
  • 网络Pelliot;Paul Pelliot;Pelliot,Paul
  1. 不久之后,伯希和以更低的价格带走了另一批书卷,送到巴黎的吉美艺术博物馆(MuséeGuimet)。

    A little later , Pelliot took another substantial haul of scrolls for the Mus é e Guimet in Paris , and paid even less .

  2. 伯希和是一个独来独往的人和学者,他未曾创造一个学派,没有一个他自己的学术机构,身边也没有一群崇拜他和为他提供帮助的学生。

    Pelliot was a solitary man and scholar , he created no school , had no institute of his own , and was not sur-rounded with an adoring and helpful group of students .

  3. 但到了近现代,这些艺术品却遭遇来自多方面的威胁:沙尘暴、雨水、当地盗墓者和前来捋掠的国外考古学家(包括斯坦因和伯希和),以及曾经住在这些洞窟里的白俄罗斯士兵。

    But the modern era 's threats to the art have been legion : sandstorms , rainwater , local tomb raiders , plundering foreign archaeologists ( Messrs. Stein and Pelliot among them ) , and White Russian soldiers who once lived in the grottoes .