
dōnɡ hǎi àn
  • east coast
  1. 芬泽不是个普通的东海岸生意人。

    Finzer is not just any East Coast businessman

  2. 本世纪最恶劣的冬季暴风雪横扫北美东海岸。

    The worst winter storms of the century lashed the east coast of North America

  3. 他们住在东海岸。

    They live on the east coast .

  4. 舰队正在东海岸外演习。

    The fleet is manoeuvring off the East coast .

  5. 多年来海洋不断侵蚀英格兰的东海岸。

    The deep has been gaining on the east coast of England for many years .

  6. 当晚,飓风桑迪袭击了东海岸,罗克韦受到特别严重的袭击。

    That night , Hurricane Sandy attacked the East Coast , and Rockaway was hit especially hard .

  7. 我一直向东海岸走去。

    I made my way towards the east coast .

  8. 文章阐述了厦门岛东海岸区开发规划的战略环境评价(SEA)的基本原则与方法。

    This paper expound the basic principles and method of SEA on the developing planning of eastern coastal zone of Xiamen Island .

  9. 在东海岸,他们收购了纽约洛克菲勒中心(RockefellerCenter)。

    In the east , they snapped up New York 's Rockefeller Center .

  10. 阿奇玛•普赖斯(AkiimaPrice)从马里兰大学东海岸分校(UniversityofMarylandEasternShore)休学,去内华达州的学生环境保护协会(StudentConservationAssociation)工作了一段时间。

    Akiima Price took a break from the University of Maryland Eastern Shore to work with the Student Conservation Association in Nevada .

  11. DigitalFocus是一个在东海岸的公司,专注于敏捷软件开发和集成,他们坚信敏捷开发实践同样适用于SOA。

    Digital Focus , an east-coast firm specializing in Agile software development and integration , is convinced that Agile development practices are equally suited to implementing SOA .

  12. n.假期我们家将要在东海岸度个短假期。

    vacation My family is going to have a short vacation on the east coast .

  13. 就在一年前,飓风桑迪(HurricaneSandy)重创了美国东海岸。

    Just over a year ago , the east coast of the US was ravaged by Hurricane Sandy .

  14. 当你谈论美国时,你经常要用到地理名词thewestcoast/西海岸;theeastcoast/东海岸。

    When you talk about the USA , you often use the geographical terms the west coast / the west coast ; the east coast / the east coast .

  15. 在较小的研讨教室里,学员可以在Skype上与东海岸的学员或在海外工作的团队伙伴进行交流。

    In smaller seminar rooms , students can Skype their east coast counterparts or team members working overseas .

  16. 它与arrow合作创立了一家合资企业,并计划在位于昆士兰东海岸的柯蒂斯岛修建一座大型天然气液化工厂。

    It has a joint venture with arrow , and plans a big LNG liquefaction plant at Curtis Island , on the east coast of Queensland .

  17. 然后Evan和他的太太搬迁到靠近太太家庭的马里兰州的东海岸。

    Evan and his wife moved out to the Eastern Shore of Maryland to be closer to his wife 's family .

  18. 1980年12月,U2在美国东海岸进行了一次小规模的成功的巡回演出。

    In December of1980 , U2 embarked on a small , successful East Coast tour of America .

  19. 如今使用范围扩展到了中西部以及东海岸部分地区,可持续发展总监伊恩&12539;奥尔森(IanOlson)说。

    Now it is expanding into the Midwest and parts of the East Coast , says Ian Olson , director of sustainability .

  20. 赤道印度洋沿着非洲东海岸,SST的季节变化受季风带影响显著,但在赤道中东印度洋,SST的季节循环特征不明显。

    While the seasonal cycle of equatorial western Indian ocean is strongly affected by the monsoon , the seasonal variation of middle and eastern equatorial Indian Ocean is not apparent .

  21. 相比较而言,总部位于旧金山的富国银行(WellsFargo)的全年利润高于摩根大通,这是富国银行四年来首次超过其位于美国东海岸的竞争对手。

    It was outshone by Wells Fargo , the San Francisco-based lender , which reported higher full-year profits than its east coast rival for the first time in four years .

  22. 采用离岸800m高100m的气象铁塔观测所得的资料,利用粗糙度、阻力系数及幂指数公式,计算了辽东湾东海岸地区的粗糙度、阻力系数及风指数。

    The surface roughness , drag coefficient and wind index are calculated with the data obtained from tower-based sensors located about 800 m from the coast .

  23. 甘泉航空是由数名香港投资者创办的,其中李卓民牧师(ReverendRaymondLee)投入1亿美元启动资金,他在美国东海岸也拥有房地产业。

    Oasis was founded by several Hong Kong investors with starting capital of $ 100m led by Reverend Raymond Lee , who also has US east coast property interests .

  24. 而在过去的几天里,美国东海岸任何持有充满电的手机、iPad或笔记本电脑的人,都会遭到短信、推文和电子邮件的持续轰炸。

    Over the past few days , however , anybody on the east coast of America with a charged phone , iPad or laptop was continuously bombarded with texts , tweets and emails .

  25. 利用二维正压Princeton(POM)海洋模式模拟美国东海岸由表面风场产生的低频非潮汐水位变化特征。

    A two-dimensional barotropic version of the Princeton Ocean Model ( POM ) is employed to simulate wind-driven low-frequency subtidal water levels along the East Coast of the United States .

  26. 但使用Glassdoor来招聘的雇主同样也在东海岸寻找着合适的员工人选。

    But employers using Glassdoor to recruit are also hunting on the East Coast .

  27. 1985年9月27日,纽交所因受飓风格洛丽亚(Gloria)影响而关闭。格洛丽亚在东海岸造成了大约10亿美元的损失。

    It also was suspended on Sept. 27 , 1985 , due to Hurricane Gloria , which caused an estimated $ 1 billion in damage along the East Coast .

  28. 1853年,在淘金热的高潮,一个名叫利维·斯特劳斯(LeviStrauss)的巴伐利亚移民从纽约来到旧金山,想扩大他家族的东海岸公司(EastCoast)的纺织品生意。

    In 1853 , during the heart of the gold rush , a Bavarian é migr é named Levi Strauss arrived in San Francisco from New York , looking to expand his family 's East Coast dry-goods business .

  29. 关于高谭市的具体位置,一直存在争议,一种说法认为它位于东海岸,而另一种观点认为它坐落在中西部,靠近超人的故乡大都会(Metropolis)。

    The location of Gotham city has always been a bit hazy , sometimes it was depicted on the East Coast , and a few times it was located in the Midwest , near Superman 's hometown of Metropolis .

  30. 台湾东海岸受单一方向(NNE向)大断裂的控制,海岸线分维值接近于10。该项研究对加深海岸线分形机理的认识具有重要的意义。

    When it is controlled by only one fault or by faults in the same direction , the value of fractal dimension of the coastline would be close to 1.0 .