
  • 网络Northeast Passage
  1. 两艘德国商船试图在俄罗斯北部的北极水域完成首次商业航行。该航道被称为“东北航道”。

    Two German merchant ships are attempting the first commercial voyage through the Arctic waters of Northern Russia , a route known as the Northeast Passage .

  2. 但一如横穿加拿大北部冰冷水域,世人期待已久的西北航道(NorthwestPassage)对于船舶,特别是那些缺乏没有使用防冰增强和加固船体的船舶来说,东北航道依然是一个暗藏杀机的凶险地带。

    But the Northeast passage , like the long-sought northwest passage across the icy waters north of Canada , remains a treacherous place for ships to operate , especially those lacking ice-hardened , reinforced hulls .

  3. 由于北美的东北区域处在河流航道交汇的地带,水上运输像独木舟这样的船运就显得尤为重要。

    Since the northeastern region of North American is interconnected by many streams and waterways , water transportation by vessels like a canoe was most essential .