
fāng zhì
  • local records;local chronicles
方志 [fāng zhì]
  • [local chronicles;local records] 记述地方情况的史志。有全国性的总志和地方性的州郡府县制两类。总志如《山海经》、《大清一统志》。以省为单位的方志称通志,如《山西通志》,元以后著名的乡镇、寺观、山川也多有志,如《南浔志》、《灵隐寺志》。方志分门别类,取材宏富,是研究历史及历史地理的重要资料

方志[fāng zhì]
  1. 方志比较研究是认识方志地位、价值的一种重要方法。

    A comparative study of local records is an important method to understand the local records'status and value .

  2. 关于方志中历史地震研究的若干问题

    Some problems about historical earthquake study from local records

  3. 方志文献资源开发利用探索

    The Development and Exploitation of the Resource of Local Record Literature

  4. 常熟数字方志全文检索数据库系统项目研究报告

    " Changshu Local Record Full-Text Retrieval System " Research Briefing

  5. 他对方志的研究,也是对国史研究的补充。

    His chronicles of study is added to history research .

  6. 中国电影方志研究&探寻中国电影史研究的新视点

    The Local History of Chinese Film : A New Perspective

  7. 这是一部记载东北黑龙江地区的著名方志。

    This is a record in northeastern Heilongjiang famous Issue .

  8. 陈楚文化体系中的方志资源及其利用

    The local records and its uses on Chen-Chu civilization

  9. 方志史料与中国近现代史研究

    Historical Materials of Local Records and Research of History of Chinese Modern Times

  10. 云南方志的价值及其开发利用

    On the Value and Utilization of Yunnan Local Historiography

  11. 同时,查阅了相关的谱牒、方志、碑记等文献档案资料。

    At the same time refers related chorography , inscription and other records .

  12. 整理和使用方志资料,是我国历史上的一个优良传统。

    Collecting and using Local Chronicles is a good Chinese tradition in history .

  13. 方志及其在历史研究中的作用

    Local Records and Their Roles in Historical Research

  14. 建设数字方志传承华夏文明

    Developing Digital Local Chronicles and Inheriting Chinese Civilization

  15. 编制方志索引刍议

    Discuss on Compiling Index of Local Chronicles

  16. 方志索引的编制始于上个世纪30年代。

    The compilation of index of local chronicles started from 30 's of last century .

  17. 方志和区域研究

    Local records and regional researches in China

  18. 徽州家谱的纂修与该区域方志、文书等地方文献之间内在联系密切。

    The compilation of Huizhou genealogy has a close intrinsic link with many Local Documents .

  19. 此墓志的发现可补方志之不足,对地方名人的研究具有重要意义。

    The discover of the tomb has great significance by filling the deficiency of local books .

  20. 一切都在游戏中已建立的基础上存档照片及其他方志。

    Everything in the game was created on the basis of archive photos and other chronicles .

  21. 南诏、大理国对云南怒江流域的经略民国时期云南怒江地区的三部方志

    Three Local Chronicles of the Nujiang Region , Yunnan Province , in the Republic of China

  22. 谁的叙述:明代方志地图绘制人员身份初考

    Whose Narration : A Study of Cartographers ' Status in Local Chronicles of the Ming Dynasty

  23. 地理沿革在方志中的地位&论章、戴之争

    The Position of Geography Evolution in Local Chronicales & The Debate Between ZHANG Xue-cheng and DAI Zhen

  24. 家谱和方志在编纂理论上具有互补性,在编修实践上又具有互动性。

    Genealogy and Local have complementary relation in the compilation theory and interactive relationship in compilation practice .

  25. 方志的美学归属应为社会美与自然美的统一;

    The aesthetic ownship of local records should be the integration of social beauty and natural beauty .

  26. 中国帝王成了推动中国方志文体发展的最强大力量。

    China 's emperors became the major force that pushed the style of China 's local records forward .

  27. 且对其中的方志洪水资料年代记载的讹误进行考辨,以期还历史以本来面目;

    And then , examine and correct year errors about the se floodwater historical materials in local records .

  28. 民国时期云南怒江地区的三部方志

    The three of local records of Nujiang area of Yunnan Province during the Period of the Republic of China

  29. 借助清代广东方志,对其梁津部分桥梁资料的初步检索和阐释。

    With the Chorography of Canton , the paper makes primary searches and explanations about some bridges information in Liangjin .

  30. 与现代地图的精确程度相比,大部分方志中的地图没有科学性可言。

    Compared with the accurate degree of maps in modern times , most maps have no scientificity in the chorography .