位教师进行了访谈。

    The author makes observations of the classroom activities and audio-recorded the classroom discourse . All the audio-recordings are transcribed .

  27. 对货物描绘的批注应写在理货单或大副收据上,然后转写到提单上。

    Relevant comments should be entered in either tally or mate 's receipts , and thereafter in bills of lading .

  28. 受访者可以使用中文或英文表达自己的思想,研究者对访谈过程进行了录音和文字转写,并据此进行了综合和分类。

    The interviewees could use either Chinese or English to express their ideas . The interviews were tape-recorded and transcribed later .

  29. 在具体的语境中,每个多音字的读音具有唯一性,根据这一特点,在字音转写过程中可以有效地区分多音字。

    In specific context , however , the pronunciation of polyphone is sole , which can be used to differentiate polyphones .

  30. 在此基础上,又对其进行了转写工作,从而获得了论文研究的大量数据。

    On the basis of that , transcribing the recordings and gain a great amount of data as the research subject .