
dōng jīng
  • Tokyo
东京 [dōng jīng]
  • [Tokyo] 日本首都。在关东平原南端东京湾北岸,人口1192.7万(1989)

东京[dōng jīng]
  1. 他于三月到东京进行了一次公务访问。

    He made an official visit to Tokyo in March .

  2. 我们将以东京为据点到各地旅行。

    We 're going to base ourselves in Tokyo and make trips from there .

  3. 明信片上盖着东京3月9日的邮戳。

    The card was postmarked Tokyo 9th March .

  4. 东京是主要的金融中心。

    Tokyo is a major financial centre .

  5. 商人不断涌进东京的一个主要火车站。

    Businessmen stream into one of Tokyo 's main train stations .

  6. 像《东京时报》之类的一些有名望的日报已经停刊了。

    Venerable dailies such as the Tokyo Times have shut down .

  7. 东京股价已连续第6天猛跌。

    In Tokyo share prices have plummeted for the sixth successive day

  8. 他出生在东京以北的山形县。

    He was born in Yamagata prefecture , north of Tokyo .

  9. 美元今天在东京继续保持强劲的走势。

    The US dollar continued its strong performance in Tokyo today

  10. 该书的精彩之处在于其对现今东京的描写。

    The book 's strength lay in its depiction of present-day Tokyo .

  11. 东京股市的股价今天继续暴跌。

    Share prices continued to tumble today on the Tokyo stock market .

  12. 东京股市涨落不定。

    The Tokyo stock market seesawed up and down .

  13. 在东京的某些地方是买不到鱼的。

    Fish was unobtainable in certain sections of Tokyo .

  14. 联合国秘书长抵达东京竭力为国际维和争取支持。

    The UN secretary-general arrived in Tokyo to drum up support for international peacekeeping

  15. 今天的颁奖典礼在英国驻东京大使馆举行。

    Today 's award ceremony took place at the British Embassy in Tokyo .

  16. 日本的明仁天皇已在东京登基。

    Emperor Akihito of Japan has been enthroned in Tokyo

  17. 东京今天美元收高。

    The US dollar closed higher in Tokyo today .

  18. 她在东京长大。

    She grew up in Tokyo .

  19. 这些炸弹只消一颗就能彻底毁灭像东京那么大的一座城市。

    Just one of these bombs could annihilate a city the size of Tokyo .

  20. 我在去纽约的途中在东京停了两天。

    On my way to New York , I stopped over in Tokyo for two days .

  21. 上月东京各种股票价格都大幅度上涨。

    All the stock prices jumped up in Tokyo last month .

  22. 他曾是法国驻东京大使。

    He was the France ambassador in / at tokyo .

  23. 我大约在2月的15号或18号到东京。

    I 'll be in Tokyo about the15 or18 of Feb.

  24. 这些书从阿姆斯特丹转寄到东京。

    The books were forwarded from Amsterdam to tokyo .

  25. 东京的部分地区总是挤满了成百上千的人,但是没有汽车!

    Parts of Tokyo are always crowded with hundreds of people — but no cars !

  26. 2016年里约奥运会双料冠军周霞开启东京卫冕征程,刘翠青则将参加100米、200米和400米T11级比赛。

    For Tokyo , Rio 2016 double champion Zhou Xia defends her titles , while Liu Cuiqing competes in the T11 100m , 200m and 400m .

  27. 东京所处的紧急状态将持续到9月12日。

    Tokyo is under a state of emergency through Sept. 12 .

  28. 来自160个国家和地区的约4400名运动员将参加东京残奥会。

    About 4400 athletes are expected from about 160 countries and territories .

  29. 东京2020网站上总共列出了42个场馆。

    There are total 42 venues listed on the Tokyo 2020 website .

  30. 8月24日开幕的东京残奥会将进行到9月5日。

    The Paralympics open Tuesday and run through Sept. 5 .