
  • 网络Dragon TV
  1. 据悉,美国流行乐组合后街男孩将参加辽宁卫视春晚的录制。而去年以一曲《江南Style》红遍全球的“鸟叔”也将亮相上海东方卫视春晚,“鸟叔”将在现场教林志玲跳“骑马舞”。

    such as the Backstreet Boys who will perform on China 's Liaoning Province Television 's Spring Festival Gala and " Gangnam Style " singer Psy , who is set for Shanghai 's Dragon TV 's Spring Festival Gala with Taiwanese supermodel Lin Chi-ling 。

  2. 据上月BBC报道《topgear》再次被中国上海东方卫视引进,他们用一个奥运会双项冠军,《中国偶像》主持人和一个流行歌手来代替大不列颠版的主持人JeremyClarkson,JamesMay和RichardHammond。

    Last month the BBC unveiled China 's take on Top Gear on national broadcaster Shanghai Dragon TV , featuring a double Olympic gold diving champion , the presenter of Chinese Idol and a pop star turned actor in place of British hostsJeremy Clarkson , James May and Richard Hammond .

  3. 本文选取东方卫视作为主要研究对象,这主要有以下两个方面的考虑。

    This has consideration of two following respects mainly .

  4. 现在该剧正在北京卫视和东方卫视首播。

    The show is currently aired by Beijing TV and Oriental TV during prime time .

  5. 2012年他被南方周末和东方卫视授予中国梦想践行家奖项。

    Cui was awarded the Chinese Dream Practitioner award in 2012 by the Southern Weekly and Shanghai 's Dragon Television .

  6. 第四部分通过分析品牌文化对频道塑造的启示,对东方卫视提出了一些建议和参考。

    Finally by exploring the inspiration of channel shaping with the brand culture , some suggestions and advisory opinions were proposed .

  7. 2012年他被南方周末和东方卫视授予“中国梦想践行家”奖项。

    Cui was awarded " the Chinese Dream Practitioner " award in 2012 by the Southern Weekly and Shanghai 's Dragon Television .

  8. 上海东方卫视于7月20日报道称上海福喜食品有限公司将过期变质肉类制作成快餐产品。

    Shanghai Dragon TV reported on July 20 that Shanghai Husi Food Co. was found processing old meat into fast food products .

  9. 东方卫视需要发掘上海全国金融中心的特殊地位、做出上海本地的特色,才能创出自己的品牌。

    Only by exploring the special status of national financial centre and keep the local features can Dragon TV make its own brand .

  10. 她是在12月份开始在电视上出现的,在与微软的协议中,东方卫视同意为小冰提供为期一年的实习。

    Xiaoice 's television appearances began in December , in a deal with Microsoft that Dragon TV called a one-year internship for Xiaoice .

  11. 据悉,这款聊天机器人有可能在东方卫视发挥更大的作用,比如担任新闻节目或娱乐脱口秀的评论员。

    The chatbot could get an expanded role on Dragon TV as a commentator on news features or on an entertainment talk show .

  12. 新郎刘琛和新娘朱丽萍是上海东方卫视迎世博家庭才艺类节目“全家都来赛”的热门选手。

    The bride and groom are popular contestants in " Come On , the Whole Family ," a popular Expo-themed talent show on Dragon TV .

  13. 当东方卫视的《看东方》节目需要插播天气预报时,主持人向观众介绍了小冰。她是一款计算机程序,可以用女性的声音播报天气。

    When the anchor on " Morning News " needs a weather report , he introduces Xiaoice , a computer program that delivers the forecast with a female voice .

  14. 东方卫视与刘伟达成了协议,他的表演将尽可能减至最少,因此他最近在国内不会有什么节目表演。

    Dragon TV and Liu Wei had reached an agreement that Liu 's performances would be limited so there might not be any concerts in China in the near future .

  15. 第二,东方卫视采取全新的营销和管理机制,频道运作比较符合市场化运作要求,因此具备了影响力提升原因分析的基础。

    Second , eastern guard regards to adopt the brand-new foundation that sale and management machine made , channel running accord with marketization running requirement relatively and have had influence promotion cause analysis therefore .

  16. 我们也希望与东方卫视的合作,能为您挖掘更多象罗师傅一样的优秀厨师,让您的生活丰富多彩。

    Through the collaboration with Dragon TV , we would like to add spice to your everyday life by introducing to you more seasoned Chefs , as creative and skillful as Chef Law Yip Lam .

  17. 第三部分是通过对东方卫视的两档品牌节目《东方夜新闻》和《加油!好男儿》做个案研究,分析其特色。

    The third part took two representative brand programs of Dragon TV , " Oriental Night News " and " Come on ! My Hero ", to carry on case studies and analyze its characteristics .

  18. 本文着眼于中国东部旗舰卫视品牌东方卫视,作为一个传统媒体品牌的实践之路,它在接下来的发展中将如何寻找到向深度发展的品牌竞争策略。

    This article focuses on the Chinese Eastern flagship TV brand Oriental TV , as a regional brand road of practice , it in the following development , how to develop to deepness of brand competition strategy .